Real Name: Herb (Male), Shiva (Female, locked)

Age: Unknown. Was subjected to Lazarus Pit at 16.

Eyes: Piercing Red.

Hair: Purple.

Powers: None.

Skills: Highly skilled martial artist that knows at least 15 forms of Kung Fu, Tai Kwan Do, and Tai Chi.

Weapons: None, although skilled in several when needed.

Affiliations: Musk (Exiled), League of Assassins (Ra's Bodyguard), Amazons (Ally)

Lady Shiva didn't always start out as a lady. In fact, she was born a proud man to the tribe known as The Musk. The Musk was a tribe of dominating men and the women were no more than servants and breeding stock. In fact, to ensure the tribe's well being, most of the women used to be various animals that were tossed into the spring and locked with a magical ladle and then used to breed warriors. The end result would be off spring with the abilities of the former animals their parents once were. The would be Shiva's abilities is that of a dragon.

Karma caught up centuries ago with the future Shiva, then known as the man named Herb, when he was trying to do the same thing to a monkey but the monkey got the ladle and splashed him with the drowned girl water. After returning to the village, the Prince saw that he was treated very differently, even exiled for the father refused to turn the kingdom over to a woman.

After several months of being rapped and in forced servitude to the new heir to the thrown, Kiwi, Herb escaped and for two years, was on his own until one day he encountered and fought Ra's Al Ghul to a stand still. Impressed with her skills, Ra's not only invited her into the League of Assassins, but dipped her in the baths of the Lazarus Pitt, and as a symbol of her new immortality, when she remerged and recovered her sanity; she renamed her self Lady Shiva.

Some years after this, the Musk were experiencing random attacks from the Amazons, a tribe where although men and women of are equal warrior status, the women are in charge, who somehow knew their fight patterns, and their secrets. Unbeknownst to the current king and Prince Kiwi, Shiva had told them their secrets on one condition: She gets her revenge on her former home village.

For the last 4 decades, the village hasn't been on any maps.

Some Musk did survive and they take their revenge on both her and the Amazons.

However, should they run into Shiva, they shall never forget the lesion they learned that day: Hell Hath No Furry like a Woman Scorned.

And no woman has been scorned more than the former prince.


Fire. That's all the king and his son can see. Fire that was once a proud village full of proud people. Where powerful men ruled and their women obeyed and listened. And that was only yesterday.

Today, in place of the village is an inferno. An inferno that represented the inner torment of the woman who did this. Who, her self, had set all the other women of the village free before doing this, and the king and prince knew the reason.

For the fire starter was once called "Son" by the king, and "Brother" by the prince.

"Well, father," Shiva said with a cold gleam in her eyes, "what do you think of your bouncing baby daughter now?" The king and the prince then looked at her with pure hatred in their eyes, but it still unmatched her's.

"If you think this will scare me into taking you back son…"

"SON?! HA! Take a good look at me king of the fallen! You too prince! Do I look like anybody's son to either of you?! I am Shiva! And what I am doing IS for the fallen son! The son you rejected, the brother the prince wouldn't accept! I am the end result of both of those AND your tyranny against women!" She stated and with each sentence, her voice got more and more cold and her eyes got more and more piercing. "The events of long ago had opened my eyes and realized that tribes like yours shouldn't even exist! You refuse to change your ways and even shunned your own child when it was a clear message from those that created us how wrong you have been towards women, so I spared them." She then walked closer and closer to the two family members and looked ready to kill. "The men however… I didn't get all of them, but I got enough to leave you all a forever wondering tribe! The Musk is dead and…"

"NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" The long silent prince finally spoke as he charged towards Shiva…


…only to have a very powerful round house to the face, and a few pressure points to the head right after he lands to the ground. "No, he will NOT be fine. In fact, there is only one person who will get a death even more painful than that."

"You will not get…" The King didn't finish because with an unseen speed, Shiva grabbed him and a few pressure points on the neck later, he fell to the ground. However, he was still alive long enough for Shiva to talk for a few moments.

"I really must thank you and Herb's brother for the way you treated him Father. For I would have never been given a clear vision from when I left the pits. I went in feeling like the cursed EX-Prince, but I came out feeling like the woman I am now. So thank you Father for condemning your own tribe. Hope you and your son are reunited in the underworld."


A nostalgic Lady Shiva was looking out the window in her room one night. Thinking back to before she got her body and was known as Herb. Thinking how after her escape from her former tribe how she was found by a wondering Ra's and went into the pits and how she emerged from them reborn as she is now. She looks back and if one were to see her reflection, one would see a partial smirk and piercing red eyes.

"Mistress Shiva?" She heard a voice and saw 16 year old Ranma looking at her with some concern. "Is everything ok?"

"Hmmm?" Shiva said as she snapped out of it and turned around. "Oh, Ranma. Yes, everything is just fine. Come now, we should resume our training." She then left with the young man heading to the training hall.

"If you don't mind my asking," Her student said, "What were you thinking about?"

"Just the past Ranma." She then turned back to the window and if Ranma were to look closure, he'd swear her eyes were connecting to an area so far away where her former village once stood, and smiled a dark, yet happy smile. "Just the Past."