

Chapter 1


Chapter Update: May 29, 2014

I started rewriting my story, and fix all the terrible spelling errors. I have even added and changed a few things as I am attempting to make my story more dynamic. I wrote this a long time ago, and as such my writing skills have grown since then. Each chapter will have the month, date, and year when updated. This will let you know which chapters have be rewritten.

Thank you for taking the time to read my story, and I hope you enjoy it. Reviews good or bad (as long as it's constructive) are always welcome.

Sweat beads on my forehead, so I use my arm to wipe the perspiration before it drips down my face. The humidity has reached its peak in the middle of the day and I find myself slowly drifting off to the sound of the birds singing in the tree tops. The dull buzzing of various insects invade my senses as I start to grow dreary.

Today was no ordinary day. In fact, it is this moment in which my life will change forever and I will no longer be the same person because of it. It has only been a day, since I defiantly used the time streaming device are team of archaeologists found a year earlier. Of which I now travel Nosgoth's mysterious past on a hunt for its true history.

I had come across a large forest, with the pillars just beyond the woodland and mountains. I'm leaning up against a large oak tree now, resting my eyes after a long walk, with my sketch book on my lap. A half-finished drawing of the vegetation around me sits on my lap, but the heat of the day has drained the life out of me. I slowly start to nod off…

My head droops and my whole body jumps back to reality. I look around frantically and my eraser falls off my sketchbook in the process, rolling to the right side of the tree. Had I fallen asleep? This irreplaceable feeling sweeps over me as I scan my surroundings.

It reminds me of the moment my friends and I were walking in the woods on a camping trip, back when we were just children; a strange feeling that makes the hairs on the back of your neck stand up. Feeling like millions of tiny spiders crawling up your back and neck. As though someone was watching us that day. I still do not know what had frightened us so much that night, but I will never forget that feeling.

I turn to pick up my eraser and when I lean around the right side of the tree, I come face to face with a demon. His face is a few inches away from mine and it feels like I'm staring into his intelligent glowing eyes for hours. He appears just as surprised as I am.

I quickly turn back around to my side of the tree, sitting here frantically searching for an escape. I don't know how to react at this moment. I am so in shock I can't move my legs and I'm sitting here like a blithering idiot. I will probably be dead in a few seconds if I don't do something quickly.

I slowly and quietly peek around the side of the tree I had just seen him. Nobody's there anymore. Had I only imagined this? Maybe I did fall asleep while I was resting my eyes. I could very well still be sleeping, so I pinch myself to make sure. I don't know how this is a justified method to distinguish between sleeping and awake, but what else do I have.

Standing up, I get a huge dizzy spell, feeling slightly nauseous. I turn around only to see the demon standing a few feet away from me. I scream, tripping over one of the tree roots, and fall to the ground. It wasn't even a good scream, it was more like a pathetic whimper. He stands there scowling down at me.

He has a very demonic appearance. His blazing eyes stare me down, inquisitive yet serious. His skin is a bluish color. Well, he doesn't exactly have skin, but he has a bluish hue of sorts. His whole midsection is missing - among other things. His ribs and hips are clearly visible and the more I look him over, the clearer I can see his muscular tissue and tendons; his skin striped off by acid it seems, but less grotesque.

Three large claws replace his fingers and instead of feet, he has two cloven hooves. Tattered sheets hang lifelessly behind him, which I assume had once been wings upon closer inspection. Quite interesting? All he's wearing is a cowl, torn gloves, and some rusty metal boots. He is too close for me to get away now and if I run away it will probably make me more of a target.

I stand up and brush myself off to make myself more presentable. I meet his powerful gaze and he straightens his posture, to a more assertive pose. I look back to the events that brought me here, to this instant, and I begin to question the things I had said to my father before I left. I have no idea how I ended up here, where my fragile life now lay in the hands of this creature…

(June 1, 2010)

It was one year to this day that my grandfather - Walter Rose, had ordered a team of Archaeologists to search a cave found on the plains of Nosgoth. Just west of the Great South Lake and about an hour and a half drive from Meridian, Nosgoth's capital.

What we discovered will change the way we view the very fabric of space and time. An ancient machine that dates back to the 12th century, which from our research, could transport objects, even people through time.

It sounds implausible, almost too fantastical to believe, that this era of time could have made such a machine. But when we sent a team or researchers through the device, the outcome shocked us.

The device actually appeared to transport them to a different time period when adjusting the dials on the far wall. It was incredible and we've never been this excited and thrilled. The things we could discover are endless and I'm more determined now then I have ever been in my life.

Although, William Maalouf - the sponsor of our excavation, has taken all the credit for our discoveries. My grandfather does all the work only to have many hours of research and planning snatched away from him by this clown. Who actually showed no sign of interest in our project to begin with?

It took my Grandfather years to get the okay on the project. During which, I studied to get my PhD, specializing in Nosgothic history. He has been in a constant battle with Nosgoth's government to let a team of Archaeologists into the caverns. Not to mention trying to convince Mr. Maalouf to fund our project.

When my grandfather and I began to study the strange machine for three rigorous years, we discovered the machines true purpose. Soon after announcing our findings, Maalouf took a sudden burst of interest in our research. He of course offered funding in exchange for ownership of our discoveries. We had no choice but to comply, as we were running out of grants to continue our study.

My grandfather runs a research facility Meridian, which studies Nosgoth's deranged history. With me as the lead researcher of the project. We call Nosgoth's history deranged due to the fact that most of its past remains unspoken or unknown for that matter. We believe supernatural forces charted its history long ago. Some say Vampires and demons, but we are not certain.

That is why my Grandfather has hired a man named Micheal Alans to excavate through time to discover Nosgoth's many secrets. As far as I'm concerned I am the one who deserves that spot. I have worked so hard to get to where I am, only to have somebody come along and sweep it out from under my feet. My grandfather - of all people, should know very well how that feels.

Alans knows nothing about the history of this civilization or its people. Anybody would kill for that place, because finding this machine is a perfect way to find out what really happened…

"Michelle, I will discuss this no longer with you."

"I honestly don't see why I can't do this excavation" I try to persuade him, as I pursue him down the hall of our research facility.

"I'm fit, well-educated and I'm definitely more qualified than -" he raises his hand and cuts me off.

"Michelle, I am well aware of your talents, but I just cannot afford losing you." I know where this is going…

"You are my Granddaughter and I love you very much...and besides that, just think of what your father would think of me if I where to send you off on this excavation. What would we all do if something happened to you? You are my best and brightest researcher to boot. I simply cannot afford losing you. Besides, we need you here."

I have to admit, he holds a good argument. My father would be furious if my grandfather let me do this. After all, I'm all he has left after my mother passed away years ago. He has my sister too, but my father and I were always really close. As well, my sister would be left without a female role model to look up to.

I love my little sister. I'm practically her mother since my father's fiancé pays little attention to her. But, I have to go, well I want to anyways. I can't let that pretty boy Michael have all the grandeur. Just imagine going back in time to Nosgoth's early history. I just wish it wouldn't hurt my family so much.

"I'm really sorry Michelle, I know how important this is to you. But it is for your best interest dear". I have to give him credit for trying to comfort me, or for at least trying to understanding my situation.

"It's okay Grandpa, I understand. I'll get over it by tomorrow I'm sure..." A smile will convince him.

"Alright than..." He seems relieved.

"We should get some rest Michelle. You will be here in the morning to help Michael prepare for his big day? We could use your help and ability."

"Yes, I would love too..." I make a phony smile, then make my way home to get some rest.

My Grandfather, he is such a caring and compassionate person and my father is not much different. They both have a very wise man's personality. The only difference between the two is my Grandfather's chipper, outgoing personality. My father is more relaxed and mellow; he has always been someone you could talk too about anything.

My sister really takes after him physically, but takes after my Grandfather with the jumpy chipperness. I, however, have taken after my mother, we were like twins; Headstrong and determined as ever. I really didn't want to disappoint anybody by doing something stupid. I need to get this idea out of my head and focus on what's important.

My cars in the shop, so I have no choice but to take the train. The number 6 will get me home in about an hour. It's a long ride but I don't mind it. I find train rides relaxing and it gives me time to think on things. Not like I need to think more about the excavation…


When I get home, I can't stop thinking about that blasted time machine. It won't leave my mind; it's like a cancer taking me over. After all Nosgoth is my one true love. I've been fascinated with its history and folklore for as long as I can remember.

It's about 11:00 at night and supper is in the microwave. I'm not very hungry, so I decide to go to bed, but there is no chance of me falling asleep tonight. It is that damn time machine again, haunting me, tormenting me, filling my mind with envy for Michael. I think I can actually hear it calling my name...

"Argh! Get out!" I scream, pulling my pillow over my face.

I can hear my father coming through the door down stairs. He usually works late. Since I'm not having any luck sleeping, I think I will go down stairs and talk with him for a little while and clear my head. I walk down stairs and into the kitchen. He is getting himself a glass of orange juice from the fridge when I walk in.

"Hello daddy." I walk over and give him a big huge.

"Oh, Michelle darling, what are you doing up so late?" he whispers.

"Didn't you say you were going to help Michael prepare in the morning for his big excavation" I can't see why he seems so surprised. Sometimes I wonder if he realizes I am a 24 year-old women and not a 6-year-old girl anymore who goes to bed at 8:00 pm. Even though I'm still living at home. I'm hoping to change that soon, once I finish my PhD.

"Yes well, I'm finding it hard to sleep tonight." I let a week smile show, I'm terrible at hiding things from him. He always brings the truth out in me.

"Ah I see, excited about the big day are you." He says sarcastically.

"Very..." I humor him.

"I'm really sorry if you wanted to go, Michelle". He scans my expression. Sometimes I wonder if it's because we have similar interests and see through the same set of eyes. Maybe that's why I can't hide anything from him?

"But it is for the best that Alans does this excavation, After all he is a skilled fighter, fast thinker and has done many excavations in the past". I think I almost saw a twinkle in his eye. My father has always, in my point of view, seen and treated Michael Alans like a son. In fact, he is the one who recommended him for the job.

"You know he will be great for this job." He nods and smiles.

"I know that dad."

"Good...I wouldn't want you running off and stealing Michael's place in the excavation". It's strange really, I have never really thought of it till now. I can assume it is possible for me to go to Nosgoth and go through the time streaming device before Micheal does, the day after tomorrow. After all, I'm the one who helped my Grandfather "...Michelle" decipher the controls in the first place - "Michelle!"

"Oh! Sorry dad". Worry is cast all across his face.

"You wouldn't go off and do something like that would you?" He starts concentrating very hard on my face, probably trying to find any hint of my true motives.

"No! No, I would never dream of doing something that ridiculous...hahaha, really dad?" I chuckle.

"…Would I?"

My alarm clock goes off at 6:00 am. I remember what my dad had said that night, about sneaking off and stealing Michael's place in the excavation. I have never even thought of doing something that selfish and ill-conceived before. I don't know what's coming over me lately. I can only imagine the commotion it would cause from both my Father and my grandfather for that matter.

"No, I couldn't, I have to support Michael today…sigh."

It doesn't take me long to get ready. I throw on an old pair of jeans and a tank top; it will probably be a hot day, it is the middle of Summer. I have no time to eat any breakfast and nor do I want to. I quickly make my way to the station, to catch the train back to downtown Meridian.

I've never been much of a large city girl, with all that hustle and bustle. I prefer the small towns where everybody knows one another I guess. But I'm sure it has its downsides. Like the nosy neighbors, the gossips, and the lack of entertainment. Although, as a Historian, I think I would like the peace and quiet.

I have to run 6 blocks to catch my train. I've had a slow morning. It's a good thing I catch it, as it starts to rain. My mind flickers back to the time machine again and how marvelous it would be to travel back to the Gothic days of Nosgoth to unearth its little secrets. An over whelming sense of jealousy washes over me the more I think about. I don't know why I'm doing this to myself...

The hour flew by and I can see my stop coming up. When the doors slide open, I run swiftly to the research center and through the doors. I barely flash my pass at the woman behind the front desk. I don't want to keep Michael waiting. When I enter his temporary office I greet him with a smile and he does so in return.

"Good morning Michelle, did you sleep well?" He seems like such a sop at times, but he's always an engaging person to talk to. He is one of those guys that you can absolutely hate behind his back, but as soon as you meet him face-to-face you can't help but like him. He has a certain charm.

"Well, as good as it will ever be"

"Yeah I know how you feel" He can't possibly know how I feel…god I am bitter this morning.

"...Hey look Michelle...I'm really sorry about you not being able to go and all." I meet his genuine gaze.

"I know you wanted to go pretty badly..." Wanted?

"It's okay Michael I'm fine, really."

"Are you sure?"

"There really isn't anything I can do about it, is there?" I grin at him. I hate when people give me fake apologies.

"I'm sure Michael."

"…Sorry" he is always saying that to. Personally, I don't think Michael would last a day or two in Nosgoth's past, fighting skills or not. He would probably hit someone and apologize for it.

"You don't have to apologize Michael." He fiddles with a pencil in his hand. He's so fidgety today?

"After all, you're the right man for the job." I take pity on him.

"You really think so?"

"Absolutely" There is something different in his eyes when I say this. I'm starting to regret it.

"You know, that really means a lot coming from you". He starts to come a little closer towards me.

"Oh…well…thank you". Feeling nervous, my female intuition starts working overdrive, telling me to get the hell out of here!

"You know Michelle, the real reason I was having trouble sleeping last night, had nothing to do with my excitement about going to Nosgoth's past."

"Oh he's not doing what I think he's doing."

"I was thinking of you."

"I can't believe he's doing what I think he's doing." When he gets a few inches of me, he leans in for a kiss. It briefly makes contact before I have time to double back. Honestly I didn't think had enough confidence. Suddenly I don't feel sorry for him anymore.

"I can't believe the nerve you have!" I shove him away from me.

"You're angry at me?"

"Yes! I'm angry at you!"

"Why? You started it"

"ah..wh..tss..bu.." everything I try to say just gets crumpled up into one big ball and all that's left are half words...

"You're not serious!"

"Then explain to me this, 'After all you're the right man for the job'" he quotes me. I can't believe this. I'm getting ready to explode at this point.

"I was being nice." I state coldly.

"Well, sorry little miss pompous, brat."

"What the hell is that supposed to mean?!"

"I think you know full well what that means. Ms, who gets whatever she wants from daddy. Heaven forbid if someone else should get a say in the matter."

"You know what, fuck you! I worked very hard to get to where I am now and I've spent many sleepless nights to decipher that time machine, so your sorry ass can go through and have all the fun while people like me slave in the background without recognition…And if it weren't for my 'Daddy' you wouldn't be here either, so shut it!" With that I storm out of the room, brushing past my grandfather on the way out.

I thought I should leave before I started saying horrible things. My mouth has a way of running off on me. I swear, I'm going to blow a fuse and I'm already starting to over react to this stupidity. What can I say, after being disappointed in past relationships, one really doesn't take kindly to people trying to seduce them.

I decide to go home and relax for a while, to get over it. It was a long ride out here, for nothing, but I can really care less at this point. He's the one who has to explain to my grandfather why I left in such a hurry. "Chuckle," I would have loved to have been there to see that awkward conversation.

When I get home I'm already starting to feel bad about over reacting to Michael. He is a man, a single man at that. Or maybe I'm just feeling embarrassed about the way I reacted. Speaking of over reacting, I can hear my father's 'Fiance' in the kitchen, probably shaming my sister for doing something that didn't meet her standards. I think I should go stop her before Rachael starts to cry.

"Karen, stop it, now! She's just a child for crying out loud!"

"She is not a child anymore, she needs to start acting like an adult now and give up this childish nonsense!" She sounds hysterical.

"- and if you're not going to call me mom, than you can at least address me as Mrs Rose!" I don't know what my father sees in her…

"You are not my mother, or a part of this family yet. And In my opinion you really haven't earned our respect." I say slowly and sternly. Once again my temper rises. I have had it with people today.

"Yes well, I'm marring your father, so that qualifies me as a part of this family and if not yours then this girl's mother."

"You will never be our mother! That is our mother!" I point to a picture on our fridge.

"And this 'girl' is named Rachael!"

"Your mother it gone! Why can't you two except that!" I can feel my eyes filling up with tears. Not tears of sadness, but tears of bitter rage.

I quickly leave the room and dash up the stairs and almost colliding with my father coming to see what all the commotion is about. I flop on my bed laying there in bitter silence listening to my father and his future wife bicker at one another.

I don't know why she would say something so insensitive. She can't honestly believe that logic. I need to get out and find an apartment. I would have left ages ago if it wasn't for my sister and my studies. Although, I can afford it. Worst comes to worst, Rachael can always live with me for a little while.

It isn't long before it fell silent. I can only imagine what she said to him. Somehow convincing him it is my fault. She is poisoning his mind. Ever since they got engaged my father has changed. A little at first, but I'm noticing more and more changes this year. He's starting to reprimand me for things that she would disapprove of.

My eyes are hot and puffy. It's starting to make me a bit sleepy. I close my eyes to escape into my own little world to get away from the chaos and I slowly start to drift off to sleep; drowning out the nightmares that surround me.

When I open my eyes, I hear a knock on the door. I answer and my father announces that supper is ready. I slowly walk down the stairs. Somehow, and I'm not sure why people are able to do this, but I can tell, maybe feel that something is going to happen that will change our family forever.

When I walk into the dining room, everybody looks unusually quit and still, even my sister. I say hello to everybody refusing eye contact with Karen. Nobody even looks at me and I notice there is no sign of supper.

"Sit." My father sounds stern and discerning.

"I thought you said super was ready?" I ask glaring into his soul.

"Just sit down, Michelle." He presses his thumb and forefinger to his forehead in anguish.

"...But, what's going on?"

"I need to have to talk with everybody."

"Oh god. Dad, no, I'm not doing this."

"Sit down!" My sister starts crying.

"Be quit, Rachael!" He never yells at her.

"Don't talk to her like that, Dad!"

"Are you her mother, Michelle?! No! So I will talk to her however I want to! Do you hear me?" My mouth agape.

"Now! You're going to start listening to me around here"

"I can't believe you. You're letting her intoxicate you with this filth!"


"No! I can't stand back and watch her do this to you any longer! You need to know your place in this house, dad! Rachael's your daughter, I'm your daughter! Will you listen to your -"

"I know my place here! And it's time you learn yours and it is not here!" My eyes start to water and I can feel the tears run down my cheeks.


"You've lived at home far too long, and it's time for you to move out! You're putting stress on poor Karen here and I -"before he can finish I cut him off.

"Oh shut up dad...I've had enough of this. You know whats really going on here, cause we all do."


"You're still in love with mom, dad. It's obvious to me, it's obvious to Grandpa, and it even obvious to Karen. That's why she's a belligerent mess! This is just a distraction. How is that fair for Karen?"

"And I should take relationship advice from you?"

"Jesus dad, would you listen to yourself? If mom was still here, you wouldn't be talking to us like this. We're your family..."

"Well she's not here now is she!" He stands up in his chair aggressively, making me jump in surprise.

"She's gone, Michelle! and she's not coming back! You're going to have to come to terms with that!"

"And it's your fault she's not!" I snap.

"You killed her, and I hope that you rot with that guilt!" His eyes lock on mine, in complete shock and agony. I turn and rush out of the room. I can still hear Rachael in the dining room weeping as I leave the house.

I sprint down the sidewalk as fast as I can. A few blocks down, I start to feel exhausted, but I keep on running anyways. I make it all the way down to the park, eight blocks from my house. I'm practically inhaling the air. I sit on the swings still panting.

I don't care about anything anymore at this moment. Michael, Karen, my father, well I still care about my sister, but I'm just so enraged. I don't care if I take Michael's place in the excavation, he's an idiot anyways. Besides, I can do a far better job than him. There's nothing tying me to this place anymore and I'm going to do this. I'll leave tonight if I have to. I will have to come up with a plan and a list of things I'll need, but that's that, I'm going to do this thing no matter what the outcome...

I do not own Legacy of Kain or its Characters. I only own Michelle and the rest of the characters in this chapter.

I've changed a lot in the first chapter to make it flow well and hopefully making it more enjoyable to read.

Thanks for reading. Reviews are always welcome.