Shrieks of laughter came from Gryffindor tower as a pillow fight ensued in the 5th year girls' dormitory,

"What the hell are they doing?" a well built black haired boy asked, he had got little sleep the night before because of the end of year party and now, he flinched, the Gryffindor girls were screaming with laughter excluding Rosanna who was off with her boyfriend, the Hufflepuff keeper, Amos Diggory of 6th year.

"Well from what I can make out they are laughing. Sirius just put your head under a pillow or something."

"I've tried, believe me." He growled but Remus just laughed, he hadn't had as much alcohol as Sirius and so didn't have a hangover. He looked up from his book and saw all three culprits, exhausted but grinning,

"Hello Remus, Black, Potter." Isis flopped next to Remus and plucked his book from his hands,

"Hmm, Hogwarts a History. One of my own favourites and it is Lily's favourite I believe."

"Not quite Sis, not quite."

"Sis? I didn't know you were sisters."

"We're not sisters, Sirius we don't look alike at all. We call her Sis because her name is Isis. Dumbass." Lily replied, tucking a stray hair behind her ear,

"So what were you doing up there?" James asked glancing at all three girls but his eyes lingered on Lily before moving onto Isis,

"Having a pillow fight, we always have one on the last day of school." Liz replied, stretching and creating a bridge. Sirius couldn't help but stare as her pyjama top rode up revealing her midriff and flat stomach,

"Stop perving Black." Liz snapped gently at him and he immediately went into drama mode,

"Prongs oh what shall we do! Insulting us has become second nature to them! Woe is us!" Sirius rolled off the sofa and



"You are the only one who has been insulted."

"Damn, Lily, shout at James to make us even."


"For me. Please, for the one and only Sirius Black."

"I thought you had ancestors who were called that?" Sis intercepted,

"So? I am the current Sirius Black, am I not?"

"Yes but I have to have a reason to shout at Potter."

"Lils you wound me. Call me James, please?"

"If I call you James will you stop calling me Lils?"


"Very well, James, anyway I need a reason to shout at you because mindless violence is stupid."

"Ok. Shame Padfoot!"

"Whatever Jimmy."


"What, Prongsie? You love me don't you?"

"Nope, sorry Pads."

"But Jam!"

"Not Jimmy, not Prongsie and defiantly not Jam. Right changing topic, why do you guys have a pillow fight every year?"

"Tradition." Sis replied, still refusing to give Remus his book back. She tossed it to Liz who passed it to Lily who passed it back to Sis.