A/N: I feel like making a fan fiction spoof, so here it is. No offence to people who actually like reading Alex Rider romance, but it has a little too much cliché-ness for me.

Disclaimer: -raises right hand- I solemnly swear that I will share the toys and put them back once I am through. They are not mine, and I will not steal them to get free money.

Alex Rider woke up bright and early. He looked out the window at the bright, beautiful morning. He got up and went to school, his second favorite place in the world.

At school, Alex saw the girl of his dreams. She was perfect. She had perfect hair, perfect teeth, a perfect smile, a perfect body, and a perfect personality.

Her name was Samantha. She was the most beautiful girl in the whole school. Everyone loved her, but she only had eyes for Alex Rider.

They kissed in the hall. Even the teachers didn't break them up as they (disgustingly) exchanged saliva.

After school, they walked, holding hands, to the MI6 headquarters. They went into Blunt's office, Alex's favorite place in the world and Samantha's second, only to school.

"Ah, my two favorite people," Blunt said brightly, handing them each a sugar cookie. Samantha, in her perfect ness, didn't need to worry about her weight, so she politely ate it, listening to Alan descried their next mission.

They were to go to the most not-perfect man and spy in his imperfect-ness. It would be simple.

They arrived that night and slept in perfect beds and in perfect rooms, waited on by perfect servants.

But something was not perfect.

Alex and Samantha snuck out to spy on the man's imperfectness. Together, like the perfect spies that they are, they found out his secret.

In their perfect-ness, they were not caught, and contacted MI6, who immediately arrested this imperfect man for not being perfect.

All in all, it was a perfect mission.

All in the lives of two perfect spies who were perfectly in love with each perfect other.

I am SOOO sorry for an over-extensive use of perfect. I'm going to hate that word now, and you probably are too. And if you read my other Alex Rider story titled: Anyone can be Capable of Love, you will see why. I was just annoyed at some of the stories on the Alex Rider side of fanfiction.