Disclaimer: No, I don't own something as awesome Ouran Host Club. I might've been smart enough to make something as great, if my parents hadn't dropped me many times on my head as a child. XD

Spreading Your Wings

By: Hikari No Himitsu

Loss and gain are so tightly connected, aren't they?

These were the thoughts of a certain orange-haired teenager, who sat on his bed, staring out the window of his enormous room. He was the only occupant of the room. Lately, this had been quite common; Kaoru had seldom been alone in the past, but now that Hikaru was always occupied, it was a frequent occurrence. The more thoughtful of the twins continued his contemplations, thinking about how time changes things.

It was the night before the Winter Break at Ouran. So much yet so little had changed since the end of his first year. Renge had finally moved back to France, to the relief of many. Amazingly, the Host Club was still running, though a couple more members had been recruited, neither truly to Kaoru's taste. However, the most prominent change was the fact that Hikaru, his own brother, was now officially the boyfriend of Fujioka Haruhi.

Ever since that announcement, Kaoru had become like a butterfly. He was wrapped in a cocoon of fake smiles, falsely cheerful pretenses, and hollow words of reassurance. He longed so greatly to finally break free and spread his wings as his twin finally had. He had been patient, so patient, for all this time, but the waiting was truly getting to him now. All due to the fact that now, Hikaru had been taken from him.

Yet through all this, Kaoru simply couldn't bring himself to hate Haruhi, for keeping Hikaru away from him. She was probably oblivious to his feelings, anyway. In fact, that was the last thing he really wished to do. Still, it wounded deeply that the two people he truly cared for, the pair that knew him for who he really was, had abandoned him. He may have been selfish for wanting them both to himself, but it couldn't be helped. He couldn't change the way he felt.

Despite all his more negative feelings, the more mild-mannered twin was actually quite happy for his sibling. He had finally found someone who could see into his true self, and for that, Kaoru was grateful to Haruhi.

Sighing, the boy lay down on his bed. Sometimes, his emotions were So confusing, he himself couldn't stand it.

Glancing out the window, he caught sight of two figures, two butterflies, fluttering past. They were both bright orange, and almost exactly the same in each prospect. The two flew away together, their wingbeats almost in perfect unison. At this sight, a smile spread across his lips. How ironic.

At that moment, Hitachiin Kaoru was firmly convinced that soon, he too would break out of his cocoon, spread his wings, and soar into the sky.


Author's Notes: This is the first story of any kind I've ever written, and it's just a quick little drabble-type thing, so please take it easy on me. ; Reviews appreciated, please don't flame. Simple thing I got the idea for a little while ago, and I was bored enough to type it up…D Thanks for reading!