WRG: Well, here's the flashback. Normally I have flashbacks in italics, but since this entire update is a flashback, it will be in normal font. Just a quick warning for you: I'm not sure that the way they stabilized Dani would work, then again, Hartman just had Danny inject some kind of ecto-goo into her in the show, so maybe it would work.

Em: You're rambling again, Weirdy.

WRG: Oh, guess I was...Hey! Don't call me Weirdy!

Em: (blinks, then walks away laughing)

WRG: (starts running after her) Hey, get back here, you evil little fairy! (to readers, over shoulder) I don't own Danny Phantom, and I got the idea for where Dani would stay from a couple of other fanfics.

Team Phantom had just finished their junior year. They were flying high in the clouds to celebrate. At least, that's what they were planning to do after they dropped their things off at FentonWorks. They would have used Sam's place to store their things (to avoid Jack telling them about his newest invention), but the Fenton parental units were away at yet another ghost-hunting convention. Unfortunately, the four still weren't able to make good on their plans for that day. When they got in Danny's house, Dani was laying on the floor (in human form) hardly breathing. They all stood still for a moment; then Danny, Sam, and Tucker rushed toward her. Valerie didn't know who the black-haired girl was but slowly followed her friends and boyfriend. "Dani, what happened?!" Danny's voice was filled with panic. Sam put her hand on his shoulder, trying to calm him.

"You've got to calm down. Remember what you told us, about how she isn't stable and that if she uses her powers too much, she'll melt into a puddle of ectoplasmic goo?" He nodded, and Sam continued, "Well, she probably hasn't used her powers in a long time. By doing that though, she's exhausted herself because her powers are a part of her." Danny calmed down, believing that she was right. Tuck decided to add his two-cents.

"I think the best thing we can do for her is to get her stabilized. You said that Vlad needed your mid-morph DNA, right?"

"Yeah, he did, but he also had a machine that would transfer it to his 'perfect half-ghost son.' It got destroyed when I used my wail. My parents don't have anything like that."

"True, but I think I'd be able to figure out something with some help. Val, will you help me?" She nodded.

"Sure, as long as you explain things while we work." Tuck grinned.

"Don't worry; I will." He turned to Danny. "Call Jazz. She'll be able to help us." With that, he and Val went down to the lab. Sam turned to Danny.

"I'll call Jazz. Why don't you move Dani to the couch? It's got to be more comfortable that the floor." She went to the kitchen to use the phone. Danny picked up Dani and carried her bridal style the short distance to the couch. When he laid her down, he made sure that there was a pillow under her head. He brushed some hair out of her face and was shocked to find that her forehead was wet with sweat and burning up.

"Sam, while your in there, could you grab a pot and a towel? And could you please fill the pot with cold water? Dani's burning up." She complied with his request. He soaked the towel, wrung it out, and placed it on his cousin's forehead. He gently dabbed it around her face. She visibly relaxed. Sam spoke after a few minutes.

"Jazz is on her way, so she'll be here soon." She paused, thinking over her words. "You think of Dani as more than a cousin, don't you?" Danny didn't speak for a while, just kept working on keeping his clone's temperature down.

He finally said, "She's more like a little sister to me." Not long after he said that, Jazz came in and looked at the three of them.

"Tucker and Valerie are in the lab, right?" The seventeen-year-olds nodded, and she went down to the lab. Danny and Sam kept Dani cool and relaxed while the three scientific minds worked on a way to help her. After a few hours, Val came up and said that they were needed and to bring Dani. When they got in the lab, Jazz said, "Danny, put her on the table." He did, and she grabbed a needle. "Okay, now give me your arm and slowly start the transformation." He stuck out his left arm, and his sister took a blood sample when he started to change. "Now make Dani change the same way." He complied, and she used a different needle to take the female halfa's blood. Danny got out of Dani's body after changing her back.

"Now what do we do, Jazz?"

"Tucker, Valerie, and I are going to keep working while you and Sam keep her fever down. I don't want to stabilize her while she's sick. If we did that, her body might go into shock." Dani was brought back upstairs, the pot was refilled with ice-cold water, and Sam turned on the T.V. When she saw Danny's questioning gaze, she explained that they needed to relax while they waited for Dani to wake up. He agreed, but it was obvious that his mind wasn't on the shows.

Around seven o'clock, the young girl woke up, feverless and healthy (much to Danny's relief). Half an hour later, Tuck came up the stairs and said that Dani could be stabilized as long as she was healthy. Dani proclaimed she was fine and practically ran down the stairs. The trio followed her, and Tucker explained that they had made a serum to stabilize her. Once in the lab, Jazz made sure that the clone was healthy and injected the serum. Dani announced that she felt stronger already, and everyone (except for Jazz who had to leave) went flying to celebrate. Tucker rode on Val's hoverboard. Dani, Danny, and Sam flew (Danny held Sam's hand and extended his flight to her). They mainly listened as Dani explained that she had been getting weaker by the day after she had dramatically flown off after their first meeting. This was not only because she was unstable, but also because she was living on the streets. This made Danny angry, but he calmed himself down by silently vowing to make sure that she had a place to live from then on. Dani then explained that she had returned to Amity to find her cousin, hoping he could help her, only to collapse as soon as she entered the living room. When she finished, they all went back to FentonWorks. After grabbing their things, Valerie, Tucker, and Sam went home to their respective houses (mansion in Sam's case). Danny and Dani went to the kitchen. Danny got out enough cereal and milk for both of them while he spoke.

"Dani, you know haw we call each other cousins?" He set the bowls of cereal on the table, and they both sat down. Dani took a bite before answering.

"Yeah, why do you ask?"

"Well, aren't we more like brother and sister? I mean, technically, since you're a clone of me, my parents are your parents; so, you're really my little sister." Dani's eyes lit up.

"Really, Danny? I have parents and a big brother?" He smiled.

"And a big sister. Jazz doesn't really live here anymore, but it sure seems like it because she's always around. She's also the only other family member who knows our secret." The halfas shared a grin, and Danny got up to hug his little sister. "Dani, you're always welcome here. You can use Jazz's old room. Until our parents know our secret, you'll have to hide, but you can still come here whenever you're hungry or need a place to stay. I don't want you living on the streets, okay?" Dani hugged her big brother tighter.

"Danny, you're the best! Thank you so much!" They finished their cereal and went upstairs afterwards. The halfas went to bed after Danny showed his sister to her temporary room. The next morning, Dani asked if there was a safe place in the Ghost Zone, and Danny took her to Aragon after breakfast. Dora, the ruler of Aragon, agreed to let the youngest halfa stay until Dani could live openly on Earth. After promising to meet up again soon, the siblings parted with a hug.

WRG: I hope you all liked the flashback. For the final part, I'll start with a little refresher. I have no idea when anymore updates will be posted. The only reason that I started typing this up was because I was telling one of my teachers about this story. So thank her.