-1Even as L begins to wash and dress Light's wounds, he still (for some reason or another) cannot entirely comprehend that this has happened. Light Yagami - honor student, beloved by all - has been mugged. Beat, kicked, smacked the hell out of, and is now lying unconscious on the hotel sofa.
Ring - "hello?"
"-nnng, Ryuzaki?"
"…co-come pick me up?"
Long scratches splayed from his neck down past his collar bone. A bruise was forming at his cheek, but it wasn't swollen. His chest rose and fell slowly, as if in a coma of sorts, and his eyes were closed.
"Light? Light-kun? What-"
"I'm…outside, about two blocks east-"
"Why can't you just-"
"Please, Ryuzaki, I wouldn't be asking is I weren't serious-"
"Really, what did you do?"
Nothing. Silence assaulted him, giving nothing to the questions he so wished to be answered.
"Do you need a cab? Can you walk?"
"Not on my own. I can't go home like this."
" 'Like this'?"
Light let out an unsteady moan, flinching away from L's touch, which had just skimmed over his stomach. L pauses, then carefully lifts the shirt - casual, not his school uniform - from the abused skin beneath.
"Light? Where are y-"
"Here, genius."
"…you look like you're in pain, Light."
"I am."
L's eyes grew a bit wider, frozen as he stared at the red marks that marred Light's abdomen. Long, crisscrossed lines, enough to make L think that…no. No, really, Light was a fighter, he wouldn't have fallen prey to such tactics.
"…ah-go a little slower, I can barely walk."
"…is there something wrong with your legs? Are they hurt?"
"Uh-uh, not my legs, but my-…"
"It just hurts to move."
Lashes. L can hardly believe someone has taken a whip of some sort to Light so viciously.
"Are you awake still?"
"Apparently not."
L placed his finger tips on the area of reddened flesh, watching Light shift slightly. His mouth was set in a tense way, making little sounds of pain. L moved his hands though the air just above his body, placing them on his chest again. Light sighs, possibly from the relief of pressure being removed from his stomach. L hovers over Light, mouth poised over his lips, breath coming in soft wisps. "Light? Can you hear me?"
A light gust almost into his mouth is the only answer; it tastes distinctly of rain, oddly enough. L begins slowly talking, quietly, breathing over Light's lips. L searches his memory as he talks, because he can't really remember how to treat lash wounds…he could have sworn that he read something about them, but his mind was blank, no matter how much he thought on the subject.
And for the sake of Light, he was really thinking hard.
L cannot remember the last time he had to think hard - it usually just came to him, easily accessible. Nothing was ever too complicated…perhaps he was distracted now? Probably, considering his position over the young genius, who was knocked out.
Suddenly, Light's lips move, his tongue licking over his lips, and L - unaccustomed to being taken off guard - gets a quick taste of him without meaning to.
Light blinks his eyes open, making a 'mmm' sound, then stops what would have been more movement on account of three things:
1. L is hovering over him.
2. His body hurts so much that at that moment he went into temporary shock.
3. He had just licked L's lips (on accident).
"…Light, glad to see you're conscious."
"…glad to be conscious."
If someone had written it down, their conversation would have sounded fairly neutral - slightly sarcastic, not without their not-quite-animosity towards each other, coupled with a strange companionship, along with reluctant respect.
But at the moment, Light was currently blushing, and L was watching him with a very interested expression, and not without a slight flush to his face as well.
As a nervous gesture, Light's tongue - no longer taking orders from his brain - flicked across his lips again, grazing L's mouth a second time.
This time, Light jerks back, snapping his mouth shut, and L pulls away abruptly, leaving a very awkward silence. Or what would have been an awkward silence, had it not been interrupted by a small gasp of pain from Light.
Feelings forgotten, L hurried forward, at Light's side, arm resting around his shoulders. "Should I call you father?"
"No. Just- just get a first aid kit or something. Cool water, wash…cloth…"
He was asleep again.
A/N: Yes, I know I am erratic. I cannot help my flights of fancy. Well? What did you think? This will continue, but it won't be as long as Tame Me was. I have a few ideas for a Yoh/Hao fic, and another Death Note fic…LxLight, as always.
Meh. This wrapped up nicely enough, but I couldn't be bothered with the disclaimer or A/N until the end, because my fingers were busy trying to convey the image in my head…got it from the rain sound off a MP3 thingy of death note - from episode 25 - rain…and L and Light…
Meh, I need more pretty fics with that feeling…by the way, in this scene, it was not raining outside, but the sky was all gray and silver, hinting at rain soon to come…my favorite weather…
Disclaimer: Lovely L and Luscious Light and rocking Death Note do not belong to me. I really would like to have them, though.