Title: In A World Without Sarcasm 8: Andy to the Rescue
Author: Slashydutchie
Rating: PG-13
Pairing: Miranda/Andy
Genre: Humor
Summary: Number eight in what's going to be a whole bunch of drabbles/short fics in which I take quotes from DWP WAY too seriously. Today: "What does she want you to do, call the National Guard and have her airlifted out of there? "
Disclaimer: Everything you recognize belongs to other people… if it belonged to me Andy and Miranda would have pounced on each other… multiple times.
A/N: Please guys, I need your suggestions/requests/ideas. It's getting more and more difficult to think of quotes to use, probably because I'm consistently overlooking some.
A/N2: Minor stroke of genius here, I'll also take quotes that aren't in the actual film or book, but that any of the characters COULD have said. So if your fic has Emily firing off a spectacular zinger or Serena samba-deadpans her way through the Elias-Clarke building, do tell.
Miranda Priestly was displeased.
As per usual, this was bad news for the universe in general and particularly for one Andrea Sachs, whose job it was to somehow find a way to remedy the situation.
Cell reception had been sketchy at best, but those calls the ice queen had managed to place left little doubt of what was to be done. She had to get out of the very literal blizzard and back home in time to watch the twins perform in their school play.
It was the hurricane incident all over again.
Except, that this time, Andy had been prepared. Ever the journalist, she had researched and blackmailed her way into some pretty influential circles and that was why, even as Miranda attempted her forty-seventh irate call of the evening, the fashion maven's words were drowned out by the unmistakable sound of a helicopter.
A hovering helicopter.
Right over her head.
"We can't land in this weather, miss Sachs!" the pilot announced, eyeing the determined brunette with something akin to panic in his eyes. "We'll have to go back! This is insane!"
Andrea fixed him with a level gaze as she grabbed a harness and clicked it into place. "With all due respect... until you've worked at Runway, you have no idea what insanity is."
The poor man didn't even get a chance to protest as the assistant leapt from the helicopter.
A few minutes later...
"Ahn-draya," Miranda began slowly, but loudly. The latter was rather necessary to be heard over the noise of the helicopter's blades.
"Yes, Miranda?" Andy asked, aiming a smile at the woman clinging to her as the two of them dangled under the helicopter.
"I'm impressed."
Meanwhile, at that exact moment...
Emily's high-pitched scream startled every New York pigeon in a five-block radius.
"Emily, what is it?" Serena asked as she ran in to check on her.
For a few moments all the British assistant could do was stand there shaking, blue eyes wide, her already pale complexion now white as a sheet, as if she'd seen some sort of ghost.
"I'm... I'm not sure," she whispered. "I just had this incredible sensation that there is something very wrong in the world."