Me: I've been battling with myself over the last two months going from plot bunny to plot bunny and trying to decide which one would be worth writing for the next lord knows HOW many years and I finally landed on this one during math class and it evolved from there.

THEN I had to battle over the idea over if wanted to make this an original fiction or a fan fiction and Kingdom Hearts won once again.

So, if this is your first time reading my stories my name is Fire and this one is going to be different then all my others.

It's also a yaoi people, so if you have problems with that, go away. But there's not really anything hard core till way late chapters.

Summary: Sora's an active boy at school juggling swimming, drama, homework, and a busy social life. But during the week leading up to his sixteenth birthday his whole world turns upside down when a horrible pain begins to flood through his back growing worse by the day and not even a doctor to help him. But when the pain turns out to be a pair of white wings Sora finds himself at the mercy of the world, his school, and an inescapable destiny he must face alone…

… until love got involved.

Warnings: Yaoi, Language, blood, violence, just about everything but drugs because the idea of Sora smoking pot disgusts me and all that other garbage. Ah! Needles!

Disclaimer: It's not mine! Some future characters are mine, but not the Kingdom hearts ones. I cry tears of regret and sorrow. But you can't stop me from twisting them in my stories! Mwahahah!

So how about we get this thing started, savvy?


Kiss My Eyes Asleep

Feather One: Caught up in the Moment

It was hard to breath.

The icy blackness clung to his skin like glue biting deep down and refusing to let go as he stroked his arms frantically to get away, to reach his destination laid out before him. Eyes pierced deep into his very soul, watching him struggle against the overpowering substance with a grin twisted across pale lips enjoying every moment of the site before him.

His lungs did a double take, squeezing tightly in his chest trying to get any thread of oxygen it could grasp to bring back the four senses which had begun to fail him numbing his brain to the core and leaving behind a sense of helplessness. One which brought tears to his already soaking wet eyes.

Suddenly throughout the waves of pain and growing hysteria he could just make out the one thing that would save him from his twisted fate. With a look of determination he quickened his pace, stretching out his hand before him bending his fingers and praying they would touch before it was to late.


His hand slammed fingers first into the pool wall and with a giant splash Sora brought his face out of the water wasting no time in swallowing a big giant mass of air relieving his aching lungs and sending his throbbing head into a spin cycle.

The coach gave Sora a nod of approval and went to work in jotting down his time on a white, beat up clipboard as the brunette climbed out of the six lane pool and lay spread eagled flat on his back trying frantically to catch his breath from his 100 yard no breather which consisted of freestyle and nothing else. The rest of the team swam swiftly in the opposite five lanes, each casting Sora curious looks (mostly from the freshman) before starting there next sets of strokes.

" One sixteen Hikari, that's your best time yet." The older male grinned flashing a pair of pure white teeth at the gasping teen. "Keep this up, an you'll be at the top of the list at regionals next week."

Taking care not to slip, Sora struggled to his feet removing his goggles from his eyes allowing his azure blue orbs to sparkle in the blinding light of the pool deck finally free from there damp prison.

"Yeah, but you'll let me breath more then twice right?" Sora groaned pulling his swim cap off with a snap letting loose a mass of messy, brown, hair. " maybe three or eight."

The coach gave a loud laugh, one which always made the team question his sanity let alone his temper. "We'll see. Give it another week, you might get used to it." he cast a small glance at the clock and hitched up his pants which were beginning to slide beneath the bulk of his stomach which had increased over the last year since Sora had seen him. "Get going to that damn theater group you just HAD to join. You're late."

Sora's eyes scanned the clock and he bit his lip in reply to the position of its hands. "Right, see ya coach!" he grabbed his cap and goggles racing off to the boys locker room taking the risk of sliding on a stray kick board to lessen the distance between him and the door. The swimmers in the pool cheered in amusement to his stunt and he cast them a wide grin before sprinting to his locker where his clothes resided.

He didn't even bother to go into a stall to change. Everybody was either in the pool, in the gym, or in the theater.

Besides, he would just scream at the top of his lungs and call the intruder a perv like Henyer did every day of the week after practice.

No harm in that, right?

In a span of five minutes Sora's pants were pulled snuggly up to his waste complete with a semi dirty white shirt and a large black hooded jacket which he constantly had to keep rolling up to stop the material from swallowing his hands. He pulled his flip flops onto his feet, grabbed his backpack and raced toward the exit taking just enough time to stop in front of the mirror and fix his hair which consisted of running his fingers through its messy brown locks and making it even messier then it was before. That's the way he liked it and nobody ever said otherwise.

Except for the girls. But he would worry about that later.

Sparing another glance at the clock, Sora zoomed down the school hallway taking a sharp right turn where he ran smack into a stray trash can knocking it off its portable wheels and strewing the contents across the tile floor.

Muttering a low curse under his breath Sora hitched his backpack up higher onto his back and glanced around to see if anyone had seen him. He turned his attention back to the trash can looking it over and then letting his lips twist into a satisfied grin which only meant one thing.

Pure Mischief.

The brunette pulled the portable wheels out in front of him where he took a running leap and placed his left foot snuggly in the middle and pushed off with his right sending him flying forward several feet. He continued the motion several times using it as I temporary skateboard until he reached the backdoor of the theater where he discarded the wheels behind a nearby book case and snuck in through the door taking care to not let it slam behind him.

Piece of cake.


"Take it from the top, one more time."

"But Mrs. Smidge, we can't do it without Sora!"

"Well apparently since he's not hear, we'll have to do it WITHOUT him, now from the top."



Olette puckered her lips together in anger before turning around and getting into her position for the tornado scene in 'The Wizard of Oz.' the others around her grumbled in disapproval resetting special effect switches and pulling back props that had been blown away during the course of the scene. They had been working on the play for a month now and it was getting to the point where they needed to start practicing with the special effects.

To sum it up, no one knew what the hell they were doing.

A slender silver haired boy watched from behind the stage, a large headset resting over his ears. A dozen or so drawing pencils were stashed into the pockets of his jeans which were held up by a black rhinestone belt hidden beneath a simple black shirt which was a requirement for backstage crew. He tapped the speaker of the headset once, muttering a few words into it before turning away from the curtain to make his way back to the fuse box.

That's when it hit him.


With a soft yet painful thud the aqua eyed boy found himself sprawled across the stage floor with a one hundred and twenty pound body draped across him in total darkness.

"Oww…that hurt."

"It still hurts, get off of me!"

"Wha? Who is this?"

" It's Riku!"

Sora thought for a moment trying to place the name with a familiar face. The memory of a boy who had been in his gym and Art class last year.

Suddenly Sora cracked a smile waving at the teenager despite the fact he couldn't see an inch in front of his face. "Hi Riku, it's Sora!"

He let out a groan of annoyance feeling his legs give a nasty throb beneath the brunettes weight. " Can you please get off and get on stage because everyone's about ready to murder you for being late."

Sora's smile instantly faded. " Really?… crap." He couldn't stand everyone being mad at him, it was painful. More painful then no breather one hundreds.

He'd have to think of something.

" Sora, can you please get off?" Riku whined unable to stand the pain any longer. Carefully Sora hopped off of him with a laugh taking the time to hold out his hand to help Riku to his feet.

He took it gratefully, happy his eyes had adjusted to the dark allowing him to see. His fingers curled around Sora's hand feeling the damp coldness which still clung to his fingers from the pools water. As he got to his feet, Riku rubbed his thumb over the brunettes skin slowly feeling the smoothness contradict with his rough, dry hands which had seen too much of pencils and blank paper to have any similarity to that of a swimmers. A persons hand was all Riku needed to see to know there history and past. It wasn't like palm reading as many had accused him of, it was just a gift Riku had and it helped him distinguish friend from foe.


The teen snapped back to reality drinking in the reality of what he was doing and released Sora's hand with a snap hoping the redness in his face was hidden in the stages shadows. "Sorry…"

"It's okay." Sora put his hand in front of his face and looked it over as if he was trying to see what Riku had been gazing at so intently. "What was it you were looking at anyway?"

Riku frowned, cursing himself for having to lead them into this conversation. " Nothing, your hand just felt cold."

" Yeah, I just got out of the po-"

"You better get on stage, I can hear Olette's screams through my head set." Riku interrupted with a twitch of annoyance as he tried to pull the black headphones away from his ears.

Sora bit his bottom lip. "Right…" He didn't want to go out there and look like a complete fool and so far he had been to busy talking to try and find a solution.

Then it hit him.


Olette paced around the stage in her flip flops glancing every so often at her script so she wouldn't lose her place. A low rumble of voices echoed around her as the tech back stage prepared the scene over which included a giant fan, some sound effects, and some small props.

She was getting very annoyed.

"Alright everyone, you can start the scene. Tech's all set." Mrs. Smidge smiled leaning back in her chair and adjusting her spectacle which were falling off the large slant of her nose. " One, two, Go!"

Olette wiped the puckered look on her face away in a heart beat and replaced it with the worried, bright eyed look of Dorothy. " Oh my! Is that what I think it is? We better hurry home Toto!"

She grabbed the wicker basket set beside her which carried a small plush dog which was to be used only during rehearsals. The toy flopped over on its side in the basket as Olette lifted it off the ground and she had to resist the urge to send it flying toward Mrs. Bridges head.

On queue, the wind began to pick up from the side of the stage fallowed by a fake clap of thunder. Pieces of paper and trash began scattered across the stage and into the empty audience nearly ramming into Tidus's blonde, messy hair causing the teen to mutter a low curse to the crew in the back.

A second clap of thunder echoed through the theater fallowed by a flash of light. Olette took this as her signal and opened her mouth to speak her next line when suddenly the black drapes in the up center section of the stage parted open and a messy haired Sora Hikari ran out over to Olette clasping his hands on her shoulders and shaking her frantically with a look of comical fright slapped over his features.

" Oh my GOD Dorothy you gotta get out of hear or your going to be run over by a fucking twister!" he pointed to the ceiling hugging the confused brunette to his chest protectively. " I mean, there are god damn cows flying through the air girlfriend! You are going to be mauled by five hundred pounds of dairy! Forget the stupid dog and RUN FOR YOUR LIFE! AAAHHHHH HERE COMES THE CREAM CHEESE!"

By now the contents of the cast had burst into a fit of uncontrolled laughter fallowed by the backstage crew which chuckled from the sides of the stage amused by the brunettes sudden outburst. Tidus and Pence were hanging over there chairs in tears slapping a small high five before trying to regain themselves. Even Mrs. Smidge was smirking to herself from behind her clipboard trying her best to flash Sora a cold stare of warning.

The only one not pleased was Olette.

With a shove she pushed the brunette away from her giving him a look of pure death. " What cows? There are no cows in the wizard of Oz Hikari!"

" In my version there is!" Sora grinned placing his hands behind his head and leaning back hoping to amuse the boiling girl. She arched an eyebrow at his action grabbing her basket and shoving it over his head causing a shower of fake flowers and one stuffed puppy dog to fall to the floor around him.

" I don't really like your version." Olette smirked.

Sora peaked out from behind the basket with a nervous laugh. " I guess I deserved that."

"Alright Mr. Hikari, we enjoyed the little laugh break. " Mrs. Smidge pointed to the audience seats where Tidus and the cast were sitting. "Next time, try not to be late. Now sit."

"yes Mrs. Smidge." Sora snuck a glance at Olette and held out the basket to her which she took with a small smile, a little bit of pink welling up in her cheeks. "Thanks."

"No problem Kansas." he smiled jumping down off the stage to avoid a sharp wack to the head. Him and Olette had been friends for about a year and both mostly spent half the time teasing each other. Fighting with names and stealing each others belongings all adding up to a simple little fight between friends.

But friendship was all it ever was going to be.

He had other things in mind.

Taking care to avoid peoples heads Sora hopped over the three rose of seats and plopped down between Tidus and pence slapping both a high five. " What's new guys?" he whispered as Olette restarted her scene.

" Besides almost getting mauled by a plastic bag, I'm fine." Tidus mumbled leaning back in his seat. " Pence has been trying to play his DS but that Smidge woman has a sharp eye."

Sora blinked. "Where is it now?"

"In her handbag." Pence pouted glassing at the multicolored bulk from the seventies which resided near the teachers leg. " All hope is now lost."

"Well, if you don't get it back buy Friday I'll let you have my old one." Sora told him brushing a stray strand of hair out of his eyes.

Pence stared at him for a moment, confused by his generous offer before letting out a small grin. "Oh yeah, I forgot Fridays' your Brithday. Sixteen right?"

" Yeah, sweet sixteen. Some memory you have moron." he laughed tossing a stray piece of paper which had blown from the stage at his friend. " I'm supposed to get the new DS light."

" Don't waste your time," Tidus frowned resting his chin on the knuckles of his right hand seriously. " These things only come once a year, take the opportunity and ask for a Nintendo Wii. You only got two more months. Make your rents pre-order it."

" Alright Olette, that was good." Mrs. Smidge praised clapping for the girl as she took a sheepish bow to the distracted audience. " Now then, I want Sora, Tidus, and Pence up on stage. We need to run over the Oz scene before break. Hop to it!"

The three boys smirked at each other as a jumble of chatter erupted around them while the stage crew began to set up the stage for the next scene. All three had been granted the roles of the tin man, the lion, and the scarecrow by some mysterious twist of fate. Or at least, that's how Pence liked to put it. Sora just thought Mrs. Smidge liked how they worked together so well.

Tidus scrambled out of the aisle fallowed by Pence then Sora making there way toward the ledge of the stage. The brunette had just brought his foot down upon the carpeted path leading up to the stage when suddenly a stabbing pain flowed up and down the stretch of his back making it feel like dozens of needles were being rammed into his skin tearing at the tissue of his muscle and scratching down to the marrow of his shoulder blades.

A scream tore wildly at his throat and his body lost its balancing tumbling into Pence who tumbled into Tidus who fell face first onto the hard floor with the weight of his two friends smashing down upon him.

The cast was up on there feet, dumb founded at what had just happened. Mrs. Smidge raced from her seat atop the apron of the stage fallowed by a cautious looking Riku who had peered out from behind the curtain to see what all the commotion was about.


Tidus struggled to his feet tasting a small trace of blood on his tongue which was oozing slowly from a cut in his lower lip. He turned to help up Pence who was rubbing his right elbow roughly where a large black bruise had begun to spread slowly along his skin. He took Tidus's hand using it to help him get to his feet.

"What happened?" Mrs. Smidge thundered thinking it was one of the boys usual acts of horseplay which tended to take place at least once a week.

No one responded, everyone's gaze transfixed on a certain figured twitching uncontrollably on the ground in the middle of the pathway.

Riku's eyes fallowed there gaze and in a heart beat he was racing across the stage to Sora's side who was curled up in a tight ball hugging his knees to his chest breathing in tight, painful gasps.

"Sora?" Riku placed his hand gently on the brunettes back and he immediately let out a small strangled cry causing the teen to pull his hand back in a flash.

"W-what's wrong with him?" a circle had begun to form around the two and everyone watched with worried faces as Sora continued to twitch, hot tears streaming down his face onto the carpet floor.

" Someone should call an ambulance!" Someone cried out from the back of the circle.

"Just get the school nurse." Tidus suggested trying to keep his voice steady beneath his fear.

"We wont get anybody, he's calming down." Riku snapped watching Sora with eyes full of fear and concern, something nobody had ever seen him show.

Slowly, Sora's whole body began to relax. The twitching stopped taking with it the continuous stream of tears. His arms sank to his sides clenching and un clenching as he tried to gain his breath cracking his blue eyes open ever so slightly.

As soon as he saw the mob of faces gazing down at him Sora's face went three shades of red in a heart beat. He desperately scrambled to sit up, grabbing the nearest object and using it to pull himself up.

Which to his growing embarrassment was Riku.

Sora's eyes widened as they connected with the silver haired teens and he felt his breath catch in his throat making his eyes shed the few tears which still remained leaving a shining, wet trail down the smooth skin of his flaming cheeks.

"Sora, what happened?" Pence asked worriedly staring at the back of his friends head trying to get a better view through out the squabble of people.

" Yeah man. Do you need a doctor or something? Cause we can call if you need one."

Sora didn't reply, but continued to stare transfixed into the core of Riku's sea green eyes unable to free himself from the binding web of confusion and embarrassment which had caught him by surprise over the passing span of fifteen minutes. His back ached dully, sending small jolts of pain soaring down his spinal cord which he found himself helpless to endure, to tightly captured to react.


Riku simply stared back silently, his expression blank and lips unmoving as the brunette continued to gaze at him in a horrified fashion. A low mumble of chatter began to irrupt around them once again, there voices mixing together in a pointless drown of babble making Sora's mind even nummer.

"Sora… you can let him go now…Sora?"

He couldn't let go. Something was horribly wrong.

"Hikari! Hey!"

If he let go it would happen again. He couldn't let it happen again. What was going on?


Gently Riku placed his hand on top of Sora's squeezing it softly as a signal of reassurance; his eyes never straying from his gaze. "Are you going to let go?"

Still, Sora didn't reply, his lips remaining in a silent gapping formation as he let himself fall into the opposite world residing in Riku's eyes. Maybe there, there was no such thing as pain and fear. Something he had never fully experienced up to this level before. Maybe there he wasn't sitting in the middle of a circle of people clutching to a boy he barely knew in a state of mute shock.

The muttering turned to shouting, all calling out Sora's name trying to free him from his trance. Riku's hand squeezed the teens tighter and Sora forced his eyes to blinking bringing the rest of Riku's face back into focus.

"Are you afraid to let go?" he asked silently barely audible beneath the yelling and shouting flowing from around them like a sea of demons threatening to drag them under. "Are you afraid that if you let go you'll break?"

A simple word flowed past his pale lips.



Me: Done! I liked it! Warning though, I might not be updating this much because I just got a major role in my school play and I'm in swimming so I'll try and keep you happen on the weekend okay? I need reviews please!

Thank you!