I updated! Yay! I'm not sure how this came to me, but it did tonight, while I was reading a bunch of other Rent stories. I guess they gave me inspiration. It's pretty long, too. I was thinking about having the legal guardianship rejected at first, because of Roger's HIV, and then him blowing up at the loft or something. But since it didn't seem like just his HIV could likely cause his request to be rejected, I decided against that. Read on to find out what really happened. Oh, and see if you can figure out what might happen with Mark and Lena in the near future!
"I can't do this," Shay said wearily, as she struggled to cross the room on her good leg, clinging to the bar for support. It had been almost six weeks since her accident, and she was nearly finished with her first therapy session, after getting the cast removed.
Roger, who was standing beside her, squeezed her hand encouragingly. "It's just twenty feet, to the other side of the room, Shay. One more time today and you'll be done."
"But Roger, it hurts," Shay cried out, as she tried to put weight on her leg, and it only shook and ached painfully from disuse.
"I know, Baby, I know," Roger said soothingly. "Just one more time, for me, OK; if not for me, for Noah or Lily, OK? You gotta get better for them; not just your leg, but, uh, other things as well," he added, slightly uncomfortably.
Shay nodded and took a few steps. "Good. Good, Shay," her therapist, Katie, said, standing nearby, watching. "You're doing great."
"So why does it hurt so damn much?" Shay growled, and then she looked down. "I'm sorry, Katie, I didn't mean it."
"I know you didn't," Katie said, and she went over to get a wheelchair. "All right, I think you've done enough for today. It may not look like much, but it'll add up. Any progress is progress."
"She's right, Shay," Roger said. "It's just a few steps, but soon, you'll be walking across the room with no problem, and then you can go anywhere you want."
Shay nodded. "OK, I'm not gonna argue with quitting for the day, though," she said, and she collapsed into the wheelchair. "Noah and Lily are at the Loft, right?"
"Right," Roger said. "Mark and Lena are looking after them while we're out. You can guess how much Lena likes that."
Shay sighed. "She really wants a baby, doesn't she?" she asked. "How come I didn't see it before?"
"Well, maybe she doesn't want anyone asking questions until she and Mark are really ready," Roger said. "And maybe they're trying and just aren't telling us yet. I don't know, Baby. In case it's a sore subject, let's not mention it, OK?"
Shay nodded. "OK," she said. "I'm ready to go home, if you are."
Roger nodded as well. "Yeah, I am," he said.
"So how did your therapy session go?" Lena asked, bouncing five-month old Lily on her knee.
"It was OK," Shay said, sinking wearily into a chair. She was glad to be home again. "I feel really weak, though. Not only now that I'm done, but all the time."
"Yeah, well, that's a side effect from the coma, Doctor Thornton said," Roger said. "He said that, as long as you continue your therapy sessions for a few months and exercise and eat right, you'll regain your strength eventually.And you were lucky to get out of the hospital when you did, as it is, Shay, being fifteen pounds underweight at the time. Mimi was ten pounds underweight and she barely functioned. But with all that's been going on lately, even as you're getting better, Shay, you still never cease to amaze me, Baby. You're strong and confident and you never pass up or run away from a challenge."
Shay looked up at him, giving him a slightly suspicious look. "No, I guess I don't, do I?" she said, smiling at him. "Can we go lie down for a while? I'm exhausted."
"Sure," Roger said. He looked at Lena, about to open his mouth and ask her if it was OK if she stayed for a while longer.
"It's fine," Lena assured him, smiling.
"OK," Roger said, grinning. "I don't know how long we'll be, though. She's pretty tired and I've got… stuff I want to talk to her about."
Lena nodded. "OK," she said. "Go ahead, knock yourselves out."
Roger chuckled. "Thanks, Lena," he said, and he went into the bedroom with Shay.
"I'm sorry, Roger," she said, as they lay on the bed together.
"Sorry for what, Baby?" Roger asked her, looking down at her from where he was propped up onto his elbow.
"For starving myself to get thin again," she said. "It was a stupid mistake and I'm paying for it. It's so hard for me to get back into eating normally again, you know? I did the Cat Scratch for almost three years, and that required me to be thin… it just seems like my life's an ongoing battle these days. And I know Noah sees right through me. I can try to hide it, but he can tell I'm doing something bad, even if he doesn't know what it is."
"Baby, Noah loves you," Roger said, "just like I do. He still doesn't understand what happened to you, but he's a smart boy. He knows you were hurting and scared, and then you had the accident, and now you're getting better again. He's such a good boy. We couldn't ask for a better child. And Lily is the most amazing five-month-old in the world. She's hardly ever upset and is such a happy little girl. What have you got to be sorry for? You gave me two wonderful children, right after I thought my life was gonna end, you know that?"
Shay nodded. "I know," she said. "I'm just regretting my decisions. I know Mimi would kick my ass if she knew I was, but…"
"Shay, as long as you gain enough weight to where you're healthy again, then Mimi won't do anything from up there to try to kick your ass down here," Roger said. "You've sacrificed so much in the past couple of years to raise your little boy as best as you could, and when he's older, he'll thank you for that. If he doesn't, I'll make sure he does. What else are you regretting? Talk to me, Baby."
"I think that's all," she said. "I just want my kids to have the best life they can, you know? I mean, I know I'll be around long after I lose you, and…"
"Baby, you're not gonna lose me for a long time," Roger assured her, leaning down and kissing her. "I'm on good meds now and my viral load is undetectable. It has been since I met you, my doctor said. You and the kids are making my life worth living. Every one of the Bohos will tell you that." He smiled at her. "To make you feel better, I have something to tell you."
"What?" Shay asked.
"Tomorrow, we're gonna go to Joanne and ask her for adoption papers."
Shay looked up at him. Her mouth slowly opened as she realized what he was saying. "Adoption papers? You mean for…?" Roger nodded. "Oh, Roger, you're gonna adopt Noah? Legally? Really?" Roger nodded again. Shay embraced him in a hug. "Oh, Roger, that's wonderful. Thank you so much. I'm sure he'll be so excited."
"Actually, he already knows," Roger said. "When you were in the hospital, before you woke up, I told him. I couldn't hide it anymore. I mean, I wasn't hiding it, but… you know what I mean? I wanted to tell you for ages."
"Yeah, I know what you mean," Shay said, and she pulled him closer to her. "Roger, thank you. Thank you so much. You're giving Noah what he never really had: a father."
"Well, he's the best little boy a man could ask for, so when Carter said he didn't want anything to do with him, he didn't know what he would miss," Roger said. Shay sighed and sat up, swinging her legs over the edge of the bed. Roger looked at her, concerned. "I'm sorry, Baby. I shouldn't have brought him up. You were so happy a second ago."
"No, it's OK," Shay said. "It's just, well, I've been thinking. Noah's gonna want to see Carter when he gets older. I don't know when, but he will, I just know it. And I don't want Carter to see him."
"Well, how can you be sure?" Roger asked. "I mean, you, me, and the Bohos are really the only family he's known."
Shay shrugged. "I don't know," she said. "I just keep thinking about it, that's all."
"Well, don't think about it so much," Roger said, smiling at her and kissing her forehead. "Just take things as they come, OK?"
"OK," Shay said, and she lay back down with him. Roger stroked her hair with his fingers, breathing softly onto her neck. She inhaled his sweet scent deeply and closed her eyes, relaxing against his strong frame.
Shay didn't realize they had fallen asleep until she was jolted awake by someone pounding on their door. "Hey, lovebirds, get out here!" a voice yelled. "Lena and I have better things to do than just sit around here, you know!"
Shay looked up at Roger. "Oh boy, he sounds serious," she said.
Roger, however, didn't move. He simply lay there with his eyes closed; but he was grinning, so Shay knew he was awake. "Either that, or he wants something. Something we don't have. Let's screw with him a little while longer," he said.
"But Roger, Lena's out there," Shay said. "She won't come in here, but I know Mark will."
"So? It's not like we're having sex," Roger said. In a soft, seductive voice, he added, "Although we could." Shay smacked him, laughing, and he grinned evilly. "Let Mark come in, if he must. We've got nothing to hide. I'm just laying here with my girl."
Shay rolled her eyes. "No, I wanna get up," she said, and she swung her legs out of bed.
"OK, OK," Roger mumbled, and he got up reluctantly with her. "Mark, what do you want?" he asked, as they went out into the living room where Mark and Lena were.
"Lena and I wanna go home, Rog," Mark said. "Besides, we're finishing moving her stuff into the loft tonight. What were you two doing in there for so long?"
"We were just talking and then we, uh, kinda fell asleep," Roger said.
"Uh huh, yeah, sure," Mark said sarcastically, rolling his eyes.
"We were!" Roger said. "It was important stuff."
"Like what?" Mark asked.
"Quit being nosy," Roger said, although he was teasing. "But since you asked, we were talking about Noah's adoption. We're going to Joanne tomorrow to submit applications and get the papers and stuff."
Mark smiled. "I'm glad," he said. "I hope that goes well for you two."
"So do I," Roger said, and he took Lily from Lena. "OK, OK, you can go home if you want. Thanks for watching these two for us."
"It was no problem, Roger," Lena said, smiling at him and Shay. "See you guys, um, tomorrow, I guess?"
Shay nodded. "In a couple days, we can all go to the Life Café and celebrate, if things go over well, OK?" she asked.
"OK," Lena said, smiling at Shay. She gave Shay a hug. "Good luck with that. You two deserve it."
Shay smiled appreciatively. "Thanks, Lena," she said, and Lena and Mark left. Shay turned to Roger, her hands on her hips. "Now, what do you suppose they would want to do, that they ditched us so quickly? I mean, besides move her in…"
Roger grinned evilly again. "I guess we'll find out, won't we?" he asked.
Shay laughed as he took her into his arms. "Yeah, I guess," she said. "Man, I hate surprises."
"Do you?" Roger asked, looking down at her. "Or are you just impatient?"
Shay smiled. "I guess that's it," she said. "Just how well do you know me, Roger Davis?"
Roger smirked. "Pretty well, I think," he said. He feigned thinking about it and Shay smacked him playfully, as Lily started to cry. "But hey, I think we should feed them, don't you? And you need to eat something, too." He gave her a serious look.
"Yeah, of course," Shay said, smiling up at him, and they went into the kitchen.
"Hi, guys," Joanne said, smiling at Shay and Roger, as they walked into her office the next morning. "So are you ready to do this?"
"More than ready, Jo," Roger said, smiling at her. "You know I've been dying to do it for months now."
Joanne nodded. "I know," she said, smiling at Roger. "All right, so what we're gonna do is, we have to find someone to represent Noah— another attorney."
"OK, so how do we do that?" Shay asked nervously.
"I've got it all worked out," Joanne said, making a calm-down gesture to her. "My co-worker, Madeline Saunders, will represent Noah, OK?" Roger and Shay nodded. Shay held Roger's hand nervously. "So, once we submit your request to adopt Noah, Roger, she will survey your home life with Noah— and Lily, too, of course— for a few weeks, to make sure you're creditable to adopt Noah. Until then, he is still under Shay's sole custody."
Roger nodded. "I understand. Then what?"
"Then, once the attorney designated to represent Noah— Madeline, in this case— is satisfied, she'll tell me, because I'm representing you and Shay, and we'll get word, good or bad, from the Bohos, and if the word is good and Madeline is satisfied with the home environment, your request will most likely go through and you'll be granted legal guardianship of Noah." Joanne looked at them. "Now, as your lawyer, I say this will take a few weeks and that you have to realize it may be difficult, with you being positive, Roger." Roger nodded and bit his lip nervously. Joanne smiled encouragingly. "But as your friend, I say the few weeks will be worth it, because you know Maureen's word is as good as Collins', Mark's, and Lena's combined."
Roger and Shay laughed. "Yeah, we know," Shay said, and they stood up and shook Joanne's hand. "Thanks so much for doing this, Joanne. We appreciate it immensely."
"It was my pleasure," Joanne said. "OK, in that case, I'm gonna get a quick word in with Madeline, and as soon as she's ready to survey your home, I'll give you a call. I should be calling by tomorrow morning."
"Thanks, Jo," Shay said, smiling at her.
"You're welcome, Shay. See you tonight," Joanne said, smiling back at her, and Shay and Roger left.
"Can you believe we're on our way to having a family for real, Baby?" Roger asked, looking down at her as they walked down the hall to the door.
"I know, it's surreal," Shay said. "But what about you being positive, Rog? What about the others being positive? You know, Collins? Can they accept that? I mean, especially with you and Collins… dying someday? I mean, I'll still be around, but…"
"I don't know, Baby," Roger said, putting his hand around her waist. "I'm sure, with all the good word the Bohos will put in for us, it'll be OK. Madeline will see that you are the best damn mother in this world."
"And I hope she sees that you are the best father Noah could have," Shay said, looking up at him.
"I try, Baby," Roger said. "I try."
A couple weeks later, Roger and Shay were having breakfast in the Life Café with Lily and Noah, Madeline having completed the study of their home life the day before, when Joanne came rushing into the café.
"You guys," she said, rushing up to them, "you're never gonna believe Madeline just told me!"
Shay looked up, surprised at the normally-laid-back lawyer's eagerness. "What, Jo?" she asked nervously. "Is it about the adoption?"
"Yes!" Joanne exclaimed excitedly, and she sat down beside Shay. "I talked to Madeline a few minutes ago, and asked her what she thought of you guys, and whether you were credible to adopt Noah, Roger. She said that she thought your home life looked wonderful, and since the kids are both so happy with you, she can overlook Roger's HIV, since she knows there will be plenty of people to help Shay care for Noah and Lily once you're… well, gone, you know… and he's on good meds and his viral load is low… and she said that the Bohos' vouching for you has been the most positive she's seen in years, and she approves! I've got the papers with me right now!"
Roger and Shay were somewhat stunned; partly by Joanne's sudden outgoing personality and partly by the adoption going through. "OK, Jo, calm down," Shay said, putting a hand on Joanne's shoulder. But by the look on her face, Roger could tell she was hardly daring to believe what she was hearing. "So you're saying Madeline approved of Roger obtaining legal guardianship of Noah?"
"Yes," Joanne said, and she finally took a deep breath.
Shay's eyebrows shot up and she let out a shriek of happiness, sat back down and leaned over to kiss Roger. "Did you hear that, Baby?" she asked, taking his head in her hands and kissing him again. "Noah's gonna be our son for real!"
Roger smiled happily, tears in his eyes. "I like the sound of that," he said. He looked at Joanne. "Did you hear that, buddy?" he added to Noah. "I'm gonna be your daddy for real."
Noah smiled. "I'm glad, Roger," he said. "So do I have to call you Daddy now?"
Roger smiled again. "If you want, kiddo; do you?"
"Then, of course you can," Roger said, smiling down at him. Noah beamed.
"So what do we have to do now?" Shay asked, looking over at Joanne.
"All you have to do is sign," Joanne said, and she dug a pen out of her purse. "The papers should be processed and finalized within the week."
Roger and Shay beamed at her, tears in their eyes. After they signed the papers, Shay got up and gave Joanne a hug. "Thank you so much, Jo," she said. "You've given us a family for real. How can we ever thank you?"
"It was my pleasure, Shay," Joanne said, smiling at the happy couple.
OK, so now I've gotten past my block. Thank you, Rosablasifann08; somehow, just corresponding with you inspired me. I don't know how, LOL. I'm gonna give you guys a slight idea of what I've got planned for next. Sorry to say it, but the ideas, as of this point, are really tragic and I can't change that. I've had the idea in my head for months before I even wrote Deviant Beauty— I had the idea for what I COULD put in next, in my head way back when I wrote Roger's Next Step! But I didn't put it in then!
However, I do need a general opinion of what I should do with Deviant Beauty from here on out. I could end it right here. I really could. It's such a feel-good ending, you know? But then I'd have to put the tragic stuff at the beginning of the sequel. Do you really want that?
I'm not even sure I want to make a sequel. I know my life is gonna be absolutely CRAZY for the next five or so weeks, so if I do even think up a sequel, it will not be beginning to be posted until August. Sorry, but it's true. Does there HAVE to be a sequel, though? Honestly, does there?
But, oh, wait! I have to continue Mark and Lena's relationship and at least give you guys SOMETHING from them (marriage, kids, whatever I can think of), so I guess I'm stuck with at least writing a short sequel, eh? Besides, I said I had put in Mark/Lena foreshadow, right? I don't want it to be rushed, though, time lapse-wise. What to do??
So, until I get opinions on whether or not I should continue this or end it, I will not be updating again. Let me know, OK? Either leave what you think in a review or PM or Email me. But make sure to get your opinions in before next Wednesday, or I will not get them until July 20th at the earliest!! And I know you guys don't want to wait that long for another update of whatever kind!! My author note on my profile for Deviant Beauty has also been altered a bit, so that you guys get the low-down of when I'm gonna be gone and back and not get confused. Make sure to pay attention to that!
As always, don't forget to review.
Until next time, lots of love,