A/N: I want to apologize profusely and hope that you dear readers understand. I know there are no excuses but I've been racked with homework and essays and holidays. Everything just pilled high and I had no time to post this.

But, I can say that I am done with my college essays and applications so updates should be considerably quicker. Hope you enjoy and I sort of made Lurlinemas equivalent to our Christmas and tweaked a few things. Hope you enjoy!!

Pacing back and forth along the shabby room in the filthy Inn, Frex was frantically trying to come up with a plan. A plan to find his wife and 'daughter.' That retched bitch was probably whoring around in the dumps of the dirtiest village far from here. He was angry. Furious even.

Years ago, Frex would have thought the concept of anger to be foreign and irrelevant. Yet that green vegetable had to come and ruin his life; his career. Her and that whore of a wife. He actually liked her. Not like the various women that lay in his bed every night now. Tonight was some random girl from the club down the street, which he could not recall her name. Oh, well. He sighed. She would be gone before sunrise, anyway.

Now, what to do.He'd tried various plans already. He searched all of Munchkinland; using his connections with various ministers and priests to locate a peculiar sight of a single mother with a green child. No such luck. It had taken years to get nowhere. And now he was furious.

Quickly, he sat down and took out some loose parchment from the draw and wrote a letter to a family in the Gillikin which he new to be quite powerful and rich. He had met Athena Upland years before during his term at the university in which he took classes on his father's insistence. Her husband was in league with the most powerful political leaders and religious affiliates best known in all of Oz. Surely they would help him in the small matter of finding his missing wife and child.

My Dearest Athena and Geraldo Upland,

It has been quite sometime since the last we have spoken and I apologize profusely for having lost touch. Lately, I have been pondering a move to Gillikin and would like a small favor from my old university friends. I hope you can forgive my past grievances and we can start anew. In the past few years I have became a Unionist minister and taken a wife and bore a daughter. It is with deep sadness and regret that the joyous announcement of my dear daughter's birth is anything but joyous. Merely a few days after her birth (four years ago) my wife, having psychological issues, took off with my poor, innocent child. It is with a heavy heart that I ask for your help in locating my daughter to bring her back into my arms where she will be safe and out of harms way. When possible, we should meet to discuss a rescue plan.

I expect to hear from you soon. I wish happiness to you and your family around the holidays.

Your Friend,


"Yes." Frex laughed evilly as he set his pen down. "That will do very nicely." He cackled loudly and set about to mail the letter that afternoon. He was anxious for a reply already. He was one step closer to getting his daughter back and undoing all the sin and evil she created.


The holidays were in full swing in Kiamo Ko. Decorations for Lurlinemas were being put up by the insistence of Celia. The king seemed to walk about the castle in a constant sour mood and every time Celia saw her husband scowl she could not help but smile. He was being so stubborn.

"What has him so upset?" Melena asked one morning, barely a week before Lurlinemas.

"He detests the holidays. His family was never one to celebrate and he was adamant that we continue the non-tradition. But I was determined to give my family the best holiday. Fiyero deserves as much." Celia explained as she was helping Melena clothe the children.

The morning sun was already high in the sky as the children raced down the steps for breakfast. Their short little legs carrying them much faster down the steps in front of their mothers.

"I know that if he opens up his mind to it, the holidays would be a much better experience for everyone involved." Melena nodded her head in agreement.

The next week was spent running around the castle trying to set up for the Lurlinemas feast that was to take place on the eve of the holiday. Servants were cleaning every inch of the castle and preparing the guestrooms for some of the families that would join in on the celebrations.

"How many families will be joining us?" Melena asked as she was changing that sheets in a guest room on the second floor.

"About 4 families. Each have children, of course. Ayden insists on inviting families who share our political and personal views. Most are families we've met while on business in the Emerald City."

Just then, Fiyero ran to the room, his small arms waiving frantically, "Mommy! Elphie was being mean!" Then a little green blur ran behind him and pushed him. She looked defiantly at her mother and at the Queen; her arms crossed over her chest.

"No I was not." She looked so adult-like in her manner that you would not know that she was only 4 years old. Melena and Celia shared a secret smile and then the Queen turned to the children.

"Now, Elphaba, you do not push Fiyero. You apologize to him right now." She turned stubbornly to Yero and squeaked out an 'I'm sorry.' "Then you will both sit down and tell me what happened."

The children were constantly getting into arguments over such trivial things that Melena had to chalk it up to their differences in personality. They balanced each other out so well. Elphaba's bad temper and stubbornness was a contrast to Fiyero's patience and free spirited nature. And for once, Melena was glad that Fiyero could help her daughter smile.


Two days before Lurlinemas brought the visiting families to the castle without interruption. They servants were told to do as asked and make sure they looked presentable. Melena, as well as a few of the maids, was in charge of any young children that were to be in the castle.

The first family to arrive was the Uplands from the Gillikin. Athena and Geraldo were a very pleasant couple who had an adorable 4 year old; Galinda, with bright, shinny blonde curls and a perfect white dress and matching shoes. She was a very adorable little girl.

Melena watched carefully Elphaba's interaction with the other children. She wanted to make sure no one was mean to her because of her skin.

"Why are you green?" The little blonde asked Elphaba, who was sitting by Fiyero playing with the blocks. Galinda was staring at her, entranced by her soft emerald color and how Fiyero contrasted her green skin perfectly with his darker complexion. Their skin tones reminded Galinda of the colors of the rainforest. Elphaba just shrugged her shoulders.

"I don't know. I just am." She looked disinterested in the blonde and turned to Fiyero. "Can we go play outside now?" Fiyero nodded his head excitedly. Little Galinda stood up to follow and join in their games.

Melena shook her head in mirth and was satisfied that Elphaba could handle herself in these types of situations.


At the dinner table later that night, Athena and Geraldo spoke of their endeavors in the Emerald City and their palace in the Upper Uplands of Gillikin. They spoke of mutual friends and their family.

"Yes. Our little Galinda is shaping up to be a beautiful young girl. She looks just like her momsie." Geraldo commented when Celia mentioned their daughter. They were very proud of her.

"Ayden, you remember Frexspar don't you?" Melena's head snapped up instantly. Frexspar was not a very common name anywhere; they could only be speaking of him. The king shook his head. "The Unionist Minister?" This only confirmed Melena's fear. She dropped her fork noisily on her plate and quickly apologized, wishing for Geraldo to continue his conversation.

"Ah, yes. The Minister from Munchkinland. I remember him now. What of him?" He asked offhandedly; not really interested. Melena had her eyes fixed on the plate in front of her but her attention was entirely focused on the conversation.

"He is moving to Gillikin soon. Wishing to spread his ministries farther north." Ayden nodded his head, impressed. "He's married, you know. And he has a child, too." Again, Ayden nodded, silently wondering where any of this was going. Geraldo leaned across the table. At this point Melena was practically jumping out of her seat in anxiety. "He says his wife up and left with their daughter. He's been trying to find them for years now…. He's asking me for help."

At this Ayden looked up at Geraldo, surprised. "He's asking you for help? After that embarrassing fiasco years ago in the Emerald City?" Geraldo merely nodded in amusement. "He has some nerve to even write to you."

"My thoughts exactly."

Melena relaxed considerably in her seat. Anxiety was racking her nerves and she had grown pale at the thought of being caught. At least she knew that she could trust the Uplands and maybe Lurlinemas this year would be a joyous occasion. But there was a part of her mind that still knew Frex was a real threat to her and Elphaba, no matter how isolated they were.