It was one of the busiest nights that the Magnolia Cafe had seen in a long time. Every single table, booth, and barstool was taken. They even had a line of people waiting outside. The waiters, and everyone else that worked there, were going full speed trying to listen and help the customers.

"Naruto, Kiba, Garra. Get over here and get these orders" yelled the chef.

They all looked up from where they were talking "We're on break, Choji" yelled Naruto.

"Not anymore, we need you guys out there, we're packed" he told them. They were about to protest when they saw the glare the chef sent them and were smart enough to bite their tongues.

They walked over to the food, Naruto grumbling under his breath the whole time. Kiba picked up the one for his table and Naruto and Gaara did the same. Naruto had two orders up and placed both of them on his tray.

"Naruto, put one down and come back and take the other one out" said Choji.

"No, I've got it" said the blonde. Choji and the rest shook their heads at him but said nothing else since they knew he would not listen to them.

"Well lets go to our doom" chirped Kiba as they walked out of the kitchen doors and into the restaurant.

They immediately went their separate ways, trying to find the right tables. Naruto started walking towards his table when he all the sudden tripped, spilling his tray all over someone.

"I'm so sorry" said Naruto to the man, blushing madly.

"What are you, stupid? Can you not even carry food?" asked the man, causing a few snickers throughout the deadly quiet restaurant.

"I'm really sorry, I tripped" Naruto tried to explain.

"Oh, so your not only stupid, you're a klutz too" he told Naruto standing up. Naruto looked angry.

Garra, seeing Naruto's rising temper, stepped in at that point. "Sir, he is very sorry and we would appreciate it if you would respect the people that work here" said Gaara in a voice that held no sympathy.

"Well I would have been nice to him if he hadn't spilt my dinner on me" the man said.

"Look, we wont charge you for the meal as long as you leave Naruto alone" said Gaara who was starting to show a little bit of irritation towards the rude customer.

"Fine" said the man as he motioned for the guy sitting next to him to get up. They were about to leave when the guy turned back around and said "Naruto, here's my number. Call me when you get off and I'll give you a ride home so we can discuss how you're going to repay me" he said as he handed a card to Naruto.

He turned and walked out the door with his dinner partner following before Naruto even had a chance to open his mouth. When he was out of sight Naruto took the chance to look at the card. It had on there:

Uchiha Sasuke



Naruto stumbled through work, almost spilling more plates. Finally after about the third time he almost dropped something Choji sighed and said "Naruto go home and get some sleep."

Naruto just nodded and walked to the back room so he could get his coat. Once he was ready to go he turned and walked out the door calling goodbye to his friends over his shoulder.

Once he was outside he sighed and sat down on the back steps. He sat for a few minutes to clear his head then let out a sigh and stood back up, preparing for the long walk home.

He was walking on the wrong side of the street so he quickly bolted across the street. Him being the idiot he was didn't notice the car that was going down the road that had to swerve to avoid hitting him. The car hit the side of a building and the passenger side scraped across the building, completely mangling the once perfect car. Naruto stared wide-eyed at the car. He almost fainted when he saw the same man from the restaurant earlier, who he noticed did not look happy.

"Dobe, I told you to call me" said the voice of Sasuke sounding angry, no extremely pissed. Naruto just ignored him and kept on walking. He didn't get very far because all of the sudden he was pinned to Sasuke's car. "When I talk you listen to me. You just ruined my car." said the Uchiha.

"Go to hell, that was your fault" Naruto spat in his face. He was automatically shoved up against the car harder.

Sasuke leaned down next to Naruto's ear and whispered "Nobody talks back to me. I will have to teach you that." Naruto was then let go of as Sasuke went back around to the driver's side of the car. Naruto stood where he was. "Get in the car Dobe" hissed Sasuke from within using a voice that held no room for argument. Naruto quietly opened the door and got in the car that was apparently still drivable.


They drove in silence for a few minutes and then Sasuke said "Where do you live?"

Naruto answered back with an "On the outskirts of town."

"Good, that means we can talk about your debt" said Sasuke.

"I don't have a debt, Teme! You didn't have to pay for your food and the car was your fault" said Naruto angrily.

"What did I say about talking back Dobe?" Sasuke questioned.

"Just let me out of the damn car!" Naruto screamed.

"I will" started Sasuke "when we get to your house" he finished. Naruto growled and sank down into his seat.

They were quiet until they reached Naruto's house. "So what do I have to do to repay you?" Naruto asked sarcastically as he got out of the car. He didn't even wait for Sasuke to reply before he slammed the door and started stalking up to his house.

He didn't even hear as Sasuke snuck up behind him, but he felt him as he was turned around and shoved against his door.

"You are going to be my slave" said Sasuke as he let go of Naruto and walked to his car, leaving a dumbstruck Naruto standing in front of the door.

Well there goes the first chapter. That is what you get when you combine a trip to your grandma's house and being extremely bored. Also if that number is anyones I'm sorry. This chapter has been edited and reposted.
