-1He watched through misbehaving red strands as the sun dipped effortlessly into the azure blue of the ocean. The warm sea breeze softly blew around him, blowing the collar of his uniform open and feathering against his chest. He wiggled his toes in the sand of the beach, listening to the sounds of Costa del Sol behind him. Right now, he was alone on the beach, everyone else having gone to the bars or restaurants for dinner. Resting his arms on his knees, he took a drag off his lasts cigarette. Damn, he'd need to get more before the store closed; but right now, he just needed to zone for a while. Nicotine could wait.

Reno shrugged out of his suit jacket and rolled it up into a makeshift pillow and laid his head against it, stretching out in still warm sand. He really needed to consider getting a permanent residence here. It was paradise. Booze, nicotine and half-naked chicks as far as the eye can see. Truly paradise.

His aquamarine eyes closed as he took the final drag off his cigarette and tossed the butt aside. Just as he was about to exhale, someone kicked sand on his chest, startling him and causing him to choke on the toxic smoke.

"What...the fuck!" he gasped out scrambling up and reaching for his electro rod. He stared furiously at the person. "What the fuck is the matter with you?!"

"What the fuck is the matter with you, littering like that, you stupid Turk jackass!" the person, a chick, screamed back at him. "I freakin' risk my life saving the planet and you freakin' litter it with your damn butts!"

Reno glared at her. "You're that damn ninja kid from AVALANCHE, ain't you?" he growled.

Yuffie threw her right fist at him but he quickly grabbed it and spun her around, crossing her arms in front of her and holding her tightly against him.

"Let me go, you stupid ass!" she spat out. "And I'm not a kid! Damn it, I'm almost 20 years old!"

Reno looked down at the struggling girl in his arms. It was the first time he'd ever seen her outside of a fight...and he had to admit, she was hot. He loosened his hold on her, but still held her to him. "Sorry," he said.

Yuffie's head snapped around. "Did you just say 'sorry' Turk boy?" she asked in disbelief.

Reno released her partially but still held one of her hands. "Yeah," he said, giving her a provocative smile. He bent down and picked up his cigarette butt. "Come on. Let me buy you a drink."

"They won't serve me a drink," she said. "I'm still too young."

Reno looked her up and down. "In that get up, you look at least 23," he said, giving a low whistle. She had on a light pink bikini with a long, sheer pink sarong. Her skin was lightly tanned and her black hair was short, and flipped out at the ends. He hadn't realized how cute she really was. Of course, that had been over three years ago.

Yuffie blushed slightly under his close scrutiny. "Really?" she asked.

"Yeah," he said, linking her arm through his and tossing the cigarette butt in the trash. "You look real great, Yuffie."

"Huh," she said with a smile as she walked with him. "I didn't think you even knew my name."

"You get your ass handed to ya by a girl enough, you get to know her name," he answered, giving her a crooked grin. They walked up to the outside bar. "What'll ya have, sweetheart?"

"Strawberry daiquiri," she answered.

Reno tapped the bar. "A beer for me and a strawberry daiquiri for the lady," he told the bartender.

The native glanced at Yuffie and smiled. "You got a sweet looking girl there, Mon," he said. "You better be good to her, or someone snatch that sweet thing right away."

Reno grinned at Yuffie and draped his arm around her. "Don't you worry 'bout that," he said. "I'll take good care of her."