Hey I'm back and I'm sorry about my other stories but exam pressure is on plus the bunnies are revolting

I don't own anything

Don't forget to Review

It was the eighth of May and four teenagers across the world glowed.


Victor Ebony in his dormitory at Salem Academy rolled out of bed as the bell rang, his dorm mates sleepily gathering their clothes. He tucked a lock of hair behind his ear then gaped as he realised that his blond shaggy looks had been replaced by messily elegant black hair that reached his shoulders, curious, Victor glanced at the small mirror that his sister had given him a year ago, it seemed as if this new hair had red streaks within it. His eyebrows rose as he noticed that his eyes were now grey and he had a slight tan.

"What the hell?" he growled then realised he had grown; he was no longer 5'5 but a pretty decent 5'9 if he was any judge as he adjusted his clothes. His dorm mates called out for him to join them but froze when they saw his new look before two of them fainted. Sighing the other enervated them,

"Victor? Is that you? You're different."

"I know I woke up like this." He ran a hand through his hair and waved his friends away so he could get dressed, making a note to contact his uncle before class he somehow felt that he needed to go to England.


"Esme! Wake up Esme!" there was a groan as the Italian girl protested to the wake up call, in annoyance her baby sister pulled off the covering blankets to reveal Esme. She screamed, the adults and her older sister Cassandra came running only to freeze in shock,

"What is it Alexandra?" Esme asked,

"Is that you Esmeralda?" Her mother asked shaken,

"Yes, why?" she stood up and looked in the mirror that Cassandra was indicating. She started back then raised a hand to examine, her previously dark skin had lightened to a slight tan, glancing down at herself, she noticed that she had grown quite a few inches and she was about 5'7 the same height as Cassandra. She was no longer a petit girl who looked about thirteen but a seventeen year old witch who could take the world. Her body had matured, her previously dark eyes lightened to brown, and her originally dark curly hair had lightened to blonde with some black streaks was now merely waved.

"Wow." She breathed, her mother suddenly ran off, not heeding the cries of the others, to find a letter that had come a few years ago.


He woke up feeling different and when his pyjamas shown his ankles he realised that he had shot up over night. The next sign that he had changed was the fainting of his roommate Stephan at the sight of him, Oliver looked in the large mirror that adorned every room at Beauxbatons. His eyes were brown grey and his hair was short and spiked, red brown with blonde tips, his skin was now slightly tanned. Oliver decided he liked his new look then enervated Stephan. He resolved to talk to Madame Maxime as well as Madame Roberta and Belinda as an owl flew through the window with an old letter.


The flat was busy, Andre had just returned from his shift at Gringotts, Safira was feeding the little ones and Lillia was getting six-year-old Thomas ready for school. The resident teenager Roxana was still in bed, being home tutored meant that she could pick the most convenient hours for her.

At ten Roxana rolled out of bed and pulled on her dressing gown. As she made herself some toast, the door opened and Lillia came in, her straight brown hair a mess. They both stood by the hall mirror for a second before Lillia gaped at Roxana,

"Nice look," she croaked having only seen those black eyes on one other person.

"Huh?" Roxana turned to the mirror and gasped. Her hair was now black with red tips and it was wavy. Suddenly Lillia gasped,

"What day is it?"

"8th of May, I think."

"Its your 17th birthday! You've obviously come into your inheritance or something. Safira? Where did we put the letter that we got when Rox was seven that said to give to her on her 17th?"

"On top of the cupboard in the highest drawer." Safira replied as she came in with two-year-old Angela on her hip.

"Ana!" the girl shrieked immediately recognising the teen that grinned at her. Lillia reappeared with the letter in hand; it was on parchment rather than paper.

Dear my darling daughter,

I am sorry that you and I could never meet but there are those that disapprove of the relationship that you were conceived out of. You have a sister and two brothers the same age as you. You four were the product of a union between myself (Sirius Black), Alexander Prince, Lucius Malfoy, Fabian Prewett and James Potter. Lucius and James' memories have been wiped and they both have remarried, both unions have sons but James and Lily are now dead. Fabian is dead, I am wrongfully imprisoned and Alex has disappeared ask Severus Snape for his whereabouts for they are cousins.

Your full name is Melanie Odessa Roxana Guinevere Althea Nubia Lyra Electra Felina Alexis Ysabell Prewett Potter Black Malfoy Prince, which we do realise, is a bit of a mouthful but your siblings have the same problem. Do not trust Dumbledore and go to Gringotts as soon as possible for the paternity test to receive your portion of the inheritance. We called you Morgan after Morgan le Fay and your initials, which spell out Morgan le Fay like your siblings' spell out Lion Ruler, Raven Lord and Precious Gem.

Contact Lucius Malfoy, Severus Snape and Tom Riddle, make sure Pettigrew is killed. Your Godfather Riddle will be able to lift the memory charms on Lucius and Severus. Start a correspondence with Harry Potter as soon as you can for my godson is a good boy who was left with his muggle Aunt by Dumbledore when his parents' wills forbade it.

After you have established a firm foothold in the Wizarding World find your godparents, unfortunately your godmother Clare died when you were two years old but you still have Riddle.

I love you my darling

Sirius Black

Roxana gaped and glanced at Lillia.

"I need to go to Gringotts." She announced.