Reviews for Mortal Heart
Guest chapter 17 . 3/21
you are a wonderful writer
pahlee chapter 1 . 3/4
Lichan I love your work and all and I was super shocked to see an update to Mortal Heart because I thought it was done, is this chapter meant to be in the Kodachi story? to love honor and murder? either way I loved the chapter and glad to see updates
Patohf chapter 16 . 7/8/2018
Muy buen trabajo me encantó la historia. Saludos!
BobV chapter 17 . 3/1/2016
The story was awesome! And so was the end. The part with Akane feeling her father's presence brought a smile to my face. Ranma and Ryoga's last talk was also good too. Even if they are parting ways now and despite their differences, we can see they are still good friends.

Despite all the characters being OOC, the story was amazing. Thanks for writing it.
BobV chapter 16 . 3/1/2016
I forgot to mention the death of Soun in the last chapter. It was good to see Ranma finally killing the bastard.

And for this chapter, wow! I wasn't expecting this. I thought Akane would become a vampire but it seems it was the other way around. Akane transformed Ranma back into a human being. That was very cleaver.
When I read the part where Ranma was human again, my first thought was "Oh, I think Akane will miss some of the best advantages of being with him."
But it seems she was lucky enough. Now Ranma has the good of of his vampire side without any worry.
And I'm sure Akane will love that.
BobV chapter 15 . 3/1/2016
Oh man, what Ranma will do? Will her transform her in a vampire or will he try to find a normal doctor?

Well, let's find out now.
BobV chapter 14 . 3/1/2016
The last scene with Ryoga and Shampoo was creepy. And good. In all the stories I've read, I never saw Ryoga doing something similar to Shampoo. There were times were he defeated her but the majority of them were by accident.
BobV chapter 13 . 3/1/2016
Kuno isn't a vampire but now he has the power of one. And Akane has fallen in his hands. Kuno was really evil.

Let's what Ranma will do when he finds out what happened to her.
BobV chapter 12 . 2/29/2016
Akane's reaction was better than I expected. I thought she'd be mad and try to hit him for what he did to her.

I liked how you mixed elements of the manga, anime and some original ideas in Ranma's background.
I thought you ignored their curses but they still there, but in a different way.

And I loved how Akane tried to comfort Ranma after he learned what he had been through.
BobV chapter 11 . 2/29/2016
And the secret is finally out. Knowing Ranma and Akane, it had to be something dramatic.
I was not surprised to see Ranma risking his life to save Akane. That's what he always do. I knew a few sun lights wouldn't stop him.

So Cologne and Shampoo are helping Kuno with this new drug, huh? This is something you don't see everyday.
BobV chapter 10 . 2/29/2016
Another set up chapter. This time for the girls. It was just to make us curious to know what Akane will do once she meets Ranma again.
BobV chapter 9 . 2/29/2016
Ranma and Ryoga's talks are always interesting. Both because Ryoga is being annoying and because he's saying the truth. Ranma need someone like Akane to shook his life a little.

It did surprise me that Shampoo is working for Kuni.
BobV chapter 8 . 2/29/2016
I think I already said that in one of your other stories but I'll say it again. When it comes to write a hot erotic scene without turning into something porn, you're one of the bests. I really like how you describe scenes and sensations. Awesome chapter!
BobV chapter 7 . 2/29/2016
Although it was short chapter, it was good to finally see Ranma in action.
BobV chapter 6 . 2/29/2016
Oh, this was a great chapter. Too bad they didn't go any further. But I'm sure there will be another time.

It seems even here Ranma can't make up his mind. Akane was practically begging for him and I was here saying "just do it."

Like in your others stories, your scenes with Ranma and Akane are always great!
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