A/N: Short chapter I know, but I wanted to get something up. It has a lot of information so I hope it's worth it, next chapters are going to be light and airy, but that won't last long!

Chapter 24: The First

Immediately after she had awoken, Leilani had attempted to recall the events of the night, but she found that much of her memory was fuzzy. As such, any or all information regarding their escape was not available, she could not remember. Based on first hand accounts, and conversations with each of the students involved in the attack, Jadon included, Dumbledore filled in Leilani on the missing details. They were still discussing the incident in the ward.

"But I don't understand," Leilani had confessed as soon as the Headmaster had finished. "How could I have done magic without my wand? That makes no sense."

"Well that's exactly what we are here to find out, Miss Evans," Cornelious Fudge told her, twisting his green bowler hat in his hands. "It is a very peculiar case indeed."

"More so than the Dark Rise, sir?" she asked. Why the minister of magic was in the Hogwarts hospital wing when there was a new deadly force uniting was hard to understand.

She looked over at Dumbledore again, her mothers hand still held tightly by her own. For a second it seemed as though he found what she had just said amusing, he smiled.

"We have plenty of qualified Aurors working on the new information your friends have provided. It will only be a matter of time before we are making the first of many apprehensions."

"Leilani does not question you competency, Cornelious," Dumbledore told him. "She merely is expressing an interest on why you have come all this way to see if she is well." The way he was speaking was almost as if he were angry about something. But if he was, no one else knew. He continued, "Perhaps I can shed some light on that Leilani. You see as far as history is concerned you are the first registered case Prime Magic, that is you posses the power to perform magic without a wand."

"But I've read loads of pieces on wizards and witches being able to do it," Leilani argued. "As a matter of fact one of those articles was about you."

Dumbledore's eyes twinkled at Leilani's endless pool of magic. "It brings me great pleasure to know that at least one of my students utilizes the library to its full potential. "Yes it's true I am one of the few who possesses the rare gift of being able to perform a few spells without the use of my wand. But I stress 'few', because for the most part I require my wand, you on the other hand…"

"What? Are you saying I don't need my wand, at all any more? That's crazy I-!" But they were all staring at her, with the look of bewilderment that only confirmed her disbelief. Raising her hand she muttered 'lumos' and the whole room brightened with the light of the torches that she had ignited.

A few minutes later, after the minister of magic had left, Lily and Dumbledore discussed the meaning of Fudge's appearance.

"It is absolutely clear to me what he wants, Albus," her mother told him. "He wants to use my daughter as a case for his medi-wizards to study and I won't have it! I won't have her analyzed and probed like some rare species. Worse off, he might intend to use her for his own purposes, I don't trust him!"

"We cannot be entirely sure of that, Lily," Dumbledore said in a soften tone. "I do not believe Cornelious' intentions are entirely innocent but I am afraid there is nothing we can do right now without more information. Our number one priority, at this moment, is to train Leilani to use her developing powers."

"Wouldn't that inhibit them in some way," her father asked. "Shouldn't we just allow them to occur naturally?"

"That wouldn't be the safest thing to do," came a voice from the corner, James had finally decided to join the group. "There is no telling what she is capable of and without the aide of a knowledgeable person, it might get dangerous."

"Well that's going to be a problem isn't it, Mr. Potter?" Leilani told him. She was getting angry at the fact that they were all talking like she wasn't in the room, so her voice came out a little harsh. "Seeing as I am the first Prime anyone has ever known about, who exactly am I suppose to learn from?"

James' eyes laughed in the dim light, as if he found Leilani's clear resemblance, both physically and mentally, to her mother amusing.

"I believe something can be arranged," Dumbledore told him.

A/N: Yay! My second goal has almost been met, almost being the opperative word here. So please if you have read this far let me know what you think! I respond to all of my reviews!! GO 100!!