I decided to rewrite my story, Daughter of a Jedi. I think that the first couple of chapters were painfully bland, and that turned many people off... so one night I couldn't sleep, so I rewrote what I had published so far. And (in my opinion) it turned out to be better then it was before.

And Ari herself was painfully bland, and it annoyed me how none of my characters had any personality. So, anyways, I'm working to change it. Enjoy!

Disclaimer: Any recognizable characters are, unfortunately, not mine. I can only boast that I own both Ari and Egan... but, sadly, no one else.

Trial By Error

Chapter 1

Jedi Master Mace Windu watched the Lightsaber competition from his seat next to Master Yoda. First the youngest children went, though they weren't particularly interesting matches. Then, age groups inclined progressively.

It was then announced that the twelve and up group was next. Padawan-less Masters sat a little straighter. This was the group that most Masters would be looking at. And all the children were sure to put on a spectacular performance, wanting to impress the Masters.

The first match began. A boy and a girl battled, the boy winning, but not by much. The girl looked a little disappointed – who couldn't be? - but held her head high as she walked out of the arena.

The next match was better then the first. Both boys were evenly matched and had a fair fight, the second only winning when the first grew tired and made a careless mistake.

The next match was the one Mace Windu wanted to see the most out of this age group. It was a boy against a girl, Ari.


A small girl, no older then two, looked up at Mace with wide, trusting, green eyes. He stooped down on one knee so he matched her height. She grasped her caretaker's skirt with one hand, and in the other, she held a small, hand-sewn doll.

"Hello," he greeted the child and the woman she stood next to. "My name is Master Windu. I'm here to take Ari to the temple and to her father." He spoke kindly.

Of the words he had spoken, one registered greater than the others. "Daddy?" she asked, blinking.

Mace Windu nodded. "Yes, he is at the temple."

The girl looked up at her caretaker. The woman nodded, prying the child's hand off her skirt. "Go with this kind man, child. You will be able to see your Daddy," she said, giving the small girl a slight push towards the man.

The girl hesitated before taking the large brown hand in her own. "Okay," she replied simply, looking at him.

"One thing," the woman said, stopping the girl. The girl turned expectantly. "Be safe." The woman whispered, holding back tears. "Dear little Ari, be safe." Ari nodded, letting go of Mace's hand to hug the woman's knee. She turned back to Mace, putting her small hand once again in his rough one.

The small girl looked back only once, waving with her doll to the woman who had raised her. Ari turned back to the ship, and bravely entered it, trusting the man to take her to where her father was.

-End Flashback-

Ari had changed a lot since then. She, of course, had gotten taller, her brown hair was cut short into a bob, and she wielded her lightsaber well for someone her age.

But Mace worried for her. Not many Master's would want to take her as a Padawan. She was the daughter of Master Qui-Gon Jinn. Though he was famous for his skill and defiance of the counsel, Jedi were forbidden to have attachments. Ari was the product of a secret love affair between him and Knight Tahl, who was now dead.

Not many Masters would want her as a Padawan. Most viewed her as a mistake, and not someone worthy of becoming a Jedi.

Qui-Gon would have gladly taken her as an apprentice, but he already had a fifteen-year-old apprentice, Egan. Qui-Gon's previous Padawan, Obi-Wan, was currently away on a mission, but it was rumored he was thinking about taking on a Padawan.

Mace stared as the two lightsabers clashed. Ari's yellow blade against that of her opponent's blue blade, creating the illusion of green.

A couple of minutes into the match, Ari was victorious. Though she had been the quickest to win, it had not changed the opinions of the other Masters.

Five more matches came and went, and then it was the finals. Ari, having won both of hers, was up against the other finalist.

The two Padawan-hopefuls circled each other, waiting for the other to strike. Her opponent got tired of waiting and struck first, only to be blocked by Ari. They exchanged many blows, neither gaining the upper hand.

Mace's eyes began to travel through the spectators. He noticed quite a few Master's there, along with Qui-Gon.

A shout of frustration brought Mace's attention back to the fight. Ari had gotten through her opponent's defenses.

Ari won the match, but still, Mace could sense no sudden feelings through any of the Masters that they were even considering taking Ari on. Some already had their hearts set on a Padawan, others would wait for a while.

The tournament then went on to Padawans, Qui-Gon's Padawan, Egan, placed rather high, though not at the top. The Senior Padawans were after, and though those were the best, they went quickly since most of them were off-world on missions with their Masters.

When the tournament was over, the Masters stood up, and Mace, like everyone else, filed out of the arena.

Ari was pleased with herself. Hopefully her performance had convinced some of the Master's to consider her as their Padawan. She knew her background, and therefore, knew that her hope was unlikely.

She would turn thirteen in a little under a fortnight, and she dreaded it. If no Master chose her, then she would be sent to AgriCorps, or someplace far worse. That would be so disappointing.

Ari lay down on her sleep couch. Thankfully, she was able to sleep, though it had begun to rain outside.

-Dream Sequence-

She was running from a billowing cloud of… darkness. Her legs felt like lead, though she knew she had to get away from the cloud before it reached her.

There was nothing she could do. Soon, it enveloped her, and she saw nothing but blackness. Then suddenly, her father was in front of her. "Father!" she said, trying to run towards him. But his lightsaber was drawn.

And pointed At Ari.

She recoiled at the look of fury and disgust written upon his face. Snarling, he swung his lightsaber. Ari ducked out of the way, feeling tears running down her cheeks. "Father? What's going on?" she cried.

He said nothing, but swung at her with all his might with the lethal sword. She cried out as it burned her arm.

She was against a cliff, not able to back up any further. She knew she had to defend herself somehow. She reached for her lightsaber, not wanting to hurt the one man who she was really able to connect to. The man who she owed her very existence. He swung again for the killing blow. Ari knew it would reach it's mark, but she was able to get her blade up in time.

Her red blade.

-End Dream Sequence-

Ari jolted awake, breathing hard, the dream still playing across her consciousness. Rubbing the sweat from her eyes, she got up and went into the 'freshener.

While in there, she splashed cool water on her face and looked in the mirror.

Dark circles hung heavy below her eyes. She wanted nothing more then to go to sleep, but her brain wouldn't let her. It was on hyper drive.

Instead, she sneaked into the hall, and took a walk. The hallways were dark and she met no one, but it gave her an eerie sense of peace and tranquility. She didn't pay any attention to where she was going, and found herself in the Room of a Thousand Fountains.

There she sat down and began meditating, pondering nothing, and releasing what panic she had felt from her dream into the force.

Something touched on the edge of her mind, bringing her out of her meditation. Jedi Knight Obi-Wan Kenobi stood there.

"I apologize for disturbing you, may I join you?" Obi-Wan spoke through the silence.

"It's okay," she said, dipping her head in respect. "You may."

"Thank you," he said. "You couldn't sleep either?"

Ari couldn't decided whether or not to tell him of her nightmares. He might be able to offer advice – he was her Father's Padawan, after all – but she hardly knew him. They were on friendly terms, but Ari rarely spoke with him.

"Yes," she said. "I haven't seen you around the temple much. Have you been away long?"

The twenty-six year old sat down across from Ari. "Yes. I was on a mission in the Alderaan system for almost two months now. I returned an hour ago. It was a shame I couldn't see the sparring tournament, though, I heard you won." He said, smiling.

Ari nodded. "Yes."

"That's really good. Master Qui-Gon must have been proud."

Ari nodded again. "He was, though I only got to talk to him for a few minutes."

They continued to talk until rays of sunlight began to creep through the tall buildings and into the temple.

"I better be getting back to my room," Ari said, standing up.

"Yes, it was nice talking with you, Ari. Goodnight, erm, well, morning, actually."

Ari laughed. "Yes. Good Morning to you as well."

With a quick smile, she turned and disappeared through the halls.

Well... that went better then I planned.

Although, it seemed to me, that it seemed Obi-Wan and Ari were flirting. This, I swear, was unintentional. I would never in a million years make an Obi-Wan pairing. Just... idk... I like him too much to make him like someone...

An anyways. They're thirteen years apart. Ew.

I hope some people will like this new version better... for everyone else, goodnight!