A/n: This story is my first try at this couple, it just came to me and I wanted to post it. I hope you like it. It's an Au fic, but most of everything that happened to Sasuke is still the same. Anyway this is also based on some of my own experiences. It deals with depression. My sister had depression, so I'm kinda putting some of my own feeling in here. Though I did not fall in love with my sister like Sasuke will, lol.

PS: This is all in Sasuke's POV

Warning: Yaoi, Incest. This story deals with manic depression, murder and that's all I can think of right now.

Chapter 1: Welcome home.

I was young when it started. When my aniki wanted so badly to hurt himself and others. When I tried so hard to understand what's wrong. So hard to figure out, why the person I looked up to is acting this way. Why he always seemed to want to be alone, why there was always yelling going on between him and my father. And why he always made mom cry.

I couldn't figure it out, no one ever told me what was wrong until it was to late. My brother wasn't always alone though. I was with him, I was there trying to see if I could stop the yelling and the crying. Trying to get him away from our parents, and talk to me. Trying to act innocent, and trying to understand why. When I managed to get my aniki alone, just the two of us he was different. He never yelled at me, he never tried to make me cry. He didn't hurt me, and I stopped him from hurting himself.

My brother loved me back then….at least that's what I thought. That day it all changed, and it was all because of him.

"Aniki…why?" Came my little voice, my innocent voice. I saw him in the middle of the living room, covered in blood. My parents were spiraled out bloody and dead on the floor.

"Sasuke become strong. Stronger then me." Was all he said, he then walked into the kitchen picked up the phone and called 911.

They had blamed it on the medicine. That it wasn't helping, they had sued the company. But, in the end my brother was sent to a mental home. I was still in shock when this all happened. I didn't say a word to anyone. Deep down inside I wanted my brother to pay, I wanted him to die. His life be taken cruelly as he had done our family.

"Sasuke become strong. Stronger then me."

What had he meant? I wonder, did he see his own weakness? How shameful and pitiful he was for killing? Is that what it is? I don't know. I didn't think on these words for to long, my soul more concerned with dealing with the hate. The hate I have for him, the hate that will never go away. The hate he and I will have to deal with.

For today he and I will see one another again. I have gone back to not specking, mainly because everyone seems to ask about him.

"Sasuke you don't have to be with him. They could assign him to another foster home, if you like." Kakashi explains, as we drive down the street to my school. I say nothing to my guardian. We come to a stop in front of the middle school. The high school Itachi will be going to is right next door.

"Fine then. Are you going to come with me to pick him up this after noon?" Kakashi questions, I say nothing once again. I get out of the car, and close the door. I could hear Kakashi sigh, not liking the silent treatment. He had to deal with it for a year when he first took me into his home. And after that it took another year for me to really open up and talk about anything of interest.

"Are you not gonna talk all day?" Naruto asks me in first period. "At least you have a brother. Maybe you can start out fresh? Give him another chance?" I say nothing. Everyone seems to be on Itachi's side. Give him another chance. Why dose he deserve one? He killed our parents, he ruined our family. I'll never forgive him, and won't give him a chance at all.

My friend sighs and sits down. "You know the silent treatment won't stop me from talking to you. I'll blab and blab until you can't help but tell me to shut up." He says proudly, I glare at him. Today I was just not in the mood. Luckily the bell rang and teacher wanted everyone's attention. The class started.

Through out the day I was hassled by girls, or questioned about Itachi or my feelings by my one friend. I didn't like it, I shouldn't have come to school today. I didn't want to be around all these people, I just wanted to be left alone. I might skip tomorrow, convince Kakashi to let me stay home. I was just not up for this, but I made it through the day nonetheless.

When Kakashi came to pick me up I was glade. I didn't have much homework and I just wanted to go home and relax. Though my planes were soon ruined. "Sorry I can't drop you off at home first. The social worker needs me to fill out some crap and pick up Itachi right away." He explains. Not even moved in yet, and already Itachi is messing things up for me.

We drive up to the building I remember from childhood. I stayed here a day once, waiting for someone who would open their home to me. Kakashi did so, though I don't really know how he ever past to become a foster parent. I'm glade I didn't get stuck in a strange home that already had children in it. It worked out to my favor, to have Kakashi as a foster parent. We get out of the car, and walk into the building. We are seated, and Kakashi is handed some papers. I don't pay attention to what the two grown ups are talking about. I didn't really care. I look around and soon spot my brother. I narrow my eyes, as I look at him. He was behind a glass window, in a small room. He was on his own, and he looked down at the table he was sitting at.

I remember I was in a room like that, while I was waiting, but someone was waiting with me. Maybe because I was young. I don't notice that Kakashi was done and standing until someone entered the room Itachi was waiting in. He looked at them and got up, glancing in our direction.

The woman guides my nii-san to us. Once again words were exchanged, but I wasn't listening. Everything seemed mute. Though I know Kakashi was most likely greeting Itachi. Itachi said something back, and then took a short look at me. My eyes immediately narrow at him, upon noticing he was looking at me. His eyes dart away, as if nothing had happened as if he hadn't notice the obvious hate radiating off of me.

We then all walk out to the car. I take the front sit like I'm use to, and Itachi sits in the back. He looks out the window. Kakashi gets into the drivers seat, a wary look on his face. He must be thinking about how awkward and hard this will be for all of us. I'm not going to make it any easier. Everyone seems to be asking me to. Naruto had told me to give Itachi a chance. Kakshi had told me the same thing, when he told me about his release out of the hospital.

But none of them would be able to give me a good answer to my question, if I were to ask it. Why should I give him a chance?

What do you think? I really want to know, so if it's not to much trouble, review? Thank you.