Disclaimer: NOT MINE!!! When are you going to get that through your thick head?

A/N: This is officially the end. However, as I tend to get depressed, I may write an alternative, horrible, bad ending. I already have one working through my mind, but this is the official ending. Anything else is creative insanity.

Epilogue:Reno entered the fifth floor to the pagoda and waited. He knew that as Yuffie's husband, he had to face each challenge of each floor to be worthy of his new position. He had beat all the previous four floors and now waited for the fifth challenge, from Yuffie's father.

The door opened and a small figure in a kimono walked toward him, bowing slightly, their hood covering their head and face. Reno, unsure of what to do, gave a small bow as well. He was expecting Godo, not this person.

The figure stood straight again and the hood fell off the head to reveal a silky head of raven black hair and storm grey eyes. Reno grinned at his wife.

"Hey Babe," he said, moving toward her to kiss her. "Come to wish me luck before I face your pops?"

Yuffie stepped back and held up her hand for him to stop. "You will not be facing Godo," she told him. She bowed again. "You will be facing me, Honorable Husband."

"Yuffie, I can't fight you!" he exclaimed. "You're my wife!"

Yuffie gave him the single most wicked look he had ever seen and his body responded instantly. "We won't be fighting, I assure you of that," she said, unwrapping the sash of her kimono, letting the silk fabric pool to the floor at her feet. Reno stared at her nude form and smirked.

"Strip," she ordered.

Reno did as he was told. Yuffie smiled at him as she threaded her silk sash through a hoop that was suspended from the ceiling. "Lay on your back," she ordered.

Reno went to her and pulled her against him. "Only if you lay on top of me," he said with a grin, kissing the side of her neck.

Yuffie sighed and wrapped her arms around him, pushing him down on the ground and straddling him. She pressed her lips to his and kissed him deeply.

Reno moaned deep in his throat, his hands trailing down her back to grasp her hips. "I love you," he whispered into her ear.

Yuffie smiled down at him as she sat up, angling her hips slightly allowing him to ease into her. She tilted her head back and moaned. "I love you, too."

Reno's hands went up to grasp her breasts, kneading them gently as she slowly moved her hips against him. Yuffie splayed her hands against his chest, running her fingers over the muscles of his chest and abs. Reaching up, she grabbed the edges of her sash and tied them in a knot, still moving her hips with his.

"What are you..." Reno panted out, watching as she picked up a fighting stick and stuck it through the loop she had formed with a sash.

She smiled down at him, her eyes half lidded as she grasped the stick in both hands and began to move her feet so that she was spinning on top of him, building the tension in the sash and in his member.

"Unh," Reno moaned, closing his eyes at the foreign sensations she was causing to flow through his body.

Yuffie kept turning, Reno still inside her, until the sash was wound tight. Her arms were straining from supporting her weight and she was panting from the pleasure she was feeling. She looked down at him, his face twisted in a mix of confusion and pleasure. She smirked. "Welcome to Wutai."

Yuffie brought her legs up and crossed them in front of her, the tension in the sash releasing and spinning her on top of him. Reno yelled out as his orgasm overtook him, thrusting into the spinning heat above him. Yuffie cried out as she continued to spin, finally collapsing on top of him as the sash spun out. Their lips met in a heated kiss, their labored breathing slowly calming.

"What...was that?" Reno asked, running his fingers through her hair.

Yuffie grinned at him and kissed him again. "A Lesson in the Book of Kama Sutra," she told him. "Don't worry...you'll get real good at it, real quick."

Reno kissed her again. "Cool."

A/N: Honest to goodness Kama Sutra position. Have yet to try it out but I plan to. TMI, right? Anyway, thank you to everyone who reviewed and enjoyed this. I really had fun writing it. Sorry it took me three months to do so, but I hope it was worth it. As always, reviews will earn you more smut, albeit in a different story. Later!

Me: Reno! You owe me and the Muses a kegger!

Reno: On it!!! I'm bringing my wife!

Yuffie (giggling): Yay!

A/N-II: Oy! I've created a horny monster. Oh wait...right...that was SquareEnix's doing. I gave him this particular sexual trist. Woot to me! And this concludes the smut fest that was What Happens in Costa del Sol. I hope that you have enjoyed reading this as much as I have enjoyed writing it. Let's face it, Reno's HAWT! And everyone loves reading about him. Hope to see you all soon in my next fic...which I haven't decided what to write yet. Open to suggestions! PEACE!!!