I'm really really really sorry about not updating!! well I'm postponing the court scene until next chapter because I just wanted to update real quick, so just consider this a filler chapter.

Here are the user names again:

MalletGirl – Misty – Judge

DaMaStEr – Ash – Itachi's Lawyer

Skitty411 – May – Lie Detector/ DNA Tester

BetterThanMay – Drew - Captive

RaltsKid7 – Max – Audience

SoStylish – Dawn - Audience

JerkMaster101 – Paul - Audience

CacturneCrazy – Harley – Wasn't Invited (but came anyway)

SpikeyHead10 – Brendan – Audience

StillDateless – Brock – Bailiff

FairyBoy17 – Link - Jury

TwilightTwister – Midna – Jury

TriforceGirl – Zelda – Jury

MrPowerfulMan – Ganondorf - Jury

UchihaDude13 – Sasuke – Going Against Itachi

NinjaGirl – Sakura – Sasuke's Lawyer

RamenKing – Naruto - Audience

DogLover15 – Kiba - Jury

2Shy2Talk – Hinata – Jury

IAmNotItachi – Itachi – Going Against Sasuke

BlueSharkBoy – Kisame – Revealer

DoomSinger – Gir Random Yeller/ Audience

Director #1 – Me

Director #2 – My sister

Disclaimer: (reads paper) I don't own anything and never will, Hey! Who wrote this! (crumbles up paper and throws it away)


Skitty411 has logged on

BetterThanMay is still in his disturbingly small cage

BetterThanMay: are you ever going to let me out?

Skitty411: nope

BetterThanMay: evil..

Skitty411: thank you!

BetterThanMay: that wasn't a compliment..

Skitty411: I know!

BetterThanMay: whatever..

MalletGirl has logged on

DaMaStEr has logged on

DaMaStEr: my stomach hurts..

MalletGirl: that's what you get for eating so much!

Skitty411: how much did he eat?

MalletGirl: too much

BetterThanMay: May!!

Skitty411: yes?

BetterThanMay: would you let me out of this stupid cage?!

Skitty411: what's the magic word?

BetterThanMay: please?

Skitty411 has ran off to hide the key


DaMaStEr: dude your never gonna get out

BetterThanMay: I kinda noticed that

MalletGirl: poor poor Drew

BetterThanMay: whatever..(sulking in disturbingly small cage)

UchihaDude13 has captured Itachi

IAmNotItachi has been captured

NinjaGirl has logged on

RamenKing has logged on

IAmNotItachi: how many times do I have to tell you I'm not Itachi

UchihaDude13: stop denying it!

RamenKing: Sasuke that's not Itachi

NinjaGirl: what makes you think that?

RamenKing: his user name is IAmNotItachi, isn't it obvious that he isn't Itachi?

NinjaGirl: Naruto your such an idiot!!

UchihaDude13: shut up loser

RamenKing: whatever

MalletGirl: who's Itachi?

NinjaGirl: Sasuke's older brother who killed his entire clan

RamenKing: except Sasuke

NinjaGirl: no duh

MalletGirl: okay...

Skitty411 has logged on

BetterThanMay: May!! let me out of this cage!!

Skitty411: hmm...let me think about it...NO!

BetterThanMay: (continues sulking)

IAmNotItachi: would you just let me go!!

UchihaDude13: no

IAmNotItachi: why not?

UchihaDude13: you killed our clan, I need my revenge!

RamenKing: I think I thought of a way to figure out if he's Itachi or not

NinjaGirl: even though we already know that he's Itachi, what's your idea?

RamenKing: we take him to court!

NinjaGirl: that's actually not that bad of an idea

UchihaDude13: fine, we'll take Itachi to court

MalletGirl: I'm the judge!!

Skitty411: I suggest that you don't disagree with her

NinjaGirl: wasn't gonna


Alright! What did you think about this chapter, I didn't really like it, but remember its just a filler chapter, and next chapter is the EPIC (yes, I'm calling it epic) Court Scene chapter, so be sure to hit that Go button to motivate me to write that chapter! Bye!