Light didn't look, but he knew L was watching the monitor with diligence only he could manage with his black, lightless eyes, popping just one more chocolate confectionary into his mouth.
Light had come to a decision
He didn't know how he would pull it off, but it was set in stone the moment it came to his never resting mind.
L would not die.
Even if Light succeeded, on some level, he knew that even if he did live like a god of his precious new world, that it would return to the way it had been before.
Light Yagami would be bored.
Since the day he was born, everything seemed to have come so very effortlessly to him, he just knew it all. But the knowledge of knowing he was smarter than the teachers who taught him grew old. Contentment turned to tedium.
Then L came into his life.
He enjoyed their silent games, he found amusement their analyzing of each other, the way they never stopped the competition. Light never grew tired of picking apart L's complex yet still somehow simplistic mind.
He nearly loved the way they knew what the other was thinking, and when they came to the same conclusions, or said the same words.
Yes. Without L, Light also knew he would not be able to stand his own lonely existence.
Light could not go back to the way things were before.
-his grip unwittingly tightened on the chain, tugging it, and L looked up-
Light would not live without L by his side.