WRG: OK, this is my first posted story. I know this might be a little AUish,is interrupted by small girl by the name of Em

Em: finishes what WRG was saying But she's had this idea in her head for a LONG time.

WRG: What are you doing here?

Em: Oh, you know. Just thought I'd bug you and the readers whispers to self and maybe give away the ending. laughs evilly

WRG: Before I put you in a fitting cage with duck tape on your mouth, would you do the disclaimer?

Em: Well, only if you give me some rose petals.

WRG: Fine, here.shakes head while giving Em the petals

Em: Yippee! Weird Romantic Gal over there doesn't own Danny Phantom. Butch Hartman does.

WRG:puts duck tape on Em's mouth and places her in a cage Thank you, Em. Now on to the story!

Sam sighed. She was exhausted.

No, it wasn't physical exhaustion she was feeling, it was the mental kind. You know when you have a lot on your mind and you have to sort it out.

That's what Sam was doing, although it wasn't about what you're probably thinking. She wasn't really sorting her own thoughts. Sam was sorting out everyone else's thoughts. How is that possible, you ask?

Samantha had many secrets. One was that she was in love with her best friend, Danny Fenton. Yes, she admitted to those feelings but only to herself.

Another was the interesting fact that she was a telepath with the ability of telekinesis. Shocking, isn't it? Not even Pamela and Jeremy Manson knew about her abilities. Now you're probably wondering why their names are used instead of 'her parents', aren't you? It's simple, really. Those two aren't her real parents, and her real parents do know of their daughter's abilities. Confused? Don't worry as all will be revealed soon. Now her 'grandmother', Ida Manson knew, but that was only because she saw Sam using her telekinesis one day.

Now back to what I was saying. Sam was able to control whose thoughts she listened to, but only when the number of people that was in a fifty foot radius of her was under about 100. Otherwise she had a large headache from all of the thoughts. School was alright since there were usually only twenty to thirty in a classroom. At the moment, she was driving her dark purple Toyota hybrid on her way home from a Dumpty Humpty concert. She didn't know why she even went. Well, she did, but she wasn't going to tell anyone the reason. Danny had scored three front row tickets and invited Sam and Tucker. Sam shook her head as if to clear it. Sighing, she turned on her radio and made sure it was on her favorite station, 104.3 the Coyote. One other "secret" was that she loved country music, and only the Mansons and Danny knew this. She smiled as the first words of Life Ain't Always Beautiful by Gary Allen drifted through her speakers. But as the second half started, she frowned. Her eyes glistened with unshed tears. That song made her think of her real parents. The thoughts from the concert-goers left her mind as she remembered.


Screams were heard throughout the kingdom. Her father was nowhere to be found. The little girl began to cry when she saw all of the destruction those fires were causing. It was utter chaos. The girl was suddenly grabbed from behind and her mouth was covered. "Shhh, young one. Do not worry. I am only following your mother's orders. Soon you will be safe." The voice was instantly recognized by the little girl. It belonged to her nurse, Linda. Linda carried the little girl over to a small grove that hadn't caught on fire yet. She said to the three-year-old girl, "Young one, I'm sending you to a lovely place called Earth. It is safe there. You are not to mention your life here. It would be in your best interest to only use telekinesis when you are alone. As you grow, you will develop more psychic abilities and will need to train them. I shall give you these books for studying, but they have been shrunken for hiding. You know how to enlarge them. It is now time for our farewells. I will miss you, young one." Linda gave her ward a hug and made a portal to an Earth town. Before sending her to Earth, Linda promised, "If I live through this war, I will find you, Mira." That said, she pushed the young girl into the portal. Once the girl was through, the portal closed. Linda let her tears flow freely as she returned to the battlefield.

When Mira reached the end of the portal, she realized that it was almost dawn. For a three-year- old, she was very intelligent. She looked at the building in front of her. It had a sign in the front that said "Karat City Orphanage". Mira went up to the door and knocked the knocker. After a little while she tried again. This time her knocks were answered. "Hello, do you need help, little girl?" an elderly lady asked her.

"Yes, I need help. My parents are gone." Needless to say, the old woman was amazed that such a young child had spoken politely to her.

"Oh, you poor child. Come in out of the chilly morning air." She led Mira into the kitchen. "What's your name, sweetie?" It was an innocent question, but Mira started to cry. After that, the old woman, who happened to be in charge of everything, only called her Sweetie.

Not many days after that, a couple came to the orphanage. Once they saw Mira, they told the lady in charge, old Mrs. Stevens, that they would adopt her. Mrs. Stevens told the couple that they would have to give her a name as she wouldn't state her real name. The couple, Pamela and Jeremy Manson, told Mira that she was now their daughter and that her new name was Samantha. Mira smiled and asked, "When can we leave?"

The couple laughed at her eagerness, and Pamela said, "Right now." Mira, now Samantha, was elated.

End Flashback

Sam stopped her trip down Memory Lane when she realized that she was home. She sighed as she pulled into the garage. Oh, how she missed Linda and her real parents. Sam ran into the house, up the stairs, and into her room. She jumped onto her bed, and cried her eyes out. What Sam didn't know was that Danny had flown into her room once he saw that she was home.

"Sam, what's wrong?" She froze at his words.

WRG: Even though I hate cliffhangers with a passion, I put one here. I blame Em.

Em:is struggling to get tape off her mouth and succeeds Hey! Why do you blame me?

WRG: Because you're evil.

Em: Oh, in that case, I accept the blame.

WRG:is amazed that Em accepted being responsible for something Uhh, OK then. Please review.

Em: Oh, and by the way, any flames will be used by me to heat my food. WRG will just ignore them.