Author's Notes: Okay I'm really working to get things turned out. Just a small note gonna turn out updates on AAPR until I'm caught up since a lot of the plots of the Chuunin exams remain the same and need to match up nicely as I update. You will see what I have planned over the course of the story, oh yes. And I will also tweak some earlier chapters to make more sense. Also the explanation of the Seijuu will come soon, it will make sense, besides it was the only way to keep Rekka a Jinchuuriki without butchering the canon which has some merits. I will also say, Seijuu are not as strong as the Bijuu, they are considered inferior to the bijuu.

A pair of orange eyes pierced through the darkness of a room as he looked at the sorry condition Zabuza and Koujiro returned in. "…Pathetic. You are supposed to be two of the most feared men in the Ninja World. Disabled by an Uchiha who hates his Dojutsu, and busted open by a mere girl who can't be older than twenty-three!! You call yourselves Shinobi?!" exclaimed the orange eyed figure as he leaned forward revealing his face into the light. The streaks of crimson going down his cheeks, a red marking on his forehead, the three pony tails draped across his shoulders, the black kosode with the hooked the symbol of the Satsujin Clan embroidered on the chest.

"If we don't stop the Bridge Builder…" interjected Gatou as he walked into the room as the dark haired figure stared at the Yakuza with contempt.

"You will be quiet. You're petty little schemes are not important. The Palace Guardians have hidden something in this region, and Orochimaru-sama wants it." he responded shifting his eyes to the short gangster, the whites of his eyes gradually blackening as he sent more chakra to the Narakagan.

"Or what? I'm not afraid of you. I have my own personal army…why should I fear a ninja who hides in the shadows." responded Gatou as he looked unafraid of the seated shinobi feeling quite confident with his three henchmen at his side walking towards Zabuza, he looked at him with contempt. He pulled on the grip of his cane revealing a sword, he quickly placed it to the Swordsman's neck as if he felt it his place to play judge.

As he did this the head of a spear was placed to his neck, as well as clawed fingers found themselves inches from his eyes, also the Oinin moved behind him, holding a senbon a mere inch away from the base of his spine. The three girls were making it clear that Zabuza was not to be harmed, in any way, shape, or form.

"You will not harm Zabuza-sama!!!" shouted the masked girl as she held her needle dangerously close to the gangster's spine, she was protective of the man who had saved her from destitution. The Gangster lost control of his bladder at this moment being so close to death, his body twitched in fear causing him to drop his sword to the ground.

"Gatou…let me remind you why you listen to me…Genjutsu: Ochido no Himei (Genjutsu: Screams of Guilt)…" he said as he looked directly at one of Gatou's henchmen, as soon as he did the mercenary backed away into a wall.

"No!! I killed you!!! You can't be here!!!" screamed the man as he continued to back away, he screamed out in a primal manner as he quickly pulled his blade from his side and committed suicide unleashing his blood as he committed seppuku.

"Remember Gatou. I can make your fears manifest and drive you to kill yourself just like that man there." coldly the black clad man spoke as he leaned back in his seat looking at the gangster in annoyance. He leaned back in his chair returning to the shadows which felt more organic to him than anything. The crime boss nodded his head and moved carefully to get out the door, he didn't like the environment any longer.

"I had things under control, until Sharkboy's pet shot me full of needles to make me look dead! I was about to-!" explained the scarred shinobi as he sat up, his face still bleeding some from the dual knee strike, he was suddenly cut off as the masked girl spoke up.

"Would have ended up dead, is the end of that sentence. If that giant shinobi, with the Kanabo could break one of my ice barriers, he would have crushed you to a pulp!" she interjected as she removed her mask, and returned to tending Zabuza's wounds.

"Haku is correct…besides if the girl that kicked your ass hadn't showed up, I bet the Uchiha would have killed both of us. I heard rumors of him, they say he got his eyes replaced after his inability caused his twin brother to be killed. We're lucky he doesn't use the eyes other than the base version." Responded Zabuza as he glared at the Shinobi he was essentially forced to work with for the time being. He didn't like being around this man, he made the Demon of the Mist uncomfortable, no person could enjoy being cut open like Koujiro did, no one.

"You seem to forget something Kuroken. I was sent to investigate the Kyuubi brat, someone wants the Jinchuuriki to be stronger than they already are. That and I don't answer to you!" responded Koujiro as he stared at the orange eyed shinobi as if he were unimpressed. He didn't like him, the way he always stared it was as if Kuroken was reading the soul.

"…Is that so…?" he coldly questioned as he stared at the masochist, his gaze was a piercing one, he stood to his feet and stepped towards the insubordinate shinobi and grabbed him by the neck his hair, obi belt, and robe flowed as he moved swiftly. He slammed the Jounin to the wall and glared, his near serene expression was now gone.

"Urgh…l-let go of me…" gasped Koujiro as he clutched Kuroken's arm trying to get free, he was struggling to breathe.

He tightened his grasp on the scarred Ninja's throat as he stared him deeply in the eye, the soulless gaze of hell piercing deep inside his soul as he angrily spoke, "You will do as I command, the Jinchuuriki are not weapons. So tell that puppet that you couldn't get any information on the Kyuubi Jinchuuriki. And you will tell that son of a bitch Tetsuoni if he thinks about messing with Ginshin's family any longer I will come see him myself."

As soon as Koujiro nodded his head, the Messiah of Hell released his hold on the shinobi's neck and stepped away, his face returning to the melancholy expression it normally showed. "W-Why do you respect Ginshin so much…you betrayed Konoha and him?!" the scarred shinobi asked frantically as he gasped for air, rubbing his neck, he looked to the shinobi of Otogakure in a confused manner.

"Because he is more of a true shinobi than you and your allies are, or ever will be. You would turn on your own people for what? Power? I don't have to justify myself to you! …Now you will continue your duties, and Zabuza you and your group will continue your job so the Uchiha and his team will not realize there is more going on. Do I make myself clear?" he spoke as he stepped towards the door of the building, he turned his head and glanced back calmly.

"…Yeah…fine…" muttered the scarred shinobi as he looked back at Kuroken, he truly hated the right hand of that snake Orochimaru, he was sickening monster. If he had it his way he would gut him like a fish.

"Right…as soon as I'm healed we'll strike the Bridge Builder and eliminate that team no problem." remarked the demon of the mist as he stared at the black haired shinobi. He was doing his best to avoid irritating the legendary Messiah of Hell, anything to avoid those hellish genjutsu that could make even the strongest shinobi tell their secrets.

Nodding his head in approval the black haired shinobi stepped out of the building, leaving the rest of the ninja to take care of matters for the time being.


Furuchi and his squad were walking through the village with Tazuna unscathed from the journey, having reached his home at last. When a young dark haired woman ran out of the house relieved to see Tazuna was safe and sound. "Father, I'm glad you made it back safe and sound!!" she exclaimed glad to see her father safe, she then looked at the four ninjas and back at her father and asked, "Are these the Shinobi you went to hire?"

"Yes. It wasn't a safe journey, seems Gatou is getting more desperate. But now that I am back, the bridge can be built." he explained as he walked towards the house, which was more like a shack than anything. The whole village was more or less a shanty town, the poverty that was forced onto them by Gatou, as he continued to bleed them dry for his own greed. "Sorry for the inconvenience Tsunami, but they will be staying here, until the bridge is built." Tazuna said as he pulled his pack off his back, as he was about to enter a young boy just looked at the ninja as if they couldn't do anything.

"I don't know why you're here, you won't change anything! Everything will stay the same!!" he shouted as he pointed at the ninjas in fury, he didn't have faith in them in any way shape or form.

"...Inari, things will change, as soon as we have a bridge, we can freely get supplies again." reasoned Tsunami to her son, trying to keep him from offending the shinobi.

"I don't even know why they're bothering! It isn't there fight! They don't have anything to lose! If things don't work they get to just go home!!" shouted the boy not stopping, not feeling any hesitation in his words at all.

"Inari stop! They're here to help us!" his mother exclaimed as she looked at her son in a stern manner.

Angrily the boy turned and ran inside, slamming the door behind him as he entered. "Inari!!" the dark haired woman shouted, she turned to look at the Konoha Ninja in front of her and bowed respectfully and said, "I'm sorry!! Don't hold it against him…he has lost faith."

"It's understandable. In his eyes, we are no better than Gatou's thugs or Mamochi Zabuza." responded Furuchi as he looked to the bridge builder's daughter, very thankful that Naruto had kept his cool for the time being. He looked at the house the family lived in, it was better off than most of the village, he then calmly said, "We won't impose on you too much. At most we will be sleeping because come tomorrow, I begin training my squad so they will be prepared…I think Zabuza needs time to lick his wounds. I will remain with Tazuna a majority of the time to protect him."

"That's fine, now come in it's getting late, we can worry about that stuff tomorrow." Tazuna gruffly said as he walked into his house, motioning for the ninja team to follow him in.

The next morning…

Furuchi had brought the three students a grove that was well within the forest to help train the three genin. H needed to have the space to test their abilities. "Alright, it's time to begin your training. I am certain you each have been taught the art of tree climbing. Naruto I may need to see if you can do this." the messy haired Jounin said as he looked to the blond.

"Why not…" Naruto responded with a shrug as he ran up the tree, using the art in question but he sprung off and bounded to another tree and continued to do this until he was hanging upside down from a branch, using his chakra to hold himself in place. He smirked smugly as he held position his hair and coat dangling behind his head as he cockily said, "Yeah…I can do it."

"…I see you picked up Ginshin's cockiness too. But you see his ways are all sizzle no…STEAK!" exclaimed Furuchi as he pulled out a kunai and threw it towards Naruto.

Naruto's eyes widened as he stopped sending chakra to his feet, dropping to the branch below, as he used it as way to swing himself forward. A makeshift springboard sent him flying at his teacher as used a headscissor technique, he swung his body one way and sent his teacher crashing into the ground. "All sizzle no steak huh?" he remarked as he stood up from the ground, dusting himself off.

"Naruto!! You shouldn't attack Furuchi-sensei!!" scolded Seika as she stepped forward not too pleased with her teammate's behavior.

"Seika, it's alright, I needed to see how far Naruto progressed. Ginshin, was likely to teach, Naruto, in the way he was taught." explained the Jounin as he stood to his feet dusting himself off, a grin on his face almost as if he was proud of Naruto. He reached to his holster pulling out another kunai, he lunged forward swinging the kunai he needed to test Naruto's defensive ability and kenjutsu skills now.

The blond reached to his side gripping the jian blade and pulling the blade from its scabbard and blocked the strike. He pushed against the kunai as well as he could, managing to push away the first strike, he lost balance as he deflected the blow.

Seeing the blond genin stumble to try and maintain his footing, Furuchi lunged forward and held the kunai to Naruto's neck. "You need to maintain your balance, this is the key to Kenjutsu. Had this been a true fight, I would have struck you down. You have the potential, but it seems you aren't ready for swords. Your training will be to use the Kage Bunshin no Jutsu or Tsuchi Bunshin no Jutsu and work on maintaining your balance as your spar against yourself." the Jounin coldly said as he stepped away from Naruto, as he stepped away, he threw the kunai and sending it flying towards the other two students.

As the dagger flew through the air, it was deflected by a pair of kunai which flew in unison, the dark haired Jounin, leaped forward pulling a kunai from his holster. With a downward slash he knocked both knives out of the air, as he deflected the blades he sighted Seika with a Fuuma Shuriken.

"Ranged combat is my specialty…sorry Sensei but I'm not holding back." she coldly responded as she let the shuriken fly, the blades cut through the air as it picked up momentum from her throw. The blades slowly transformed into a wheel of gray, moving with malicious intent to strike the Jounin down where he stood.

"As expected, but…too reckless" he commentated as performed a standing moonsault transitioning it into a foot stomp grounding the shuriken. Grinding the ball of his foot against the inner ring of the large shuriken he popped the weapon into the air. He quickly grabbed hold of the ring and stood ready to throw the weapon back, and with great precision he spun over and sent the larger shuriken flying, lodging it into the tree right behind the girl. "Larger weapons like the Fuuma Shuriken require more skill to use successfully. But you are definitely above average you just need to work on your throw, since it requires more momentum to take someone down with a large weapon like this." he casually explained as he stepped forward, rolling his sleeve up he bit his thumb and spread his blood over a summoning tattoo, summoning fourth a black Tachi with crimson and black design on the grip. His eyes turned towards Saiyuki and with a quick motion he rushed forward and swung the blade.

The brunette moved the staff vertically and deflected the strike, and swiftly moved her hands gripping the top. She flipped over head and brought the staff downward, the black haired Jounin brought his long sword upward and intercepted the blow, stepping to the side he gripped hold of his blade with both hands and rolled through and brought the blade horizontally. The heiress of the Sarutobi planted her staff to the ground, planting it firmly and stopped the blade once again.

"You've been studying under Hokage-sama…so its natural that you would be able to keep up with my Tachi. But in a real fight you need to be…" he trailed off as he pushed against her staff and rolled through and held the blade to the back of her neck and coolly said, "On your toes. Change of plans, Saiyuki and Naruto you will train together. Seika you will join me in protecting Tazuna. Naruto you and Saiyuki shall work at increasing the speed of your attacks, and the balance of your strikes, until you can attack at a level where the weapons are an extension of your being like ranged weapons are for Seika."

"Aren't you going to check our other skills sensei?" Seika asked in a confused manner, not thinking she had enough talent to be of use for the job.

"I could but I have enough faith in your ability. I'm going to return, you three can train for now" he commented as he walked away before disappearing with Shunshin no Jutsu.


Deep in the forest Koujiro moved silently in search of his goal. He wasn't sure what he was supposed to find, but apparently it was of importance. He dropped to the ground as he felt a chakra spike as he dropped to the ground a claw made of chakra was held to the back of his head. "Boss…nice to see you…" he quietly said trying to make sure not to agitate the man.

The figure wore a fur coat akin to the Sages of Yamagakure, only difference was his was a cream color, with black and white trim. A black shirt and a sandy brown pair of cargo pants, his green eyes peered out from behind a black and white mask with a pattern resembling the yin yang. His golden blond hair falling over the top of the mask as he coldly stared at the scarred shinobi he coldly said, "Report. Have you found the boy?"

"Yeah...dunno why you want the kid, but yeah I found him. Only one problem…he's the student of an Uchiha." spoke the masochist saint as he stood still being ever careful not to agitate his superior.

"Troublesome." remarked the man as he ceased forming his claw, he took hold of his mask and removed it from his face pulling his hood down. He was actually a handsome man behind the mask, perhaps a bit vain because of it.

"Kintama-sama, your father was here, it's the only explaination for my latest medal, that little bitch Ageha was here. Used Ginshin's patented double knee face buster…forget what the dumb ass called it." remarked the masochist as he turned to face, the man he hoped to avoid punishment but perhaps punishment would be his reward.

"I see...and what about the tool of the snake?" asked Kintama as he looked ahead to his subordinate.

"He wants me to find something the former leaders of the Hakke Rengou hid away. The snake seems to think that it might be a weapon or scroll the Palace Guardians have stowed away." he smugly commented, with hints of boredom to his voice.

Stroking his chin, the golden haired shinobi mused over it before saying smugly, "Oh yes…the treasure bequeathed to the One Hundred and Eight Heroes of the Xun Dynasty. Hmph pitiful. Anything else?"

"Oh and I think the Buddha of Hell has a man crush on the failure." commented the tiger marked shinobi as he stroked his beard, a smug smirk on his face.

"It's natural, Danzou destroyed both their lives...Danzou killed Kuroken's father. Tetsuoni killed Ginshin's mother, my aunt, but she chose her path when she tried to stop us." he spoke with utterly no remorse, he seemed almost satisfied with his chosen road in life. He looked at Koujiro, and with a conceited smirk said, "Go look for whatever bauble it is that the snake wants, he is our host for the time being."

"Right…" the black haired shinobi said as he took to the trees once again.

The green eyed shinobi donned his mask once more, pulling his hood up he slowly walked into the forest, disappearing into the mist as it swept through the trees.

Meanwhile, training continues…

Naruto dashed forward and swung the branch sword, the seven bladed sword collided with the staff of steel and sparks flew. He grinned as he pushed against her steel pole, he hopped back reaching to his side as he gripped hold of the jian blade, he hesitated for a moment then unsheathed the blade from its scabbard. He ran towards the brunette ready to strike with a combination as a kunai hit the ground in front of him. He thrust the swords to the ground and moonsaulted back, as he soared through the air a kunai flew towards, him which he deflected with a swing of the jian blade.

"Forget about me?" slyly the white haired kunoichi commented as she jumped into the air throwing two shuriken towards the blond. The shuriken were knocked aside well enough, though lacking precision. She demurely reached up and played with one of her low hanging pigtails.

Naruto saw this, and a vein formed in his forehead, 'That arrogant bitch!!', was the immediate thought that took over. Sheathing his swords, he eyed both girls realizing they were both on par with him. He clasped his hands rolling his wrists to loosen the joints, he needed to be ready, lightly hopping from side to side before he lunged forward gripping the scabbard of his katana he pressed his thumb to the tsuba which looked like a whirlpool. The sword popped loose allowing him to grip the handle and unsheathe it quickly.

Seika didn't waste anytime and threw kunai and shuriken alike, she smirking as she ran behind the ranged weapons and leaped to the air. She was using this as a smoke screen, that and her alleged specialty being ranged weapons.

Naruto swung the katana to knock away the small weapons that were coming his way, he wasn't keeping an eye on her as one kunai in the wrong place could spell the end for him. One punctured artery and he was dead.

As the blond cleared past the barrage, he didn't see the white haired girl anywhere to be seen. He looked to the air just as she wrapped her legs around his head and whipped her body bringing him down to the ground. As he crashed to the ground Seika rolled off his shoulders into the air landing to the ground at the same time as the katana planted itself into the ground.

"I said Ranged combat is my specialty, didn't say I can't fight with other techniques." she haughtily commented as she stepped towards the boy, and looked down at him, the folds of her mask indicating a smug smirk.

Of course as this was going on Saiyuki had managed to slip behind the white haired girl, and hooked her staff about the girl and performed a modified judo throw.

As the Hatake clan heiress fell to the ground, Naruto rolled back and popped to his feet and took the advantage and took her legs rolling her over to her stomach. Putting his knee to the back of her head he lifted her legs up and applied a devastating submission hold. "And I know ways to dismantle someone princess! I suggest tapping out." commented the boy as he continued his hold on her legs applying the deadly hold.

"What the hell is this!?" she exclaimed as the boy wrenched in the hold, large amounts of pain shooting through her body as she tried to find a way to get loose. But with a knee on her head and her legs elevated it was hard to get loose, she tapped the ground surrendering to the boy. When she did this Naruto released her legs and stood to his feet, having asserted his dominance over the girl.

"Alright that will do. Impressive Naruto, the Wolf Tamer, I've been on the receiving end of that a few times, not pleasant. That is enough training for today if you three keep it up you will kill each other." spoke Furuchi as he strode past the trees, into the grove he looked at the ground noting all the shuriken and kunai. He picked up the katana but immediately felt a shock course through his right arm causing him to drop the blade, "Naruto who gave you this sword? It seems unusual…"

"Ginshin-tousan, he said his dad wanted me to have them, something about them rejecting him. Kinda weird if you ask me." Naruto responded oblivious to why the Uchiha asked, it was of no consequence to him, he could use the sword that was all that really mattered.

The dark clad Jounin shrugged the thought away, he didn't think it too important to worry about, instead he calmly said, "Gather your gear up, time to head back. Sunset is approaching"

Hours later, Naruto sat on the roof of Tazuna's house he was holding a pair of knives in his hands. He looked at them sighing some, he knew he had to give them to Seika since it was a request of his foster father, but he knew, just knew they would start to argue again. He leaned against the roof to look to the starlit sky, he needed an idea. As he looked to the sky, he saw the white haired girl standing over him, staring at him.

She looked at him then looked to the side quickly, before taking a seat next to him, she clutched one of her pig tails silently stroking her hair, she looked as if she were trying to work up the nerve to do something. "N-Naruto…" she began feeling almost timid in this moment trying to find the courage to do this, she turned to look at him feeling it is only right to look him in the eye when she said this.

"Yeah?" he asked as he looked at her quietly, propping himself up with his elbows turning to look at her.

"You were impressive today…that's all…" she trailed off as she resumed playing with her hair, she acted almost as if she had a crush on him.

"It's nothing big…but…uh…here…" he managed to say as he sat up and held the two knives out for her. He looked to the side silently since he wasn't too good in these situations. Talking to a girl, alone, and not having to worry about bossy girls.

She took the knives which were wrapped in a cloth, she pulled away the cloth to reveal a set of kodachi like knives. Each had wolves etched into the blades, her eyes widened in shock. "What are these for…?" she quietly said as she looked at the knives then to the boy.

"Gin-tousan, said your family could use that white chakra with a special knife to kinda create a blade of chakra. And he knows how to make weapons…so he made these for me, it was my idea since…I want you to stay…safe…" he managed to say as he looked away blushing some, since he realized what he was saying was rather mushy.

"Naruto…?" Seika said a touch confused by the sudden change in the boy's behavior he was actually a nice guy when he wasn't acting like a carbon copy of Ginshin. She smiled behind her mask finding this side of Naruto to more likable, 'When he's like this he's kind of cute…' she mused as she held knives in her hands.

"If we're a team we have to look after each other, that all really…" he trailed off as he felt a pair of lips on his cheek, he blinked and shifting his gaze to his left to see the white haired girl kissing his cheek.

Seika pulled away and looked at the boy strictly as she said, "This is between you and me, so don't be bragging about it." she then wrapped her arms about the boy and hugged him tightly.

Naruto froze a moment, he was caught off guard by this showing of affection by Seika, considering he and she hadn't gotten along very well in the past. He snapped out of the shock and put his arms around her.

"I'll…I'll be honest Naruto…I actually like you…" she whispered, her face flush with awkwardness as she rested her head against the blonde's chest, she wanted to enjoy this moment as best as she could, she then looked up as she continued, "I mean I really like you…"

The boy blushed when he heard these words come from her he never thought she liked him in that way. He couldn't find the ability to speak nor the words to respond to her confession.

"Don't say anything…I just want to enjoy this moment…" she said as she put her fingers to his lips, before resting her head against his chest once again. She just wanted to enjoy a moment between her and Naruto, with no fangirls, no worshippers, no alleged engagements, just her and a nice boy, a nice boy who had won her affections.

The next day, Seika had been asked to accompany Furuchi in his daily duties of protecting the bridge builder. This left Naruto and Saiyuki to spar alone they stood across from each other in the center of the grove. Naruto lightly held the jian blade in his right hand, and stuck the blade to the ground as he took hold of his sleeveless coat and tossed it to the side.

"Don't treat me with kid gloves Naruto-kun…come at me with everything you have!" exclaimed the brunette as she cast her denim jacket to the side and undid her pony tail letting her hair down.

Grasping the handle of his sword tightly the blond hopped from side to side before lunging forward and going with an upward slash. With a quick response the brunette brought her staff horizontally blocking the blade. The blond spun to his left and brought the straight blade downward, only to have it blocked again, Naruto brought a light kick to her midsection. He didn't stop there he rolled through stepped to the ground and spun back landing a heel kick to the side of Saiyuki's head.

The girl rolled through the air and landed to the ground, and quickly brought herself to her feet rubbing the side of her head, staggered from the blow. She managed to regain her bearings, she lunged forward and swung the staff horizontally colliding the steel pole with the blade of steel.

Reaching to the side, Naruto pressed his thumb to the tsuba of the Katana, and with an audible grinding the blade came from its holding in the scabbard. He hopped back avoiding each swing of the staff until the girl grabbed one end and brought the staff across his midsection. The wind left his body as the pole struck his solar plexus, he managed to stay conscious, but he was brought down to the ground with a strike of the pole across his back.

"We're one for one…but you better step it up. I'm not a frail flower like Sakura or Ino. I became Kunoichi for a reason. So you better come at me with everything!" she shouted as she looked at the boy, holding her staff to be ready for anything he could throw at her.

"Fine…you want more Saru-hime? I will give you more!" he exclaimed a he rolled to his feet he planted the twin blades to the ground, he rushed forward once again and unsheathed the large branch sword that rested across his back. As he reached the girl he brought the sword downward, once again having it be blocked, but he moved the barbed sword back and hooked one of its pronged blades against the shaft. He pushed forward and forced her arms up, and proceeded to unload a few kicks on her, striking firmly with the last strike to knock the wind out of her.

He saw the opening clearly and tossing his sword to the side as he spun to the left and grabbed hold of the girl by the head, and brought her crashing to the ground, her head held to his shoulder, as he utilized a jumping cutter. Naruto rolled the girl onto her back and looked down at her breathing heavily as he said, "I think…we can call…this sparring session closed…"

"…Ouch…who taught you to do a crazy move like that?" asked the girl as she rubbed her neck feeling quite dizzy from the strike. Unknown to the two, they were being observed by one of Furuchi's Kage Bunshin to monitor their progress, having seen the two end their session of training, the Kage Bunshin vanished into a puff of smoke.

"I learned Ginshin's unique style of Taijutsu. It's like the crazy off spring of Gentle Fist, Strong Style, Grappling, and Street Fighting." he commented as he helped her to her, feet but the girl quickly lost her balance and knocked Naruto over in the process.

The two fell to the ground with a loud thud, Saiyuki's face a mere few inches from Naruto's, the two blushed deeply from this awkward moment. The brunette quickly got to her knees and moved away and exclaimed, "Uhh…so should we try this tomorrow maybe? You know! I mean training! Not the awkward situation with me on top of you!"

Naruto scratched his cheek, and shyly responded, "Yeah, that would be nice…"

Meanwhile with Furuchi and Seika, things were going well, no troubles during the construction of the bridge. Of course a few more workers had quit during the course of the day, primarily fearing for their lives.

"Looks like Naruto and Saiyuki have shown some remarked improvement just now." commented the Jounin, he had received the information from his Kage Bunshin. He looked to Seika who was keeping an eye out from a perch high up on the bridge. 'No telling when Zabuza will show up, things could get dangerous I hope all three of them are ready by then…things will become more dangerous…' he quietly thought inwardly as he thought of his students who might be in over their heads.

"Looks like, we might be done in a week's time. That is if the workers don't keep quitting their jobs." Tazuna said as he sat down near the dark haired shinobi, he had high expectations for the bridge, and hopefully then things will be better.

"Zabuza will attack before then…if he's taking orders from Koujiro too, things might be more convoluted that we initially thought." spoke the messy haired Jounin as he turned to look at the village, he knew things were going to become more hectic soon enough.

"Well no need to worry about that now, we should head back its starting to get dark." responded the Bridge builder as he stood to his feet, and walked down the bridge to head home.

"Seika let's go!" exclaimed the Uchiha as he motioned to his student so they could catch up to their client, they needed to stay close to their client to make sure he was safe.

Meanwhile at the grove, Saiyuki pulled on her jacket and was getting ready to head back, she then said, "We should get back Naruto-kun…it's getting late."

"You go on ahead, I want to try a jutsu that was in a scroll Gin-tousan gave me…" he responded with a bit of determination in his voice, as he flexed his fingers.

"Alright, but don't be too long okay?" she answered as she walked out of the grove.

Naruto dropped into a Jinketsu Clan taijutsu stance with his legs spread and his arms hanging down, his right arm was enveloped in the raiton chakra. He rushed forward and thrust his fist ahead striking the tree, a loud crack ripped through the air as a section of the tree was blown away as if a bolt of lightning struck it.

He flexed his fingers and looked to the section of the tree pleased with the results, seeing the devastation that a punch could do he saw the merits of Ginshin's combination techniques. He turned to grab his coat and saw a dark haired girl standing across from him with a basket.

'So that's the boy that Kaisui wants to rend…' she mused as she walked into the clearing, Haku had dressed as a villager to perchance spy on the shinobi and relay the information to her team. As the boy walked past her she spoke, "do you train so hard to protect those you hold dear or do you do it out of necessity…?"

Naruto froze as she spoke to him, it was an unusual question, why would someone who looked like a villager ask a question like that? He turned his head and looked at her, how would you answer a question like that out of the blue?

"What I mean is. Do you want to save the people you consider special and irreplaceable, or do you want to fight just for acknowledgement?" she asked him in a more precise manner, perhaps she was testing him or perhaps she was analyzing his weaknesses.

Author's Notes: Evil cliffhanger I know. But I hope to get the next chapter out soon, and it will conclude the Land of Waves arc, it could have been concluded this chapter. But…I decided to add some development for the sake of the haremy goodness that is to come in the future.

I hope to turn out chapters more regularly. Pending I don't have anymore burn outs. So poll question, before the Chuunin exams begin, should there be development between Naruto and Rekka orrrrrrr Naruto and Ima. The most requests will decide, such, and now! Now I go off to draw another OC from the fic.

I would also like to make a shameless plug and say that if anyone is curious, my Deviant Art gallery has some sketches of Ginshin, Suiren, Kuroken, Kintama, and Koujiro.