Disclaimer: I do not own Bleach, but it would so cool if I did. Thank you to all reviews, and those who took the time to read my story. Well, here's chapter three, enjoy!

Chapter 3

Rukia woke up to the faces of Orihime, Tatsuki, Chizuru, and Mahana. Her eyes widened at their closeness, she sensed something was wrong.

"Oh, hey, uh, what's up?" She asked nervously. Chizuru laughed, waving her hands in front of her,

"Rukia, you are so funny! Hee-hee-hee-hee, a comic genius!" Tatsuki gave her a kick to the face, then grinned, rather sheepishly,

"Nothing much, we were just hanging around, not going to say-," she was interrupted, by the rest of the girls,

"I knew it! No doubt about you and Kurosaki-kun, ohhhh!" Orihime was squealing her head off, Mahana had hearts in her eyes, also squealing about Ichigo and her, and being so made for each other. Even Chizuru was screaming in delight, despite a footmark on her face.

"Um, I'm going to go change," Rukia quietly grabbed her bag and ran to the bathroom across the hall, sighing in relief. As she changed into a navy skirt that ended at her knees and a white shirt that had Chappy on it, she pondered on what had happened last night. She blushed remembering the way Ichigo had fidgeted and stuttered over his words. She'd known him for quite some time now and she had never once seen him that way. Putting her fingers to her lips Rukia's blush deepened, she could still feel his lips upon hers.


After her little recollection, the small shinigami brushed her teeth, then walked out and walked into Orihime's room. Looking at the said ashy orange haired girl she remembered something, didn't Orihime like Ichigo? But she seemed so joyful and cheery…Maybe she'd asked her if they were ever alone.

"Oi, I-CHI-GO!" Isshin yelled as he practically tore down his son's door. Ichigo jumped up and looked startled, but dodged his father's flying kick just in time.

"What the hell? How many times have I told you not to do that, Old Man!" The orange-haired teenager yelled in anger, his idiotic excuse for a dad had woken him up for the most peaceful dream. Th older of the two stood up, nursing his bruised head.

"Why I wanted to spend quality time with my only son! What would your mother say if you refused?" Isshin replied, quite, melodramitic. Ichigo just rolled his eyes,

"I think Mom would've understood, in this case. Did you have a extra bowl of stupid this morning?" His dad gasped in shock,

"How did you know, are you some kind of mind-reader?" Ichigo once again rolled his amber eyes, irritataed.

"Anyway, don't you have to go pick up Rukia-chan?" The substitute shinigami's heart quickened at the mention of her. He sighed deeply, and dragged a protesting Isshin out of his room, to get changed. As he leaned on the door, a small smile formed on his features. The emotions that overtook him were enough to drown out his fathers banging, and kicking. Things had changed, and he was glad. Whatever Rukia was doing he was sure she felt the same way. Then, Ichigo quickly snapped out of his trance to hurry up and get dressed. The sooner he saw her the better.