Summary: Sasuke's a Vampire, Sakura's the daughter of a Vampire Hunter. Their worlds didn't mix. But when she's taken as hostage, she's given one choice: Join them or die "You know what they say," he gave her a malicious grin as his mouth drew closer, "Never trust a vampire." ItaSakuSasu

I know I should be working on my other story, but this idea was nagging at me!

Between Life and Death

Chapter One

My name is Haruno, Sakura

And before a few days ago, I was just a normal teenage girl.

I cared about how I looked, I worried about whether my breasts were too small, or if the boys noticed my new tan. I had those everyday little girl crushes that made me blush and double my heart speed.

But all that was taken away from me.

Now I don't know what I am, or where I am.

I'm still not really sure how it happened…

One second, I'm walking home from school, and the next thing I knew, I was…here.

The faces…

All pale and gaunt with those bloodthirsty, piercing red eyes…

They all looked at me lustfully.

…And then it started…

One of them tugged at a loose thread on my sweater, and before I knew it, my clothes were being torn off and ripped to shreds.

I screamed, I begged them…

But it was no use.

They took it.

After what seemed like an eternity, they were finally done. They spat on me, and left me there in the cell.

I remember just lying there… huddled in the corner.

Alone, and naked.

I don't know how long I was there for. It was freezing in that cell, and my body was covered in dry, crusty blood. I felt like I haven't eaten in days. My ribs were visible, and my face was hollow and gaunt.

Then he came…

I didn't even notice him until he gently placed a blanket around my body.

I looked up hopefully…

Only to find another set of red eyes staring back at me.

I shrank back in fear.

"Please… Please… Don't… Hurt me like they did… Please…" I remember saying hoarsely, "It hurts… It really, really hurts…"

He didn't say anything.

He didn't have to.

His eyes were enough. It was as if they were strangely comforting me.

That's when I got a first good look at his face.

I realized the boy was probably around my age. He had dark shaggy hair, and like the others, the pale, long face. But he was different despite all this; he was… handsome. His face wasn't the same as the others. He still had a cold, frosty expression on his face, but there was something else there. His face- or mainly his eyes, seem to hint at something more…

I just couldn't place my fingers on it.

"Put these on," he threw me some clothes, "Our master would like to see you."

I grabbed the clothes, as he continued to stare at me.

It was a second later when I realized he was waiting for me to put the clothes on.

"Umm… I…" I stammered nervously, as my face began to turn red.

He rolled his eyes, "Oh right, I forgot." He turned around.

I quickly put on the clothes, which consisted of shorts and a long, baggy, shirt. They reeked of blood, and my body cringed at the thought of how they got there.

"I'm… Done," I said timidly, and couldn't help asking, "Where… where am I? Who… Who are you?"

He turned around and stared at me in surprise, "You… you don't know?"

I shook my head, and waited for him to answer my question.

He stood there for a brief second, as if deciding whether to tell me or not. I saw his mouth open a few times, as if he was going to say something.

"Itachi will tell you." He finally said, and then proceeded to pull me to my feet.

"Ow," I cried in pain, and clutched my side, "It… Hurts."

It hadn't occurred to me how badly my body was damaged. I definitely had a few broken ribs, my body was full of bruises, and the area between my legs was killing me.

"I'm sorry," I said tearfully, as the pain became almost unbearable, "I… can't stand up."

He stared at me intently for a few moments, and then to my surprise… began to run his hands down my body.

I gasped in shock, as his hands ran down my front. But I was too scared to say anything.

His touch was surprising soft, as they slowly went down my legs.

What's he…

Is he going to…?

"You have three broken ribs, and a fracture ankle." He finally said blankly.

I let out a breath of relief. He was just checking me for injuries.

I looked at him, wondering what he was going to do.

He lifted me up gently, and carried me outside the cell, which frankly, was no different than inside the cell. Everything was still dark, and damp. The only light source came from the small pits of fire that continued down the narrow pathway. His grip on me was firm. My head was pressed against his chest…and I felt no heartbeat, just the slow movement of his chest going up and down as he breathed.

I could hear voices nearby, and I grabbed his shirt in fear, as I did, my hand made some contact with the skin on his chest. He flinched slightly as my hands brushed against him. I could feel a blush rising again.

"Sorry… about that, I didn't mean to…" I trailed off, not knowing how to finish the sentence.

"It's okay."

After walking down endless corridors, he stopped at the front of a grand door. He knocked on the door, and a voice replied, "Come in."

The door opened automatically, and we entered the room. I could feel my heart pounding in fear as I clutched tighter to him. As my eyes adjusted to the darkness, I realized how grand the room was.

It was huge and spacious, filled with antique furniture, and contorted statues. In the center, was a huge canopy bed, with red velvet sheets, and satin drapes.

"Why is your heart beating so fast, m'dear?" a voice asked.

My eyes frantically searched around to see who was talking to me.

"I brought her here as you asked, Itachi," the boy carrying me said, "Where should I leave her?"

"On the bed will be fine, Sasuke." The man apparently named "Itachi" said. "Is she the one?"

I stared up at him. So that's his name. Sasuke.

"Yeah. She's the daughter." Sasuke replied, "But there seems to be a slight confusion. She doesn't know about who he is, or even who we are, for that matter."

"Well, well, isn't this interesting…"

What? What are they talking about? My father?

"You guys got it confused!" I blurted, "My father's a doctor! He's a respectable man! He'd never-"

"Be quiet," Itachi raised his voice slightly, "Alright then Sasuke, leave her there, and I'll take care of the rest."

Sasuke walked towards the bed, and slowly set me down. I grabbed on to his shirt and whispered, "Don't leave me… please…"

He stared at me for a few seconds, and I could see pity in his eyes. I silently begged him to take me with him, but he ignored me, and began to walk away.

"Please!" I cried tearfully, "Please! Don't leave me here! Don't go!"

He continued to ignore my pleas, as he reached the door.

"Please…" I sobbed, "I'm… I'm scared! Sasuke!"

He suddenly stopped as he heard me call his name. My heart pounded as I waited for him to make his next move.

He turned around, and my heart leaped with joy.

"I'm sorry," he finally replied.

…And he closed the door and left.

I stared in shock, as darkness, once again, enwrapped me.

"No!" I screamed as I tried to crawl off the bed, but a cold hand suddenly grabbed me out of nowhere.

"Sorry, you're not going anywhere."

I whirled around to a young man, a few years older than me. It shocked me to see how much this man looked like Sasuke. The same eyes, the same dark hair, but he was different. His face was emotionless, and his eyes weren't comforting. Something in them made me fear this man greatly.

"I don't think I've properly introduced myself yet," he smirked as he grabbed me towards him, "I'm Itachi, you could say I'm the head honcho here."

He pinned me down onto the bed, "I have to say, it was quite touching watching you call out to my dear little brother Sasuke," He sneered, "I can tell you one thing now. No one, no fucking soul is going to save you now."

I stared at him, paralyzed, unable to utter a single sound. Sasuke and him… Are related!?

Itachi's expression suddenly turned amused, "So you really don't know what that son-of-a-bitch father of yours does?"

"He's… he's a doctor," I choked out, "He's… a well-respected doctor!"

"The fuck he is!" Itachi growled, "Let me tell you what he really is. But first, do you even know what I am?"

"A deranged psycho?" I cried, struggling under his weight.

"Not… quite…" He smirked, and showed two of pointy canine teeth.

"No way, you're a…" I stared in shock, unable to believe what I'm seeing.

"…A vampire." He finished, "And you know what you're father is? A Vampire hunter."

"No… He's not… You're… you're WRONG!" I cried, "He's not! He's not! You've got the wrong person! And you're not a vampire! They don't exist! You're just some sick twisted demented sadistical freak!"

"You still don't believe me do you?" His eyes bore into mine; "I guess I have no choice then."

Before I knew it, his face was inches away from my neck. I could feel his cool breath… and I shivered slightly.

"Stop it," I whimpered, "Don't…"

He gave my neck a lick.

"Stop it! STOP IT! I BELIEVE YOU!" I screamed, as I started to squirm again, "Please don't!"

He stopped midway, and turned to look at me, "Do you know why you're here?"

I shook my head.

"You're bait."


He nodded his head, "Once he hears his precious daughter's been captured, he's going to come down here to save you. But it's not going to be that simple. I'm going to offer him an exchange. His life for yours."

I started to cry again, "How dare you! You… evil…" I sobbed hysterically as I tried to get my hands out of his grasp. I just wanted to at least land… one punch on that smirking face of his.

"Do you know what all those statues are?" he suddenly asked me.

I ignored him and continue to cry.

"They're people." He said, "Vampire hunters, to be exact."

That caught my attention.

"Do you know why they're all in stone?" He gave me a wicked grin, "Because that's how I kill them. First, I turn them into Vampires, and then I cast them out into the light, and listen to them screech in pain as they slowly turn to stone. Look at their faces," he pointed to the statues, each seemed to be screaming in pain, as if in agonizing pain, "You can almost hear the screams just by looking at them."

"You… Sick bastard!" I was able to free one of my hands, and I landed a punch… right in the center of his face.

I let out a cry of happiness as my fist connected with his face.

However, he was unphased by it. He continued to stare at me, as a small trickle of blood slowly dripped from his mouth.

He was surprisingly calm as he said darkly, "That was not a wise thing to do, m'dear." His grip on my hands tighten, "It brings out the worst in me."

I shrank back in fear as he showed me his fangs again, and his eyes began to glow strangely, "I was actually going to let you off, but since you so rudely insulted my generosity. I'm going to give you a choice. Let me ask you, do you want to live, or die?"

I stared at him, "Live of course!"

"In that case, would you rather join us, than to die?"

I gasped, "You're… going to… No! I refuse! I'm not going to become one of you blood-sucking bastards!"

"So I take it you want to die?"

"You… You can't kill me!" I cried desperately, "You need me alive for the trade!"

Itachi gave a hollow laugh, "Technically, we don't need you live for the trade, we just need your father to think you're alive."

"But that's lying… that's cheap!" I yelled furiously, "It's not honest, it's a dirty way to trick someone!"

"You know what they say sweetheart," he gave me a malicious grin, as his mouth edged towards my neck "Never trust a vampire."

"Wait… I…" I thought quickly. What did I want? Did I want to live, or die? Well technically, I wouldn't be living, but-

"Have you decided yet?" He whispered as his tongue explored my neck.

"No, I can't just decide something like this in-"

"You have five seconds to decide." He replied curtly.

"Wait! I haven't-"


"Stop it I-"


"I can't-"


"This isn't funny!"



"One," He looked at me.

"Please I haven't-"

"…Sorry dear, times up"

…And he sunk his teeth into my neck…

Chapter One is DONE:)

This was just something I've written on impulse. I'm not even sure if I'm going to be continuing this.

I've never written something so dark like this before! Constructive criticism would be greatly appreciated.

Anyways, tell me what you think, and whether I should continue it or not.

Please Review:)

Just curious, should this be getting an M rating instead of a T rating?

Till next chapter!