Disclaimer: I own nothing.

It was quiet on the old fairground with the exception of the whispered conversation being held by the four remaining teenagers.

"We have got to get Iola and Phil back," Joe repeated insistently for what felt like the hundredth time.

"I don't disagree," Frank said calmly. "But, this guy has gotten the better of us twice already. Maybe we are better off standing here in the middle of the fairground until the police get here. It's clear there are no phones, and he seems to pick a new one of us off every time we turn around."

"What if he tortures them in the mean time?" Callie broke in. "We can't just stand a round and do nothing."

"This whole situation stinks." Chet huffed. "We have to get them back."

"This has all the makings of a bad teen horror movie." Callie put in.

"Exactly," Frank agreed. "And we all know what happens in those movies. They play right into the killer's hands by splitting up and wandering around, and then shockingly they wind up dead."

"If he had Callie we wouldn't even be having this conversation," Joe said accusatorily.

"That's not fair, Joe." Chet reprimanded quietly.

"I am not saying we shouldn't go after them, we just need to be smart about it. Up until now the ball has been in his court, whoever he is. We need to figure out a way to turn the tables and trick him into giving up his location." Frank explained quietly. "What do we know about this guy?"

"Well, we know he wants all of us…" Callie murmured.

"All but one of us," Joe corrected.

"He's not going to be happy when he finds out Tony and Biff escaped." Chet said apprehensively.

"It seems pretty clear that he wants to grab Callie next." Frank said with a worried sideways glance at his girlfriend.

"The problem is once he captures someone he seems to gain control of them pretty easily, so anyone trying to falsely fall into his trap to free the others is likely to actually fall into his trap." Joe rubbed a hand warily over his face as he spoke.

"He seems to know a lot about us," Chet pointed out. "Have you guys previously encountered any fairground crazies?"

"Not that I can recall," Frank replied.

The mechanical crackling of the loudspeaker drew them from their strategizing.

"I find it adorable that you think you can defeat me," their would-be assailant proclaimed. "I understand that Mr. Prito and Mr. Hooper have made their escape from here. Of course it will take them hours to make it to a phone, and by then any number of things can happen to them and you. However, I cannot take the risk that the police will get here before I have had my fun."

Frank unconsciously tugged Callie closer to him as the speaker continued.

"Each of you will take up a position facing four different directions around the carousel,"

Said carousel was located in the center of the fairground.

"You will then walk straight through whatever obstacles you face. There is a trap in three of the directions. If you are on one of those unlucky pathways you will be joining me, sooner rather than later. One of you will find your way free of trouble, of course when you are the only one left that is when our fun really begins. And, it goes without saying that if you do not follow my instructions to the letter the only way you will be getting Miss Morten and Mr. Cohen back is in pieces. Am I understood?"

"Yes," the four teens murmured apprehensively.

"Get into position,"

Frank placed himself at the front of the carousel while Joe located himself on the opposite end, and Chet and Callie took up positions on either side of the brothers.

"On your mark, get set, go!"

With a last apprehensive glance at each other, the four teens headed in four very separate directions across the fairgrounds. Only time would reveal their fates.

A/N Review, please!