Disclaimer: Don't own it.

A/N : Right, I suppose this is an experiment of sorts really. Having never written Escaflowne fanfiction before, I'm not really too sure where to begin - so please give me a break if this chapter isn't fantastically original/good. Anyway, the chapter's written from Hitomi's POV. It's set about five years after the series.

Does it even matter anymore?

Is what I believe even relevant now?

What use are my memories if they fall upon deaf ears? Why must I show my visions to these people who insist I must be blind to reality?

I am tired. I'm tired of everybody telling me that I'm wrong.

"It was a dream, Hitomi."


"You're such a romantic…"

It wasn't a dream.

"There is no such place as Gaea."

It wasn't a vision.

"You're out of your mind!"

It was real.

I know it was.

I know He was.

Everything I saw, everything I felt – it was all real. The grass in between my fingers, the wind in my hair, the moon and the Earth hanging in the sky above me…

They will probably never believe me. No, I doubt they will ever see what they do not wish to see. They will simply keep trying. They will keep trying until I tell them that I don't remember.

But the one thing they don't understand, all these people who have tried to make me forget, is that…I want to forget. I want all these memories to just fade away. I want the faces that haunt my dreams to disappear into the darkness that has somehow found its way inside my heart.

I cannot bear it any longer; this emptiness that I feel…it's…it's killing me. I am sure of it.

But I know I can never forget.

How does one forget what love is?

Sometimes I smile when I think of him. I wonder how he is, whether he even remembers me. I wonder if people question his sanity day after day.

Perhaps for him, it was a dream. Perhaps he prefers to remember it that way. Perhaps he simply chooses not to remember it at all.


I wish…

No. I can't wish. Not anymore.

But I miss you. Everyday, every day for five years I have missed you. I long to see you again, to hear your voice, to just…feel you somehow.

That day five years ago, we made a promise; but with each day that passes, you shatter it more and more, until now all that's left is the doubt that eats away at me when they tell me I'm wrong.

Oh God, why can't I be wrong?

Why can't I just be wrong…?

Yes it's short, but the next chapter (if there is indeed a next chapter) will be longer. Please review, since I really don't know whether to continue it or not! Thanks to whoever's read it - you're all lovely!