Reviews for A Mother's Love
Gotham317 chapter 5 . 4/22
When will Nessarose come into the story? I want to see what it'd be like growing up with big sister Elphaba in a good environment. And I hope Frexspar does not hurt Elphaba, or else Melena will give him a piece of her mind.
imbloodylondonmate chapter 5 . 7/9/2015
Wow. Frex is EVIL!
EmeraldAngelofDarkness chapter 5 . 6/25/2015
Oh NO! update soon
Maleficent-darkgoodwitch2416 chapter 5 . 6/9/2012
What was the big fiasco? And how much trouble did Frex end up in?
Elizabeth chapter 5 . 3/7/2009
u havent updated in a year! Please update!
Silvine Fae Graycin chapter 5 . 3/6/2008
so far I like it. I had an idea like this, except mine is musical verse. and I haven't yet planned it out. anyway, I hope you eventually update this, though you haven't updated in a while.
Nessie's bff chapter 5 . 2/23/2008
LostOzian chapter 5 . 1/8/2008
The children are divine, honestly. I can see toddler!Fiyero getting all upset over being pushed and toddler!Elphie denying it like an adult. And a four-year-old Galinda is adorable. Honestly. Tad shallow, but adorable.

*omo foreshadowing frexspar baad...* :) I think Melena's going to be on edge for quite some time, but I'm just thankful Frex already kind-of-sort-of used his favor already. Otherwise the story would be half-over already. This is a great story; getting into college is more important, but update when you can! -LostOzian
abookwillchangeurlife chapter 5 . 1/7/2008
Oh man whats going to happen with Frex? This story is really interesting I cant wait for more!
WritesBeneathMoonlight chapter 5 . 1/7/2008
((on edge of my seat)) I'm officially watching this story like a hawk.
Carrie chapter 4 . 12/30/2007
You should update. I would love to see where you take this story! It's got a lot of potential.
LostOzian chapter 4 . 12/13/2007
Nice chapter! I love the Baby!Fiyeraba. It kind of makes Teen/Adult!Fiyeraba seem a lot cooler because there was underlying attraction since birth, essentially. Soul mates.

I'm going to have to warn you after seeing the author's note, don't go too fast. I've seen several incredibly interesting and original plotlines like this one is botched because the author decided to move things along too fast. There are still several things that can happen before Yero hits ten (Elphie'd be nine... He's older than her... sorry, ADD) Oz is still filled with mean people; imagine the royal family having to go somewhere, and asking Melena and Elphaba to come too so Fiyero doesn't get into trouble, and the people wherever they're going would be small-minded and evil, and Elphaba has to learn that she technically has something wrong with her.

Also, four years is enough time for Frex to gather the resources to chase Melena, and Elphaba would have exposure to how mean her supposed father is. Big family angst, maybe Baby Yero gets yelled at by Frex for being so close to Elphaba, lots of evil. Tamir also might feel a little put out, like Hurricane Frex showed him that Melena was technically married and ran away, which makes grounds for suspicion. I do like the introduction of an OC romantic interest, it adds to how Melena is settling in.

Long review. Just make sure you don't really RUSH it. Elphaba and Fiyero will get too old too soon; it's okay to have a Melena-centric fic for a while. She's one of Maguire's. -LostOzian
Kennedy Leigh Morgan chapter 4 . 12/12/2007
This continues to rock muchly. I like that you're fleshing out the character of Melena, that's a lot of fun to see, as is the baby Fiyeraba. (You write the kids perfectly by the way, they remind me of my cousins and little siblings). Keep the updates comin'!
WritesBeneathMoonlight chapter 4 . 12/12/2007
Aw...Too cute! :D I'm getting really excited to see where you're gonna take this! Keep up the good work! :)
BlissfullySortOfAnonymous chapter 3 . 12/7/2007
this is great! it's a nice new storyline that i don't think i've seen before, and i think it will work really well.
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