Disclaimer: Rumiko Takahashi owns all rights to Ranma 1/2. I'm just grateful to have such wonderful characters to borrow for this story.

Well, this is it! The final chapter in this crazy vampire saga! Took long enough I know! Sorry about that, but no matter how long it might take I will always try and finish the stories I write.

My eternal thanks goes out to my proof-reader Angela Jewel. You are amazing in your insights and I couldn't do it without you.

I also want to thank all of you who stuck with this story, no matter how long it took for the chapters to come out. You guys are awesome! This chapter is for all of you!

- R 1/2 -

From inside his closet Ryoga began to stir. His eyes flashed open, a deep dark red, as the sound of someone moving around in the loft pulled him from his daily slumber. Whoever it was they'd picked the wrong place to break into.

He listened for a moment longer. He knew the sun still shone even from the confines of the closet. He could feel it's pull on him, draining away his energy. Still, even in a weakened state the intruder would be no match for him.

He smiled wickedly at the thought. Finally, something to take his frustrations out on. He'd been more than a bit perturbed with the fact that the sunlight was preventing him from finding out what happened to Ranma. The feeling of dread had only increased when he'd realized he could no longer sense that connection they'd always had, as if it had been inexplicably cut off. It was a maddening feeling and he had paced angrily for hours trying to figure some way of going after his friend.

In the end of course he could do nothing. He had no idea where Ranma was, and searching blindly for him in broad daylight had been totally out of the question. Therefore he was left with no other alternative but to sit and brood. A fact that had only made him angrier with every second that passed. It was a helpless feeling and more than anything Ryoga hated feeling helpless.

Now he at least had something to focus that anger on.

He could hear the intruder rummaging around and decided it was time to give him something he would never forget.

With a loud cry he burst through the closet door, swinging it open with such force that it crashed into the wall with a loud bang.

He expected the stranger to be startled, to cry out, or even try and bolt. What he didn't expect is what suddenly greeted him.

"Yo, Ryoga."

Ranma's voice penetrated through his shock, finally registering that his friend was actually there, standing before him.

But how?

It was broad daylight and yet he appeared completely unaffected, standing there with an idiotic grin on his face. What was worse, was that, even in this close proximity, Ryoga still hadn't sensed his friend's presence, couldn't feel that familiar pull that had always let him know when Ranma was around.

What was going on?

He thought back to the previous night. Ranma's sudden and excruciating scream ripping it's way through his brain, a scream born of pure agony. And now not only was he standing here in seemingly perfect health he was also looking extremely...happy?

He didn't like it. Any of it.

"Where have you been?" he asked, his tone indicating his obvious displeasure.

Ranma merely smiled, which only succeeded in irritating Ryoga further.

"Sorry buddy, it's been a long night."

"You don't say," Ryoga replied sardonically. "Mind telling me what the hell is going on?"

Ranma's smile simply grew. "Don't tell me you were worried," he asked, the humor in his voice obvious.


Ranma gave a slight chuckle. It felt good to finally turn the tables on Ryoga for once.

"It's better if I just show you," he replied. "Stand back."

Ushering his friend away from the window, he made sure Ryoga was standing out of the line of fire before lifting the shade slightly.

With utter disbelief Ryoga simply stared at the sight before him.

Ranma reached down and placed his hand directly in the sliver of sunlight that now shown through. He held it there for several moments but his hand remained unaffected. There was none of the usual smoke and flame, no burning acrid smell. No matter how long he left it there it continued to remain whole, much to Ryoga's dismay.

It was several moments before Ryoga could speak.

"How?" was all he could manage when he finally found his voice.

"That drug of Shampoo's does more than give you a clean high. It also eradicates vampires."

Ryoga stared dumbly as Ranma's statement hung in the air. Seeing his friend was at a complete loss for words Ranma plunged ahead.

"Kuno is dead," he stated flatly. "Your plan to get me to embrace my inner vampire worked. The bastard tried to kill Akane and he paid for it with his life."

At this news Ryoga shook off some of the disbelief that had settled thickly in his mind. "You killed him?"

"Without hesitation," Ranma replied instantly, his tone becoming deadly serious. "I've never felt anything quite like it. Such intense hatred, followed by a massive rush of power. It completely consumed me. It's not something I relished Ryoga. When it was over all I felt was sick."

Ryoga frowned, the obvious disappointment showing in his deep brown eyes. "Then why do it at all?"

"Because it was necessary," Ranma returned instantly. "And you know better than anyone I'm all about doing what needs to be done."

Ryoga rolled his eyes. "Of course, Mr. Honorable."

"That's right," Ranma retorted, feeling his frustration begin to rise. "You know I was never cut out for this kind of life, Ryoga. I never wanted any part of it. I'm not like you."

"What's that supposed to mean," Ryoga returned hotly, his resentment at Ranma's insinuation that he was somehow better, evident.

"It means we're different," he said, sensing his friend's hostility and trying to explain. "For you this is all just a game, but it's not for me. I want a life Ryoga. A real life. The one I was denied over two hundred years ago. I don't know why, but I've been given a second chance at one. I hope you'll let me take it."

Ryoga crossed his arms in front of his chest, his eyes narrowing slightly. "And if I won't?"

Ranma frowned at his friend, a sort of sadness creeping into the depths of his gray-blue eyes. He reached down and grasped the end of the shade, the threat immediate and obvious.

"Then I'll have no choice but to do what needs to be done."

Ryoga's eyes narrowed further. "You wouldn't dare."

Ranma fixed his gaze upon Ryoga. His eyes still holding a sense of sadness, but behind that there was a steely resolve that said he would do anything he had to to preserve his new chance at life, not to mention keep Akane safe in the process.

"Promise me Ryoga," he stated, his voice imploring, tempered with determination. "On the honor of the brothers we once were. Promise me you'll let Akane and I have this chance."

Ryoga merely stared at his friend for a long moment, not at all pleased with being threatened in his own home. "You do realize," he argued. "That even in this state I'd be fast enough to stop you."

Ranma sighed tiredly. He'd been dreading this moment. He'd known there was a very good chance that Ryoga would resist letting him go. For a moment he'd even considered just up and leaving, but realized quickly that running away wasn't the answer. Ryoga would only track him down and then there would be even more hell to pay. It would put Akane in even more danger and that he couldn't have. There was also that deeper part of himself that felt he at least owed Ryoga an explanation after all they'd been through together.

No, he had known that this confrontation had been inevitable, and that he was taking a great risk. He was placing all his faith in the hope that the history he and Ryoga had shared would override the demon that now stirred inside his friend. Steeling himself, he tightened his grip on the edge of the shade in anticipation.

"It's your move Ryoga," he replied, his gaze steadfast, determination lighting his tone. "I wasn't fast enough to stop Kuno from injecting Akane with his poison. If you think you can, then go ahead and kill me, but you'd better make sure you finish the job, otherwise you're going out in a blaze of glory. The choice is yours. Either way I'm done."

The resolve in Ranma's voice was palpable. No matter what Ryoga decided, it all ended here. He had tasted freedom and it was never again going to be like it was.

Even before all of this, Ryoga had sensed Ranma's eagerness to break away from him, felt the rift between them growing with each passing year. It was the real reason Ryoga had pushed Ranma into their current predicament. He thought that if Ranma could embrace his true nature then maybe his old friend would return to him.

He should have known better.

Ranma was still as stubborn as ever. In over two-hundred years that hadn't changed one bit.

Even though they were no longer connected he could still sense what his friend was thinking. Standing there, his hand gripped firmly around the edge of the shade, Ryoga could tell it was the last thing Ranma wanted to be doing.

If he were forced to kill his friend it would haunt him forever. Ryoga knew this, just like he knew Ranma would be the only one to mourn his death. He suddenly felt something inside of him let go. There was no going back. It really was time to move on.

"Okay Ranma," he said, after a long moment. "You win. It's over."

Ranma stared at his friend, the distrust still radiating in his gray-blue eyes. "Promise me, Ryoga."

"Fine," he said. "I promise."

Ranma slowly let go of the shade. He knew a promise made by a vampire wasn't necessarily held in high regard. He also knew Ryoga probably could have gotten to him before he'd had a chance to flood the room with sunlight, yet he hadn't done it. Ranma had to believe that somewhere inside, his old friend, the real one, still remained. It was a comforting thought.

Ranma let out a sigh of relief. "So we're good then?" he asked. "You'll let me go?"

Ryoga studied his friend for a moment before answering. "Is that what you really want?"

Ranma's tone was firm in it's conviction. "It is," he said with a nod.

Ryoga seemed to consider this. "And what about Akane?"

Ranma frowned, his eyes once again narrowing in suspicion. "What about her?"

"Does she know my secret?"

Ryoga watched as the look on Ranma's face answered the question for him.

"That's a problem Ranma," Ryoga stated, a familiar glint shining in his eyes. Ranma's brow furrowed further at the sight.

"Don't even think about it Ryoga," Ranma's voice was low, threatening.

Ryoga smiled, unable to help himself. He still got a perverse thrill in provoking his friend. "I can't have her knowing what I am, you of all people understand that."

Ranma stared hard at his friend, pooling his concentration.

It'll be taken care of. He sent the thought and watched as Ryoga's smug expression faded into one of pure disbelief.

It was Ranma's turn to smile.

Ryoga couldn't believe what he was witnessing. He could still hear the remnants of Ranma's voice echoing inside his mind. He shook his head, still stunned.

"Another side effect of the infamous wonder drug?"

Ranma nodded. "It would seem so."

Ranma watched as a mischievous spark suddenly appeared in Ryoga's eyes. "Then does that mean you can still send out enough raw desire to make a woman writhe at your feet in ecstasy?"

Ranma felt his smile grow even wider. "What do you think?"

Ryoga threw back his head and laughed at Ranma's suggestive tone.

Ranma watched his friend, glad that they were still able to have this easy banter, especially after all that had happened. It felt good to know Ryoga still held some of his humanity, even if he'd never admit it.

"I'm assuming then that the power of suggestion has remained as well?

The question brought Ranma out of his reverie. He gave a quick nod.

"Yes, and it's still as powerful. I nearly leveled Akane before I was aware that I'd retained the abilities, and just as easily I was able to bring her out of it with a simple suggestion."

Ryoga took a moment to digest that little fact before remarking. "Very impressive."

Ranma shrugged. He'd wondered absently if the powers that be thought he deserved to retain the ability after all he'd gone through for his liberation.

As if reading his mind Ryoga then said, "I take it there was a price to pay for your new found freedom?"

Ranma met his friend's gaze with a steadfast one of his own. "If you call feeling like you're being torn in two, and then being sent into oblivion a price to pay..."

He watched Ryoga's eyes darken slightly at this news. It wasn't easy to hear what it was like when a vampire died, or what would be waiting for him should he find himself facing the same fate. Of course Ryoga had no intention of ever dying.

"So what happened?" he finally asked, his voice holding none of its usual eagerness for gory details, but instead full of genuine interest and even some concern.

This was not lost on Ranma and he took a few moments to collect his thoughts before beginning.

"Akane was dying," he stated, shuddering inwardly at the mere thought. "I had a decision to make. I couldn't condemn her to a life of darkness and yet I couldn't just let her die either. I did the only other thing I could think of. I tried to draw the drug from her. I figured it would have no effect on me. I was wrong."

Ryoga wasn't surprised by the admission. He had, after all, endured Ranma's relentless scream ricocheting off his brain. Frankly, it was not something he ever wanted to experience again.

"I heard you," Ryoga confessed, to which Ranma dawned a look of surprise. "I've seen a lot of death, most of it at my own hand, and never before have I heard a sound like the one you made. I thought I'd never get it out of my head. It was like you were being slowly tortured."

Ranma winced. "That's putting it mildly," he commented, more to himself than Ryoga. "Not even in my worst battles with master Happosai have I ever experienced pain like that. I thought it was going to go on forever. When it finally subsided I was lost in darkness, if Akane hadn't led me back..." He shook his head as if to clear the memory.

"I wanted to come after you," Ryoga insisted. "If the stupid sun hadn't trapped me here..." He gave an angry growl. "It really pissed me off."

Ranma had to smile at this last. It was good to see Ryoga could still care about something, even if he had a gruff way of showing it.

"Your concern is touching," he joked.

Ryoga however found no humor. "You want to explain how it's possible that you weren't fast enough to stop Kuno?"

Ranma was taken aback by the force of Ryoga's words. He felt his defenses rise up instantly.

"Hey," he snapped back angrily. "You try mesmerizing sixty people at once and then have a riptide of overwrought emotions blindside you! My head felt like it was ready to explode. At that point using mind control on Kuno was not an option."

"Seriously, Ranma?" Ryoga spat. "That's your excuse? Overwrought emotions?" He rolled his eyes in disgust. "Do you honestly want to know what I wanted to do when I heard that scream? I wanted to throttle you! How could you even allow yourself to get into such a mess!"

"It's not like I planed on the drug affecting me the way it did!" Ranma argued, unable to mask his irritation. Unfortunately for him, Ryoga wasn't done with his interrogation.

"How could you even put yourself at risk like that?!"

For a moment Ranma simply stared at his friend in stunned disbelief. He couldn't believe what he was hearing. He frowned slightly. "I had no other choice, Ryoga."

As Ranma watched his friend's eyes blaze with anger it began to dawn on him just how much of a scare he'd given Ryoga. After their transformations into darkness Ranma had thought their brotherhood was something that Ryoga had left behind, along with the rest of his humanity. The realization that he hadn't now left Ranma in total awe.

"You had a choice," Ryoga stated, his voice sullen, hinting at betrayal, and in a way Ranma supposed it had been.

"Yes," he said, his eyes defiant, his voice firm. "And I chose her." His tone told Ryoga that he would do it again without hesitation.

Ryoga's eyes narrowed as he stared at Ranma, fuming. "You never embraced your true nature," he accused angrily.

Ranma felt his frustration growing, as it usually did when Ryoga played this kind of game. Still, he couldn't help rise to the bait. He took a step forward, then another, anger igniting his movement until he stood mere inches from his friend.

"Understand something Ryoga," he began, wanting his friend to comprehend the severity of the situation. "It was the vampire's nature, not mine. I merely wielded it like I would any other martial arts weapon. The girl I love had been kidnapped, threatened, and told that her father had been murdered by the man who now held her captive. She was terrified, horrified, and grief stricken, and I felt it all. Every ounce of what she was going through slammed into me with the force of a hurricane, causing the headache I already had to triple in size and strength. It was blinding, and still I managed to thwart two of Kuno's henchmen armed with machine guns before ripping that sorry son-of-a-bitch apart! It was for her, all for her, and no amount of guilt you try to lay on me will make me regret my choice!"

Ranma was breathing heavily after concluding his tirade.

He waited for Ryoga to say something more. To push back like he usually did, only it never happened. Instead, and to his utter chagrin, Ryoga suddenly began to laugh. Caught off guard, Ranma simply stared at his friend uncomprehendingly.

"Anyone ever tell you you're kinda sexy when you're angry?" Ryoga joked, his smile now wide, unnerving Ranma even further.

Unable to think of a good retort, Ranma simply stood there, mouth agape, causing Ryoga to launch into another round of uncontrollable laughter.

"Grrr..." he teased, holding up his hands and curling his fingers into fake claws. He waved them tauntingly at Ranma.

"Oh, just shut up," Ranma said, but the protest held no malice. Watching his friend he felt a smile begin to crack the surface of his face, even if it was at his own expense.

"Two henchmen with machine guns, huh?" Ryoga remarked. "Not bad."

Ranma crossed his arms in front of his chest in an obvious display of machismo. "Caught every single one of the bullets too," he said proudly. "Even spat one back out at them for good measure."

At this Ryoga simply stared at his friend for a moment in sheer disbelief, before going off into another gale of unbridled laugher.

It wasn't long before Ryoga's laughter had infected Ranma as well. It felt good to laugh with him again. They hadn't been able to do that in such a long time. It was too bad it all had to come to an end.

"I wish I could have seen that," Ryoga remarked when he could breathe again. "Just the looks on their faces alone would have been priceless."

Ranma nodded. "Even I'll admit it was quite a sight."

"And Kuno?" Ryoga asked. "What did he think?"

Ranma shrugged. "He did the only thing he could at that point. He held that damn syringe to Akane's arm and tried to trade her life for his own."

Ryoga tried to picture that scenario. Kuno holding that kind of power over Ranma, taunting him with the threat of taking Akane's life. He could only imagine Ranma's cold hard rage. The vampire in him would have fed off it instantly. Then all he would have had to do was let it out of it's cage.

"So I did the only thing I could," Ranma continued. "I slammed him into a wall and devoured him."

And yet Kuno still had time to inject her with the drug, Ryoga thought instantly. He frowned, staring hard at Ranma, his gaze penetrating. When he finally spoke there was a seriousness to his voice. "It was all meant to be."

Ranma returned his friend's look with a puzzled one of his own. "Huh?"

"You should have been fast enough Ranma," Ryoga argued. "Even in the state you were in, there was no way you wouldn't have been fast enough. And if you had been, you'd still be a vampire. It was meant to be this way."

Ranma stood there stunned by the revelation. He hadn't thought of it that way. It was true, by all rights he should have been fast enough. The fact that he had a renewed chance at a real life because he hadn't been was quite an eye-opener. Maybe there really was some truth to the theory.

"Face it Ranma," Ryoga interjected. "Your vampire days were numbered."

Ryoga's words brought Ranma back to the present. Maybe his friend was right. Maybe whatever had set the events in motion had known that he would use the chance to the fullest.

"Does this mean you're done grilling me now?"

Ryoga grunted, giving his friend a sly smile. "You deserved it," he said simply. "You left me feeling helpless and I didn't like it."

Ranma could concede this, not one to find helplessness a trait he was fond of either. "So, we're even then?"

"Hardly," Ryoga snorted, but his voice was light with humor. Ranma gave a small smile at the sound.

"Okay, so I'll owe you one."

"Heh, you owe me more than one."

Ranma looked away then to stare at the floor beneath him, his mood suddenly shifting once again. Ryoga instantly sensed there was something Ranma wanted to say, but that he didn't quite know how to broach the subject. He decided to force his friend's hand.

"What is it Ranma?"

Ranma lifted his head then, meeting Ryoga's gaze, his eyes conveying a look of desperate hope. He didn't know where it had come from, maybe it was just a longing for something he'd had long ago, something he wanted with all his might to hold on to. Whatever it was, the thought of leaving Ryoga to his darkness when there was a possible way back for him just didn't sit right. He couldn't let it go without a fight.

As if reading his friend's mind Ryoga quickly said, "I have no intention of taking the drug, Ranma."

Shocked and unnerved that Ryoga had been able to read him so easily, Ranma at first feigned innocence before reluctantly admitting it was what he'd been thinking.

"Would you at least consider it?"

"And face that kind of pain and uncertainty?" Ryoga shook his head. "I'm not up for a game of Russian roulette," he stated. "Besides, you said Akane led you back, who would lead me?'

"I would," Ranma said instantly. "You know I've always had your back."

"I know," he admitted. "But you were right the first time."

"What?" Ranma asked, confused.

"We're different," he said. "You never wanted this life, but for me it's been a godsend. No more getting lost, no more uncontrollable curse, no more feeling weak. I look at it as a gift not a burden. I can't go where you've gone, and you can't go back. It's time we both moved on."


Ryoga put a hand on his friend's shoulder, stopping his protest instantly. "I don't need you to save me, Ranma."

In his heart Ranma knew this was true, still he felt he'd had to try. He nodded, albeit reluctantly.

"So this is it then?"

Ryoga extended his hand for Ranma to take. "This is it."

Ranma felt a small smile flit across his face as he reached forward to reciprocate the gesture.

Who knows, maybe our paths will cross again someday.

The thought came to Ranma, sinking into the recesses of his brain with simplistic ease. He met Ryoga's gaze with a steadfast one of his own.

Until then, the thought went back, registering in Ryoga's eyes with the utmost clarity. They released each other's grip then, a silent understanding rising up between them.

"Good luck, Ryoga," Ranma said at last, before turning on his heel to grab his packed bag and head for the door.

"Hey," Ryoga called, just as Ranma wrapped his hand around the doorknob. He stopped instantly, turning to stare at his friend once more. "I forgot to ask you about your curse. She still with you?"

Ranma merely smiled. "I only had to die twice, but after all these years I'm finally cured."

Ryoga was surprised to find himself happy for his friend. It was what he'd longed for, what he'd always dreamed of, and after all this time it had been granted. He could embrace his new life with Akane fully, a just reward for all that he had been forced to endure. He couldn't deny him this so he silently wished his friend a long and happy life.

"Try and stay out of trouble," he remarked, the humor once again back in his voice.

Ranma nodded. "That goes double for you," he returned easily. "And Ryoga," he paused, his voice growing serious once more. "Thanks."

He gave a slight nod. "Now get out of here, I need to get back to sleep."

Ranma smiled. Leave it to Ryoga to get in the last word.

In one swift movement he let the door swing open and slipped deftly through it. With quick and hurried steps he charged fully down the stairs and out into the bright sunlight, never once did he look back.

-R 1/2-

It had been six months since his final confrontation with Ryoga, and Ranma had settled quite happily into his new life. He and Akane had returned to her hometown of Nerima, back to the very house where she'd grown up.

After finding out what had really happened to her father Akane knew that it was time to go home, to fulfill the dream he'd always longed for, to carry on the Tendo school of Anything Goes martial arts.

With Ranma's background and skill it was the perfect time to re-open the dojo to new students and he made for an excellent teacher. He seemed to thrive in his new role, his love of martial arts evident in every intricate movement of his body. It seemed to flow from him in effortless waves, a total extension of himself that was as natural as the very air he breathed.

Akane loved to watch him work. He never failed to amaze her. The way he could fly around the dojo almost effortlessly, without the slightest sign of exertion. The sight would always make her breath catch. He looked so beautiful, all those fine lines defined under sleek muscle. The more she watched him, the more he began to reignite her passion for the art.

She had grown to love their private sparing sessions. The constant contact of his strong body up against hers, molding her to him as he adjusted her stance, corrected her form. The way he would look at her, those deep gray-blue eyes radiating with such intensity, causing her blood to pump madly in her veins. It was nearly enough to undo her.

Of course their sparing never failed to end with them sprawled out naked across the dojo floor. The constant contact and friction causing the spark that always lay between them to ignite in a fiery passion.

It became a game. He would put her on the defensive, the mischievous glint in his eye igniting her determination even as it set her heart hammering inside her chest. She would do her best to dodge his intended strikes, but would find him feigning a move only to come at her from the opposite direction, pulling her completely off guard.

Though she managed to correct herself most of the time, sooner or later she would find herself lying flat on her back with him looming over her, the mischievous glint in his eyes turning hungry as he stared down at her, daring her to try and escape him.

She couldn't of course. His touch would be electric upon her heated skin as he pulled away her now disheveled gi, his lips burning a hot trail of kisses across her taut flesh, until she lay a mere quivering mess beneath him.

And his desire... it would always hit her with the force of a freight train, setting her every nerve ending on fire. Over and over again he would push her to the brink, only to pull her back, torturing her with the sheer rhythm of his languid movements until she was screaming for release.

She didn't mind that he could still perform this little trick, in fact she was more than willing to let him have such a power over her. What she would not tolerate however was him using his suggestive influence on her. Therefore it was with great reluctance that she let him erase her memories of Ryoga.

The only reason she'd agreed was due to the fact that he'd informed her of his intentions to do so. He claimed it was to protect her and she'd accepted that, making him promise that it would be the one and only time he'd use such a power on her. He'd agreed and so she'd submitted to his wishes, for she knew he always kept his promises.

Setting the boundaries of their relationship had allowed them a sort of freedom bound by mutual trust and love. Akane relished their time together. She loved watching him take in all the things he'd been denied for so long. Things that most people took for granted. Like enjoying a simple meal, or taking a walk in the warm sun. His appreciation for his new life never failed to warm her heart, and she was grateful that he had chosen to spend that life with her.

His enthusiasm was infectious and she found herself appreciating all the little things she never bothered to notice before. Where eating a simple bowl of ice cream in a sun filled kitchen, or taking a light nap in the tall grass had become something to be cherished. Each moment was one to live to the fullest, and the more she was around him the more she never wanted to let him go. He was an amazing reminder of was truly important.

Her sisters had been immediately taken with him. Kasumi, married now and a homemaker, fussed over him as any big sister would. Her main objective was seeing to it that he was being properly fed. Since becoming human again, Ranma found that the appetite he'd had as a kid had returned tenfold. One of his favorite things was enjoying a good home cooked meal by Kasumi. A fact that Akane had reluctantly conceded. She had never been a wonder in the kitchen.

Even Nabiki found herself drawn to him. Akane sometimes wondered if Ranma were using his mental influence in this area considering her middle sister was usually a tough nut to crack, but he had adamantly insisted that he had done no such thing.

Perhaps that was part of what had intrigued her sister. The feeling that the secrets he held were both strong and deep. Nabiki was all for deciphering puzzles. Had in fact one of the keenest intuitions of anyone Akane knew. Still, Ranma had remained an enigma to her, which only kept her coming back for more. Akane felt kind of bad for her, no matter how amazing her intuition might be, there was no way she would ever guess he had once been a vampire.

Both of her sisters were glad that she had returned to them. Kasumi had been especially attentive, always prepared in her role as surrogate mother, to which Akane had submitted willingly. She thought it was the least she could do after running away like she had. She came from a tight-knit family and she knew even thought they had tried not to show it, her leaving had hurt them.

Nabiki had been a bit more reserved in her reaction to seeing Akane again, as she did not readily wear her heart on her sleeve. Still, there was no mistake in the silent understanding that passed between them. As always the undercurrent of love that connected them was more than just present. It was felt in every glance and with every subtle word. That instant knowledge that they would always be there for each other no matter what.

Akane was grateful for them both, and she knew they were more than pleased that their father's legacy would be preserved. That she would see to it that his spirit lived on in the art he had loved so much.

The police had of course discovered Kuno's body. They weren't releasing many details, except to say they suspected it was a drug deal gone bad. On an anonymous tip they had raided one of his warehouses and found all the evidence they had needed to this effect.

The two men that Ranma had roughed up were arrested, neither one of them eager to reveal what they had witnessed. They seemed to realize it would only hurt their case rather than help it. After all, blurting out that you'd come up against a vampire and lost was not something the court would look too kindly on. If anything they would probably be accused of taking Kuno's wonder drug themselves. It was certainly what the authorities thought Shampoo had done. Instead of prison they had sent her to the local psychiatric hospital, where they suspected she would remain for quite some time.

Even if there were things about the crime scene the police couldn't quite explain, Akane suspected they would be more than willing to overlook them. They had gotten their drug bust and a major crime lord was dead. It was all going to look very good to the public, especially with certain elections right around the corner.

With Ranma taking over most of the teaching duties at the dojo and the legacy of the school secure, Akane had been free to further pursue her singing career. Nabiki had found her an appropriate manager, and already she had several gigs lined up at some of the small clubs in the area. It felt good to finally be taking charge of her life. Akane knew deep down that her father would have been proud of her. She was finally coming into her own.

It hadn't taken Ukyo long to pick up on Akane's cue and quit her job at Club Kindred. Instead she decided to follow her friend to Nerima and with the money she had saved she rented a small property with which to open her long awaited okonomiyaki shop.

As Akane knew it would be, it had turned out to be a big hit with the locals and one of Ranma's favorite hangout spots. Ukyo had even talked Mousse into coming with her, hiring him on as a full time manager.

Akane had no doubt that it was only the first of many good things to come for Ukyo. She was too talented a chef and it was only a matter of time before her shop would officially become a franchise.

Akane smiled as she remembered the first time Ukyo was formally introduced to Ranma. Although she had seen him briefly at Club Kindred and had even commented on his "hunk" status, the actual face to face meeting left no doubt that she found him extremely attractive.

Her reaction had been instantaneous. She hadn't been able to stop staring at him, and the look she had given him had left little to the imagination. In fact Akane had even teased her by offering her a napkin to wipe up all the excess drool. Of course Ranma had been completely oblivious to it all, and after she had gotten over her initial dumbfounded fascination they had actually become quite good friends.

Akane was glad for that. Glad for the much deserved happiness Ranma seemed to find here. She was grateful for his presence, for he could always chase away the demons that still seemed to linger around her. When she was with him she was invincible. In his arms nothing could touch her.

She only wished she could fully let go of the guilt she still harbored over her father's death. She hadn't had the heart to tell her sisters how he had really died. Wanting to protect them from the ugly truth and all the complications that came along with it. It was her burden to bear, and she alone would carry it.

She tried to remember what Ranma had told her. That her father wouldn't want her to blame herself for what had happened. That doing so wouldn't bring him back. She knew this in her head. She just wished someone could tell it to her heart.

She was ashamed of herself for running away, for leaving the very thing she should have been trying to hold onto. She just hoped that wherever he was her father would forgive her.

Each morning, before Ranma would awaken, she would head to the dojo alone. There she would try to work out the things that still haunted her. Falling into the simple repetitive patterns of her father's world is where she felt most connected to him. It was here that she could find some sort of peace within herself.

This particular morning she had come out earlier than usual. For some reason she had awoken with a feeling of anxiousness she couldn't quite explain. It was almost as if something had been calling out to her, beckoning her from inside the dojo walls.

She had made her way past the koi pond, crossing the yard with quick and eager steps, as if being urged forward by some unseeing hand. She wondered absently if having been connected to Ranma when he was a vampire had somehow made her more sensitive to things. She could tell something was different, could sense it in the very air. It was something warm and familiar, as if her father's spirit were suddenly everywhere all at once. In every blooming flower, every leaf that rustled softly in the wind, even in every living bird that rose to sing their early morning song.

She inhaled deeply, and was shocked to find what she thought was a whiff of her father's cologne hanging in the air. His presence was definitely all around her. She could feel it with every ounce of her being. Could he possibly know of the disquiet inside of her? Was his spirit trying to assuage this? To grant her the forgiveness she so readily thought she needed?

Her steps slowed as she approached the door of the dojo with an almost eager apprehension. What would she find once inside? On legs that were shaking slightly, she pushed aside her unease and stepped through the doorway.

She stopped and closed her eyes, trying to sense him, her mind reaching out, wishing with all her might that he were here with her. It was then that she felt the sudden gust of wind burst into the dojo. It whirled around her, enveloping her completely. She gave an audible gasp as images of her father began to bombard her. Scenes from their life together played out before her closed lids, each one more dear than the last. The images then began to slowly change, bringing into focus her relationship with Kuno and all it had entailed. Her meeting Ranma, her kidnapping, the subsequent battle for her life, ending finally with Ranma's liberation brought about by his love for her. It was as if her father were trying to tell her that he had seen all that had gone on before. That he had been with her the whole time and that it was all okay. That this is what was meant to be.

"Dad..." the single word escaped her lips in a whispered rush. Tears of release flowed freely down her face, as she felt the guilt begin to lessen and then leave her completely. The wind slowly began to abate, then stopped altogether. Gradually she opened her eyes, her gaze carefully inspecting her surroundings.

There, lying in the center of the dojo floor lay a single white lotus flower. The symbol for truth, perfection and immortality. It's underlying meaning was not lost on Akane. Though the roots always came from muddy pools, the flower would continuously emerge clean and fresh. A sign that no matter what kind of trouble she was in, what struggle she might face, like the flower she would be able to rise above it and come out whole.

She walked over and picked it up, cradling it gently in the palm of her hand. As she stared down at it she realized that she was a facet of her father's immortality. That through her, and her children after her, he would live on forever. It was something she could forever take comfort in.


The sound of her name brought her out of her reverie, as she turned slowly to face Ranma who was now standing in the doorway. She gave him a soft smile, one that filled his heart instantly.

"Are you okay?"

She nodded. "Yes, Ranma." she assured him. "I am now."

He returned her smile, holding out his hand for her to take. "Come on then, come for a walk with me."

Her smile grew at the invitation. Slipping the flower behind her ear she made her way to him, reaching to take his outstretched offer. Her hand slipped easily into his, the warmth of it sending out that familiar tingling rush. He was her life here and now and there wasn't any other place she'd rather be.

Throwing a quick glance back over her shoulder she gave a thoughtful stare toward where she'd felt her father's presence. Sensing he was still there, in fact would always be in some way, she whispered her profound thanks before darting down the stairs and following Ranma out into the warm sunshine.

- R 1/2 -

Well, there you have it. I hope it was up to par! I'd be interested to hear! Ja!