Disclaimer: I don't own Zelda, nor will I, thank you.
A/N: Yea, I got one review, and I must say, I'm disappointed, but things like that can't be helped. Thanks Mia Celsys. Oh, and I'm sorry for taking so long to post this chapter, but I haven't had any motivation recently, but, I do now. Please, R and R
The legend of Zelda: The Darkest Heart
Chapter 6: Tricky-Tricky
Link had made it pretty far into the fortress. He had entered places that he had never seen, his smaller size allowing him to get past the Guerdos much easier, though, he still had to fight one every so often. The fortress was much bigger inside then Link thought it was, and he kept getting lost.
"Hey," Navi spoke up suddenly.
"What the hell is it!?" Link snapped.
Navi stared at link for a second and then lowered her voice. "You didn't have to yell," she mumbled.
"I'm sorry. It's just that I'm a little stressed out at the moment, okay? Now, what did you want to say?" Link asked.
Navi perked up a bit and explained. "Well, I saw a passage above us, it's too high to jump to, and there isn't any wood to latch on to, either."
Link looked up a bit and noticed that the fortress ceiling had gotten a lot higher, and to the left of him was a passage that had decorations on what little wall Link could from where he was standing.
Link stared for a moment and then thought of a way up. "Navi, don't you find it strange that something that out of reach is ornamented in such a way?" Link asked, his right hand digging around in a magical bag at his side.
"No, maybe they have a treasure inside and they don't want anyone to get to it." Navi said thoughtfully. Link smacked her up side her little fairy head.
"No, you idiot! If they wanted to hide something in there then they wouldn't made it so obvious. The hall would look just like the rest of the fortress. I think or Spirit stage may have room in there, and I think that-" Link pulled out the Eye of truth and then continued. "-will show us the way in." Link then put the Magnifying glass like thing to his eye and saw what he was looking for, an invisible wall that led to some stairs. He then proceeded to walk towards the stairs and then down the beautiful hall, which, actually gave Link the creeps. He couldn't really think that Nabooru liked things like that, but, as it turned out, Link was right in thinking that this would head towards Nabooru's room because he was presented with the sight of a naked Nabooru.
"Oh…My…Goddesses," Link uttered before rubbing his eyes vigorously, trying to wipe that image from his head.
"My eyes, they burn!" Link screamed as he continued to rub hard. Nabooru came out to see the commotion and once she saw link's green tunic she ran to him and gave him a hug.
"Hero of time, it's been to long!" Nabooru said with a huge grin, before noticing Link's closed eyes.
"Why is your eye's closed?" Nabooru asked. To excited at seeing the Hero of time to remember she was in the middle of something else.
"Please, for the love of Din, put some clothes on!" The child yelled, forcing his way out of the Guerdos grip.
"She looked down at her self and quickly ran to her room. Link waited for a few minutes with his eyes still tightly shut, not wanting to see such a freighting site again. Soon she came back out clothed in her normal Tank top and puffy pants that she normally wore.
"So, what are you doing here? I thought that my Guards would have locked you up on site." She asked the boy.
"Oh, they did, but I escaped and made my way through the fortress." Link then looked down at his feet and mumbled. "I'm sorry."
Nabooru stared at him for a second, dumbfounded as to why he would apologize. "Link, why are you sorry, so you escaped, that's nothing to apologize about." She said to the boy.
He looked up at her and sighed. "No, it's that I Kil-" He was interrupted by a voice that came from behind him.
"You killed me?" A Guerdo guard said as she walked in front of link with a grin.
"But…I…arrow…back." Link sputtered.
"Do you think we would be so foolish as to let you keep your arrows? Queen Nabooru had gave orders to replace your arrows with fake one and also allowed you to explore the Fortress. I don't know why our Queen wished to do all this." The Guard explained.
Link looked up at Nabooru and then a thought came to mind. "Oh my God! If you knew I was coming then why the hell didn't you have clothes on?!" Link yelled stupidly.
Nabooru just shrugged. "Anyhow, Link, you passed the test. You need to learn to stop talking to your self, one of my many spies heard that you wanted to join us while you walked through the Valley. I swear, That fairy of yours was a sleep while you told her of the many things you would do to prove your self worthy of becoming part of our tribe." Nabooru explained to the boy.
"Your Training start's tomorrow." She said before going back to her room. The Guard told Link to follow here to his sleeping quarters and then they left.