Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto but I know who does!!

My third fanfic so please don't be too harsh, and no flames but I do accept constructive criticism.

Kakashi was annoyed. Actually, he was more than annoyed, he was furious! Sakura, Sasuke and Naruto where fighting yet again.

"That's mine, Dobe!" Sasuke said to the blonde Genin.

"No it's not, it's mine!! I was the only one who brought that delicious stuff here," Naruto said indignantly, frowning at the Uchiha. (If you are familiar with Naruto then you can probably guess what I'm talking about. For the freakishly slow or newbies here, I am talking about RAMEN!)

"Oh, shut up the both of you!! There's enough to share between all of us. So just serve it up already!" Sakura said. She was hungry. She wanted that damn ramen RIGHT NOW!

"But Sa-ku-raaaaa," Whined Naruto, "I really don't want to share with Sasuke-teme over there… I'll share with you though," He added, wiggling his eyebrows suggestively.

Refraining from punching him, Sakura sighed and replied, "That's good enough for me," She brought out a china bowl and some chopsticks from her backpack.

"Hey, Naruto, Sakura, Sasuke. I need some help here… to ummm…. put up this tent. Yeah that's it…" Kakashi was beckoning from the tree he was in.

"Ok Kakashi-sensei," Came the muttered reply from a hungry Naruto and Sakura.

"Hn…" This was obviously the reply from that emo-motional Sasuke.

Sakura, followed by the two boys, ran after her sensei so that they could help him pitch this mysterious 'tent'.

Suddenly, she was tripped up and, quickly followed by the other two, stuffed into a large sack.

"What the HELL?!?" yelled a disorientated Sasuke.

"I can't see!!" Shouted Sakura.

"I WANT MY RAMEN BACK!!!!" Wailed Naruto.

"Oh shut up, I am completely fed up with all of your constant fighting and yelling, so now you are all going to find out what it's like to actually get along with some one for once in your short lives!!!" Came a raised voice from out side the bag. It was Kakashi. He was mad…. Uh oh.

( - - - )

When Team Seven finally awoke they found that Sasuke was tied to a chair and Naruto and Sakura each had an array of kunaii's, shuriken's and … what was that… a base ball bat?…infront of them.

"Hnuh?" Sasuke mumbled, tossing his head around and struggling in his tight bonds.

"Stop struggling Sasuke or your bonds just become tighter! I know they're uncomfortable but this is what you get for being the most angsty damn ninja I have ever met! And as your tutor I will be letting each of your team mates have two hours each day with you with what ever 'accessories' they can find…And, umm, Naruto is going first so prepare yourself," Saying this last bit, Kakashi rose from the chair he was sitting in and walked out of the cold room's door.

"Crap." Sasuke seethed, wriggling slightly in the chair. Despite his wrists being tied to the back of the chair, he wiggled them feebly and reached for a kunai, shuriken, or anything else that would cut the ropes that restricted his movement. Naruto looked at Sasuke, and snickered slightly.

"Teme, you look as if you've got an itch." Naruto smirked, receiving a glare from the young avenger.

"Dobe, don't make me cut out of these bonds and show you what being a ninja is all about."

"I'd like to see you do that, Teme… 'ttebayo." Naruto grinned at the young man. Sasuke glared full force at Naruto, and squirmed at bit more, but was unable to break free.

Sakura murmured, "Sasuke-kun, don't try… Kakashi-sensei said that the bonds would become tighter. There's no point."

"If you think that I am just going to sit back and let YOU and the DOBE torture me, then you're thinking wrong!!" Sasuke was now talking directly at Sakura.

"Oi, don't talk to Sakura-chan like that, Teme!! She has more of a reason to beat the crap out of you than I do!" Naruto said firmly to the Uchiha.

"I don't think you actually have any reason for beating 'the crap' out of me… if you can give me a reason then why not, but…." Sasuke trailed of when he saw the murderous glint in the blonde Nin's eye.

"Sasuke, I will tell you our plan if you promise not to interrupt and or make any noise whatsoever!" Sakura said, breaking up their small argument before Naruto actually hurt Sasuke.

" ……… I guess I can accept those terms…" Sasuke replied after a long pause.

"Good, well what we were going to do is torture you to our heart's content, but then we thought that this may stop us from doing any future missions, oh, and Naruto said it may stop you from having any kids so…. Yeah. We then decided that we would torture you slowly so that we don't hurt you badly at first but then if you don't tell us of your feelings and deepest secrets then the torture will get worse, and so on and, so forth." Sakura explained this as if she had rehearsed behind his back.

Sasuke really didn't agree to this but he realized that he probably didn't have a choice in the matter, so he just slowly nodded his head and admitted himself to this horrible torture, watching Naruto and Sakura walk out of the door…

( - - - )

Kakashi, who was standing outside the room's door, was secretly cheering Sakura on for what she had said and was quite shocked when Naruto pushed the door open and almost flattened Kakashi against the wall of the hallway. Luckily when Naruto heard Kakashi's muffled cry of pain, he swung back the door so that Sakura could take care of him.

"Hey, how come you guys are out here, I thought you'd be kicking Sasuke's ass by now… has he already given in?" Kakashi asked, confused.

"Well we decided that we would go out and buy some …'accessories'," Naruto said with a slightly crazed look in his eyes.

Kakashi didn't know if it was the murderous glint in his student's eyes or the way Sakura rubbed her hands together with glee when Naruto said "accessories", but he thought that he would have to keep an eye on them from now on…

So, what do you think? Should I carry on with it? Please R & R to tell me what you think!!

- LoopyLoo13 xxx