Disclaimer: Not J.K., don't own any of this, yadda yadda yadda.

(A/N: This is my first shot at a) slash, and b) anything that's meant to be serious, so sorry if it sucks. At least I tried.

If you are wondering why Harry and Draco have american accents, there are two reasons: a) I am american, and b) I wrote this at three in the morning and could not be bothered to authenticate it. My apologies.)

I was never in love with him. Not quite. The pressure of his fingers sliding across my skin, his pale eyes intent…I remember that.

But I didn't love him.

"Potter." He never called me by my first name, not even when we made love.

His arms around my shoulders. His breath hot on the back of my neck.


He laughed. "You used to say that often enough."

"You're not making this any easier."

"You're chucking me, Potter. Is it supposed to be?"

"We were never together in the first place. Not really."


He put one hand on my shoulder. The other drifted down under my robes.


His tongue pushed between my lips.

"Don't lie. You want me."

That's what he said then. The first time.

He saw I was remembering. "Are you going to hit me again?"

"That's your own fault. You wouldn't stop."

He caught both my hands in one of his, dragging them over my head and pinning me to the wall.

"Because you wanted it. You always did."

"No." His hips ground into mine. "No…"



"Tell me you love her, at least," he said later.


"Weasley. It's because of her you won't see me anymore."

I didn't say anything.

"You don't, do you?" He was smiling, but he sounded angry.

"Don't start."

"You'd leave me for a girl you don't even love, Potter?" He stood behind me, his hands on my waist, his head on my shoulder.

"Ginny's very special to me."

"That's not the same thing."

I didn't look at him. I couldn't.

"What if I don't let you go?"

I finished straightening my tie and put a hand on the door that opened out to the seventh floor corridor.

"You have to."

"Stay with me."

"I can't."

Slowly, reluctantly, his hands fell away from my body.


I kept my eyes trained straight ahead. If I looked back now, I'd never be able to leave.

"I'm sorry, Draco." The words didn't want to leave my mouth. "This isn't what…I don't want to…but…"

"Then don't," he said quietly. "Don't."

But I did.

And mostly I go without regretting it.


(a further a/n: I had the weirdest time with the characterization in this piece. You have to take some liberties to make a HarryxDraco pairing work when canon indicates they want each other dead, but I don't know why I made Draco such a borderline-rapist. Or a seme. I blame the dojinshi, personally.

Leave me reviews and I shall love you dearly. If you like it, I'll write more like this. If you hate it...well, I'll probably do it anyway, but your displeasure shall be duly noted.)