Each chapter is an entry after Sasuke reveals his true colors to only himself…
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I find that I reward myself with the beauty of a crimson sea pouring onto the pale flesh that was once innocent. Oh, how I despise innocence and purity. How everyone sees me as a lost innocent soul and that I can be relieved of my problems. The judgments of virginity are what make my reward more worthwhile. Perfection is nothing achieved no matter how hard you try, so why bother? The only perfection I enjoy is how intricate can I lace my skin? How complex can it get till I'm lost in this sea that overbears and trickles until split further. I am Moses parting the red sea… it pours out, the beautiful ruby seen slowly but surely. I love the compensation of ruby… it is a pleasurable exhibit, currently being perfected until the display date…
'Damn you…'