A Spell for Lust by: Setsuna-X


Summary: A stray spell manages to hit Ritsuka without him or Soubi the wiser. When it renders Ritsuka unable to do anything but want to be intimate with Soubi, will Soubi give in or will he stay strong and resist the persistent boy?

Disclaimer: I don't own Loveless or its characters

Warning/Notes: Contains boy x boy, which means: slash, BL, Yaoi etc. –also, there are some Child x Adult themes.

Note: there will be 3 endings separated by chapters

Also, '(x)' indicates a change in POV between Ritsuka and Soubi.


Soubi and Ritsuka walked slowly to the cat-boys home. The ebony haired boy clutched the secret code to his chest, careful not to let it fly away in the slight wind. Soubi looked down at Ritsuka worriedly; they were nowhere closer to finding Seimie's killer.

The older man wrapped his arms across Ritsuka's shoulders. At the unexpected touch Ritsuka's small body stiffened, something that happened often when someone would touch him without malicious intent. This time it was different. Normally he would either push Soubi's arm off his shoulders and walk on his own, or a small warmth would spread in his stomach, giving him a slight fluttering feeling.

But it was so different this time, instead of the innocent warmth he would feel, a hot wash of emotions bombarded him. His body started becoming very hot, his breath coming in short. Somehow Soubi managed to get them both into Ritsuka's room without much trouble. The odd thing was that Ritsuka hadn't complained at all when Soubi had taken him into his arms.


The blonde man gazed worriedly at the small body in his arms and noticed that Ritsuka had his eyes shut tightly, his little teeth peaking through the pink pillows, biting the skin softly. It was then that he noticed that Ritsuka's body was very hot. Hot to the point that he might be running a fever.

He never heard of a Sacrifice getting a fever after a Spell Battle, but then again, Ritsuka and him weren't exactly matching pairs, no matter how much each of them wished it to be. Maybe there were some side effects that no one had ever been able to document, seeing as no one before him had ever exchanged a Sacrifice, even if it was for someone in the same family. He gently put the boy onto the twin-sized bed.


When Ritsuka finally felt that he was no longer in Soubi's arms his body had suddenly began to cool down. He hadn't even noticed that he had shut his eyes, but he slowly slipped them open regardless.

His body felt weird and incomplete, like something was missing. He stared straight at Soubi. He saw Soubi's mouth moving, but he couldn't hear anything except the blood pounding in his ears. He heard his own heart too, the rate increasing drastically, or was that Soubi's heart?

It didn't matter.

What mattered was that when he looked at Soubi suddenly that empty spot in his heart was gone. A longing so intense, so burning filled him instead. He knew that he needed to be with Soubi. It wasn't some fanciful dream, or a mild crush, or anything childish like that. This was a deep, crimson passion. A heat so intense and so overwhelming that he felt he would die without Soubi's touch.


Soubi continued to look at Ritsuka worriedly. He had been calling his name, but the small boy held no response other than a burning and longing look in his eyes that made him shiver. He didn't know if he loved the look in Ritsuka's eyes or if he should be extremely worried about it. When the ebony haired boy still didn't respond to any of his calls and his eyes had taken on a glazed look Soubi grabbed the smaller boys shoulders and shook him slightly, trying to take him out of whatever stupor he had fallen in.


His body absolutely burned. It burned for Soubi's touch. When the blonde man had grabbed his shoulders a tingle of pleasure shot up his spine. He knew he normally didn't react this way, but something was happening, something was making him feel this way, but what was it?

There was Soubi's touch again. His mind trailed off its detective path and refocused upon the sensuous vibes Soubi caused. Ritsuka couldn't help it any more. He couldn't just sit here idly on this bed and do nothing; he had to touch his lover too.


Where had that word come from? He and Soubi weren't lovers, were they? They've never done anything but kiss, and even then those were flitting and randomized kisses. There was no unspoken passion, no deep want for the other. Those kisses were innocent, ones that were shared between very good friends with a deep connection, a deep bond.

But now those feelings had changed, but why had they?

Ritsuka couldn't think anymore. He gave in to his bodily urges and threw himself against Soubi, their bodies melding together. He suddenly felt his body enveloped in that passionate flame once again. Its embers gently lapping against his skin, making his breath come in pants and his amethyst eyes glazing over. He needed Soubi's body with his, he needed it so much that without this feeling then he knew he would be nothing more than an empty shell—a body without a soul or a beating heart.

Soubi made him complete.


Soubi didn't know whether he should be happy that Ritsuka was reciprocating some of his feelings or frightened from the overly emotional actions Ritsuka had been performing lately. He had to admit that having that small body fit perfectly against him, clenching at his shirt like he was needed instead of just wanted, made him feel incredible and made him love Ritsuka even more. But he knew deep inside that Ritsuka would never do anything like this, he was too shy and too unsure to do anything remotely romantic. He'd only initiated a kiss once or twice, and those were simple, but now Ritsuka was pulling his head down, his eyes becoming a heavy amethyst full of wanton love and lust. Soubi's head soon reached Ritsuka's level after the young boy had raised himself on his toes to reach the taller man.


The warm flames of love coming from Soubi helped ease the cold and emptiness he once felt. In Soubi's arms everything seemed like it would be okay and that nothing else mattered. Soubi was his world, his most important person. If he could stay in these arms forever then he'd be able to die in bliss. But he wanted to do more that just hold Soubi. He wanted to be so near him that it would be as if their bodies had melded together.

He wanted to kiss him. To be with him. To do everything with him to express the true extent of his feelings.

But what was happening to him? He never really loved anyone, not since Seimei. Sure he liked a lot of people, one of them being Soubi, but then why was he having these thoughts? Why was this blaze inside him, urging him to become closer to Soubi?

He wanted to love, maybe,…he didn't want to be Loveless.

Why couldn't he have a love too?

Soon the haze in his thoughts returned and nothing else mattered once again except the feelings coming off the older man. Ritsuka wanted to do something more to show his love. Without thinking and relying purely on instinct Ritsuka reached to the back of Soubi's blonde head and gently pushed it toward his own while at the same time raising himself on his toes to meet him half way.

He planted a gentle kiss upon those unusually warm lips, savoring the feel and taste of them. He placed another peck and another, not really knowing what to do, but knowing he wanted to do something.

A strong, warm feeling was suddenly coming from his lower back. It wasn't burning or uncomfortable, but it did startle him a bit until he realized it was Soubi's hand rubbing his pale flesh.

Merely pecks on the lips weren't enough anymore. He wanted to do something more, something that was sensual and would allow them to connect and bond further together, like they needed to.


The feel of Ritsuka's shy kisses were to much to bear or to pass up. Soubi found himself unable to stop his reactions and ended up responding back to those innocent pecks. He needed to touch Ritsuka, to show him that he wanted to feel those kisses as much as him and so he lifted Ritsuka's shirt marginally from the back, still surprised at the lack of protest from the raven-haired boy, and began to rub circles on his lower back.

The feeling of that perfect, warm skin under his hand was wonderful and he wondered whether Ritsuka would let him touch him more. Suddenly he didn't really care why Ritsuka was feeling this way. He was too entranced by the feeling of those soft, pillowy lips against his.

Swiftly the smooth rhythm they had developed changed and became deeper. Ritsuka had snaked out his tiny, pink tongue from inside his mouth and lapped the underside of Soubi's bottom lip. The clumsy, yet endearing action forced Soubi to respond, taking the lead in order to spare Ritsuka any embarrassment he might have felt.

Their eyes had shut on their own accord and Soubi slowly lead them back onto the twin sized bed. Ritsuka's knees hit the side of the bed and they forcefully gave out under him, making his body land harshly onto the soft mattress. Their deep kiss was cut off and both used that time to regain their proper breaths and bearings. Soubi climbed atop the smaller boy, encasing him between two towering arms.

Soubi then began attacking with a new fierceness, not waiting for any prompt from Ritsuka this time. He entwined their tongues in a lush dance with himself in the lead.


Ritsuka wasn't really sure at what he was doing when he had introduced French kissing into his 'must get closer to Soubi' thoughts. Now it didn't matter of course. He had to admit that he was surprised when their kiss had suddenly broke off. He hadn't noticed that they were moving at all, he was too busy and too entranced in the kiss to even bother with simple things like that. It was a rude awakening when their lips had abruptly dislodged from one another, but was grateful for the breather.

When Soubi's arms had trapped him he didn't feel scared or any negative feeling for that matter. He trusted Soubi fully. Surely an adult with no ears would know a thing or two.

An inner voice in his head pleaded that things were going too fast too soon, but Ritsuka shut it out saying that things were perfectly fine. He was safe and with Soubi, and they were in love, so how could things be wrong? He wanted to express that profound feeling, something that he hadn't ever been able to do. Was that bad? He didn't think so.

His chest unexpectedly began to feel cooler than the rest of his body. He broke off the kiss hastily to find out why. When that occurred a trail of scorching kisses were being placed randomly around his neck, as if trying to touch every single piece of flesh and practically worshipping his body.

Ritsuka felt his face flush with that thought and softly berated himself for being so self-centered, but those thoughts were also fleeting and he couldn't manage to concentrate on them.

When he looked down he noticed that his shirt had gone missing. He vaguely thought about how such a thing could happen without his knowledge, but ignored it simply because the only other person in the room was Soubi, and he trusted him.


TBC—Alternate endings coming up

Ending One- Mystery spell solved. Clean ending.

Ending Two- Mystery spell solved. Semi-clean, no sex ending.

Ending Three- Mystery spell solved. (which should be obvious by now, I think). Dirty, 'forget the consequences' ending.