Reviews for Close Your Eyes
40four chapter 1 . 9/8/2017
That was so promising. Too bad you stopped writing. Thought I'd leave this comment here anyway in case you ever come back. This is a Van I've not read about in any stories yet and I can see how he became this way. I just wish Hitomi wasn't such a stuttering mess but I guess her mental state warrants it.
66ButterflyOfDarkness99 chapter 1 . 8/18/2017
Aaaaand yes. Me. Again. Hi. Told you I read all your fics in one week. Okay, can I just say that the whole thing with Leia and Van just made my heart ache? 'Cause yeah, it did. And I completely understand Hitomi's feelings and thoughts but hell...sometimes you just have to let go and enjoy what that amazing man wants to offer you, savvy? hahahahahaha so... cliffhanger! I do hope you are planning to continue this fic someday too...'cause girl your stories are amazing. Kudos to you!
nofreakingway chapter 7 . 2/9/2017
AHH! WHAT! I can't believe that I've been glued to my computer for several hours, reading this story so intensely, only to have it snatched away at the last moment with an insane cliffhanger and no completion!? It's been 10 years since you last updated this story, which saddens me. But I do love it. Their passion is incredible and your writing quality is brilliant. I've missed such intense stories that really have me glued for hours on end. I know it's probably pointless, asking you to update again after so long, but I hope that you might.. One day.. And I look forward to that!
Teehanu chapter 7 . 5/13/2016
The fanfic is for sure refreashing - the past of both Hitomi and Van is surprising and gloomy. And when the hopefully bright future was ahead of them you left it undone... hope to know the ending one day ;)
greenmayiel10 chapter 7 . 2/17/2013
are you abandoning this fic? :(
this so brilliant.. please continue tp update.. please
amandaLACROIX chapter 7 . 11/3/2012
I know it's been years since you wrote this...
But I just wanted to let you know that getting to the end of this chapter knowing there isn't going to be anymore was heart breaking to me.

This is was easily one of my favorite Escaflowne fan fics. Honestly. It's so good.
Lady Ari chapter 7 . 4/22/2012
Yay another wonderful story. It's a shame it hasnt been updated in so long. Ha I should saying the same thing myself, I havent updated mine in a long time too, but I have permanent writer's block. I admit it saddens me to see Van have a history like that, but on the flip side, it's refresing. Ive read a million stories well Van is a goody two shoes. The seperation from Hitomi wouldve definatly changed him. I am confused about one thing: Van said he could hear Hitomi's thoughts while she was on Earth, how did that happen?It's never been explained how. And why cant he hear them now? It would be amusing if he could still hear her thoughts, maybe there wouldnt be so many depressing moments between them. Anyway hope you update soon. Cant wait for more.

qui chapter 7 . 3/26/2012
Is this still being continued? I hope it is.. Please don't stop writing this! Ill cry if its stopped!
inda chapter 7 . 1/9/2012
oh oh oh update soon its been a long while now. please update aaaaaahhhh please update please please please please!
XTheGovernmentKillsVickiX chapter 7 . 10/16/2011
I know you haven't updated this in years but I just found it and it's amazing, I notice you stopped continuing your stories, their all amazing! Really! You capture the characters perfectly, your stories have touched in a way a lot of other fanfics haven't!
kimmi0490 chapter 7 . 2/19/2011
OMG! your must continue this story. i haven't stopped reading it for the past two hours...totally ignoring my boyfriend lol. reading every single chapter has kept me on the edge of my seat. Please please please continue! D PLEASE!
Chixue chapter 7 . 1/4/2011
Some people can be incredibly criticizing. This really is an amazing story. There aren't many of this quality out there, no matter what those dissenters say. I hope that eventually, you'll find the time and motivation to continue writing this story.

It's been over 3 years but I can still hold on to that hope!
Inda chapter 7 . 12/30/2010
oh its been a while was reading the story again. please update soon we need to find out wha thappens. please update
Eien-Kiseki chapter 7 . 12/9/2010
Hi! I just wanted to tell you that some people on this site does criticize way too much, and i'm sorry if they said hurtful words to you. However i don't think you should let someone's words get you and lose motivation over such a amazing story such as this. I am honest when i say this is one of the best Van/Hitomi reunion in Fanelia fanfics I read in out of many other Escaflowne stories. I think you have a great talent at writing and there's lots of potential here for this story.

You write angst very well, honest i'm not kidding. You have the whole emotional rollercoaster, turmoil writing down pat like a pro. I'm a huge fan of angst and romance as well as Van/Hitomi being my favorite anime canon couple so reading this fanfic has truely been a amazing experience for me. For the 2hrs it took for me to read all 7 chapters i was glued to my computer :P Unfortunately i noticed you seemed to be losing motivation and confidence as you updated more chapters. It has been 2.5yr since you updated a new chapter to this story, so i don't have much hope that you plan to continue writing this. However I still want to express how grateful i am for what you've written so far Even though its incomplete i am definitely putting this story in my list of relics to re-read.

Anyways Cheers
Eien-Kiseki chapter 4 . 12/9/2010
WHAT? No! This chapter end was not disastrous! Its the exact opposite! Wow i'm insanely shocked at how much Van grew up over the 5 years and to be honest i can't say i'm surprised at all that he turns out to be such a heart-breaker and charming devil. Haha what does surprise me somewhat is that he grew out of his apparent shyness too xD The old Van would never have dared to do those things But thats just part of maturing i guess. I'm very happy to see you write Van's adult personality so well, he grew into manhood but without losing that spark of boyishness that defines him as Van still

Good job on this chapter! I will continue reading now :)
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