The Poor Groom's Bride is A…

Disclaimer: …Why? Why must I be put through this every time? I DON'T OWN!!

Summary: Inuyasha and Kikyo are finally getting married. But what happens when he meets Kagome, the woman performing at his wedding?


Together FINALLY.

He'd been waiting for this moment almost all his life. He straightened his blazer, and put his arm around his wife. Kikyo held a wry smile on her porcelain-like face. She looked…happy. THAT was something new. Inuyasha swept her into his arms bridal-style, earning a squeal coming from her mouth. He laughed and ran her out the church doors, being followed by all their family members and friends. They threw roses and flower petals at their feet.

Kikyo's smile broadened as they came into the sunshine of the midday. Waiting on the pavement was a chariot for the two of them, ready to whisk them away to their reception in style. Their friends and family were already starting to leave so they would be at the recreation center in time. Kikyo and Inuyasha stuffed themselves into the two-seater on the back of the carriage, and the driver whipped at the horses, making them run off into the distance.

The couple watched the world pass by them until they arrived at the center, most of their invited were already there. Inuyasha waved to his best man, Miroku, and his friend scurried over.

"Yeah?" the monk-in-training asked.

"Is it ready?" Inuyasha asked, a smile never escaping his lips.

"Naw, I just left it there," he responded sarcastically.

Inuyasha glared at him and cocked his head.

"I'm kidding! It's all ready!" he shooed Inuyasha and Kikyo off the carriage and straight into the dancing hall. Sango, Miroku's own bride-to-be gasped as the newlyweds came in, and ran to meet them.

"This is so amazing!" she said, hugging Kikyo, who returned it reluctantly. "I'm so glad that everything's working out!"

"I agree…It's been magical," Kikyo said, smiling at her husband.

"Well don't just stand there! You two go dance first!" Sango pushed them onto the dance floor and took the bouquet of flowers Kikyo had still been clutching. The music began, and Inuyasha could see a woman stepping onto the performing stage. She held her head down, running a hand through her ebony hair. She walked up to the empty microphone stand, and breathed in deeply. She turned her head up to look at the crowd, red lipstick covering her lips, and pinkish eyeshadow dousing her eyes with color.

Inuyasha couldn't catch his breath. She was…beautiful…

The woman began to sing, her voice more like a sound, like a songbird whispering in your ear.

"…He drowns in his dreams
An exquisite extreme I know
He's as damned as he seems
And more heaven than a heart could hold
And if I try to save him
My whole world would cave in
It just ain't right
It just ain't right
Oh and I don't know
I don't know what he's after
But he's so beautiful
He's such a beautiful disaster
And if I could hold on
Through the tears and the laughter
Would it be beautiful?
Or just a beautiful disaster
He's magic and myth
As strong as what I believe
A tragedy with
More damage than a soul should see
And do I try to change him
So hard not to blame him
Hold me tight
Hold me tight…"

Inuyasha did his best to not stare at the singer, and look at his wife, who was now swaying to the music with him. They stepped around the hardwood floor, in beat with the other. Soon, more couples joined them, among them Miroku and Sango, and Koga and Ayame. Inuyasha's brother, Sesshomaru, and his wife, Kagura wouldn't step foot onto such a social affair. It would be "frivolous and a waste of time", as they put it. They're so whipped by each other.

"…Oh and I don't know
I don't know what he's after
But he's so beautiful
He's such a beautiful disaster
And if I could hold on
Through the tears and the laughter
Would it be beautiful?
Or just a beautiful disaster
I'm longing for love and the logical
But he's only happy hysterical
I'm searching for some kind of miracle
Waited so long
So long
He's soft to the touch
But frayed at the end he breaks
He's never enough
And still he's more than I can take
Oh and I don't know
I don't know what he's after
But he's so beautiful
He's such a beautiful disaster
And if I could hold on
Through the tears and the laughter
Would it be beautiful?
Or just a beautiful disaster
He's beautiful
Lord he's beautiful
He's beautiful…"

The woman swished her hair around her shoulder and whispered "thank you" into the mic before stepping off the stage and allowing premeditated songs to fill in after her. She fluffed out her little black dress and leaned against the wall, gazing over the room, full of happy and loved couples. Loved people. Why couldn't she be one of them? But then again…why would she torture herself by coming to one of these things? Shadowed by hair that could put midnight sky to shame, her mystical depths, once again, clouded with tears.

When most of the dancing was over, and everyone was seated, Inuyasha clinked on his champagne glass with his fork, in proper manner.

The whole room quieted down and turned to face him.

"…Hey, everybody! I'll do my best to make a "proper" speech, so bear with me," he announced, smiling. He noticed the singer hide her grin. "I just wanted to thank all of you for coming today, Kikyo and I really appreciate it, right?" he asked the woman beside him, and she nodded robotically. "Right…" he rolled his eyes without his wife seeing. "Well, anyway, this is something I've waited for all my life. Okay, that was a lie, I've only known Kikyo since I was…"

"…Six," she corrected him.

"Right! Six! So that's…"

"…Fifteen years," she said again, her eyes making the "You Can be So Stupid Sometimes" look.

"Oh, don't look at me like that! I'm making the speech so you don't have to!" he hissed, and she smiled again. There was no twinkle in her eyes.

"As I was saying…" he cleared his throat. "This has been such a magnificent day, and I hope the days to come are just the same."

"Cheers!!" Miroku shouted, jumping from the seat he was in next to his friend, lifting his almost-empty glass.

"Cheers!!" they all chorused, and brought together their glasses. The party went on all through the night, until Miroku had to go and pass out on the floor.

"Sorry 'bout that, guys!" Sango whispered and pulled her fiancé by the ankles to their car. "Talk to ya later!" she called.

"Bye!" Inuyasha called, and followed her out the door. As soon as he saw her at the wheel and driving off, he pulled from his pocket a pack of cigarettes and a lighter. Kikyo hated smoking. She despised it with a furious passion. He lit the cigarette and breathed in the joint. He sighed out a puff of smoke and looked up to the sky. The shining stars reminded him of the singer that performed. She was amazing. With his keen hearing, suddenly, he spun around to meet the sound of clicking heels on pavement.

"Oh, I'm sorry…Did I scare you?" a feminine voice called.

"…N-No, I…" he stuttered, looking for the right words. Out of the darkness came a raven haired beauty. And no, he wasn't talking about Kikyo.

Red lipstick and pink eyeshadow caught his attention. It was the singer.

"…You're…Inuyasha Taisho, right?" she asked, a cocky grin on her face.


"I knew it. I'm Kagome Higurashi…I sang. Obviously," she laughed at herself, and extended a hand to his. He shook her hand and said hello.

"Your song was beautiful. Did you write it?" he asked, finally finding his voice.

"Oh, yeah! It's not the best, I know, but…" she shied away, putting her hands together around her midsection.

"No! I really liked it," he disagreed, taking another hit.

"…You smoke?"

"Uhh…yeah. A hard habit to kick. But I don't do it everyday," he said. "Why? You don't like it?"

"No…it's not that. I used to smoke a lot, and it messed with my voice, so it was either I quit or I quit singing. And I was ready to die before I stopped singing," she explained. Kagome craned her neck to see the full moon behind her, casting light on their unknown conversation. "…You and Kikyo look really happy together. I'm glad that she's got someone as delightful as you in her life."

"Well, I know I'm happy, I don't know about Kikyo."

"What do you mean?"

"She's not exactly the type to show emotion too well. Even when I popped the question, she said yes properly and always addressing me formally."

"Yeah…I kinda noticed," Kagome laughed lightly.

"But…when she smiles…it's like…" he tried to express it, scrunching up his face. "…like my worries don't exist. When I see her laugh, I know everything's gonna be alright."

"…I know what you mean. I thought I was in love, a long time ago…" she recalled dreamily. "But it turned out I loved him, but he didn't love me. I've never been able to find someone that likes me for who I am, as more than just a friend. But I guess it's my fault…I treat everyone like family, and can't single out any one person. I wish I could, though. I want to fall in love, sure, but I want someone to fall in love with me, too…"

He nodded, understanding what she meant. "I know. It took me FIFTEEN years to win her over…and now that I have, I have everything I want. Everything I could ever want."

They nearly jumped at the sound of the church bells ringing at midnight.

"It's that late already? God, I have to go!" Kagome hurried herself, running back inside, with him following. They found comfort in the warm room, and noticed that many were already leaving or were gone. Kagome rushed to the stage and grabbed a leather jacket that lay behind it. She ran back to the double doors, where Inuyasha was waiting for Kikyo. God knows where that woman was.

"Oh, hey, how do I reach you?" he asked innocently, as though implying friendship.

"Uhh…I'm always in town! You live here, right? Yeah…you can find me at the Music of Eden Club! I'm there till midnight!!" she called, and ran down the street after throwing the doors open.

"Uhh…okay…" he muttered.

"Inuyasha? Are you ready?" Kikyo's voice floated to his ears.

"Yeah…let's go home."

Inuyasha felt stiff all the way home, her voice ringing in his dog-like ears. "Music of Eden Club…isn't that where I met Kikyo? But…it's a…strip club…"


A/N: My new story! I hope you all like eet. C: This is just an idea that came to me after listening to "I Write Sins, Not Tragedies". Not surprising, huh? Luvs to y'all!! R&R, please and thank you!!