The Flock Finds FanFiction

This is just a crack-fic on how the Flock discovers the wonders and horrors of FanFiction. Read and prepare to laugh.

Disclaimer: I don't own Fanfiction or Maximum Ride. If i owned maximum ride, the movie would almost exactly match the book and Fang and Max would be together. So blah

I stared at the screen, horrified. Fang looked over at me, his dark eyes searching. Angel giggled from where she sat, playing tic-tac-toe with Total.

"What's up?" he asked quietly, coming over. I quickly exited the website, shaking slightly. Fang rubbed my back as I buried my head in my arms. "I am scarred for life." I muttered, suddenly angry. I saw Angel lean over to Total and whispered something to him. Total started laughing, shaking since he was laughing so hard. I threw a stone at him, very angry now.

Iggy looked up from where he sat with Gazzy. 'It's life, Max. You've become very popular.' the Voice said, sounding amused. "Screw you, Jeb." I muttered, stomping out of the cave.

"Hey, Max? What's wrong? Are we going out to dinner now? I wanna go to that I-Hop again, I really like those pancakes." Nudge asked, her eyes lighting up. I took a deep breath, searching for that little strand of patience I had left. Yeah, that's hard to do. "No, I'm sorry Nudge, but we aren't going to dinner." I said slowly.

Fang looked up from the computer, meeting my eyes. He was pissed. "Blog your anger. Let the world know how much you despise that story." I suggested. Fang started furiously typing, his twitching jaw the only sign of his anger. "I hate stupid FanFiction users." he muttered. Gazzy and Iggy swapped nervous glances before cracking up.

"They read the story we found." Iggy choked, rolling on the ground. I stared at them in anger.

"Will one of you tell us what the h-e-double-hockey-sticks is going on?" I demanded. "Iggy and I wrote a request on FanFiction and someone answered it. We got Nudge to help us." Gazzy said, holding his sides.

"There's nothing like an eight year-old's sense of humor." Total said, quoting me. I glared at them before sitting down angrily.

I hoped you liked it. I'm in LA class, and this was one of the assignments we could have done. I know it's short, and there's not going to be anymore. Also, I am not dissing FanFiction. I'm just saying what could happen if they discovered this site.