summary: conversations between jazz and barricade

disclaimer: barricade is probably very happy to know i don't own transformers and have no official ability to influence his life

warning: none

Conversation 1 -- appearances

"C'mon 'Cade. It won't hurt y' a bit. What about silver?"


"What's wrong with silver? I like silver."

"I don't care."

"You're pretty conspicous as you are. You could at least change the decals -- they're so not kosher."


"I could change 'em for you."

"Do so and I will find a way to kill you. Again."

"Well fine'den. But no callin' th'other 'Cons."

"What does one have to do with the other?"

"Nothin'. But it's m'price. S'long as y'don't go an' rejoin the Decepticons, I won't mess with your decals. Just 'cause I might tolerate lookin' like a 'Con, don't make us one."

"Starscream's an overly emotional fool."

"Knew you'd see it my way 'Cade."

Conversation 2 -- Music

"Stop that infernal racket."

"Wha's wrong 'Cade?"

"You. That noise you are making is interrupting my recharge cycle."

"'M bored, 'Cade, this place is too quiet. F'once I didn't mean to be annoyin'."

"I don't care. Just cease."

"C'n I play the radio while y' recharge?"

"Will you cease your humming?"


"Quietly then."

Conversation 3 -- Behavior

"I mean it. No humans."

"But 'Cade..."


"I like them."

"I don't."

"Ain't that the truth."

"If I wake from recharge on more time to find you assisting some squishy waif..."

"I'm jus' tryin' t' balance those wrecks y' cause durin' the day."

"And if I stop?"

"I'll be a bit bored, but I gues I could stop adoptin' the poor things."


note: so who want's a plot bunny? he won't eat much, i promise.