Reviews for Kiss My Eyes Asleep
Vanitas' Queen21 chapter 12 . 1/17/2013
Random chick chapter 8 . 11/21/2011
I don't talk to myself in the shower... I talk to myself out side of the shower. Anyways keep writting cuz your awesome at it. And because I have nothing else to do
LucarioBlaziken chapter 12 . 9/6/2011
Dear ElegantArrow 64,

It was about 3 years ago that I stumbled Upon this wonderful site. One of the first stories I had ever read, was this story, "Kiss My Eyes Asleep". It is the same as I remember it, wonderfully written, beautiful, a true piece of art in my eyes. However, I am upset to see it has not been updated-at all. This story inspired me, it game me my love of angels. Actually, I always did think about this story, and I read this long ago when I didnt have an account, so I couldnt review or favorite, so I lost track of the story. I forgot the name, but I always remembered what it was about. I went through Hell trying to find it again, but I finally found it. I went in hopes of finding this story completed, but o well I guess. I will read it over again, to refresh my memory. Maybe, if you need help, of have had severe writers block, I could help you. Please read this and consider my proposal.

Thank You.

With Much Love,

Dustin chapter 12 . 9/2/2011
Poor Riku... now... next chapter to begin road to reconsilation:)
Chro Mephisto chapter 11 . 6/15/2010
I know I've reviewed and begged for another update before, but it just kills me that you haven't. I love reading this fic so d*mn much it isn't funny. Every time I read it, it's like reading it for the first time again. All the emotions just fly off the screen and I want more. I guess I'm addicted.

Anyway, just thought I'd share,

the-ice-cold-alchemist chapter 12 . 1/30/2010
This story is awsome! I no u haven't updated in a while, but please try to put up the next chapter asap!
mlp chapter 12 . 1/2/2010
I've officially fallen in love with this story. It makes me sad tothink that you might never update this story again. I feel like a peice of me is gone. I also feel really bad for sora. I know i'm not a member, but please, please, please, please, please, please update.
Purgatory of Endless Twilight chapter 12 . 6/19/2009
Great story witha great plot.. pleasr contine to create new chapters
Tinker16 chapter 12 . 3/29/2009
Ok, it's been two years since you updated. I'm going to beg now, PLEASE UPDATE...PLEASE! It's driving me crazy!

I want to know what happens. BADLY!

So, update soon. Okay? :)
Chro Mephisto chapter 12 . 7/1/2008
you haven't updated this story in a while, but i kinda hoped a review out of the blue would bring your attention back to it. please continue, i'm dying to know how it ends.
EternalSketches chapter 2 . 6/29/2008
Hmm, interesting, seems theres something about sora and his soon to be wings, apparently some organization that wants to exploit him? Either way, pretty good, it picked up interest
Melonballoon chapter 12 . 4/3/2008
wow...this story is amazing, its going on my favourites and alerts

I really liked how you wrote the whole transformation thing and how having wings aren't as fun as some might think...i must know what happens next! Update soon or feel the wrath of an angry mob with pitchforks :P

the only thing that got me miffed is that he can't fly

This may be a silly question but i'm taking it that the whole world (or at least the school) know about his wings? that's why his friends abandoned him? (which is so mean, i felt really sorry for him)

so anyway please carry on writing and update fast!
Renkin-chan chapter 12 . 2/26/2008
Oh, this fic is amazing! Sora with wings is adorable! Though I do have a question... I don't know if I missed this when reading, but about what size are Sora's wings? At first I thought they'd be huge, but if they can be hidden under a hoodie, then maybe they're smaller like his batwing's when he was in Halloween town? Or are they somewhere in the middle?
saiyuki20 chapter 12 . 2/25/2008
OMG Your Story is awesome! XD. Could'nt stop reading until i finished all chapters, i actually even forgot to eat. *stomach-growl* Better get something to eat, before i starve to death :P

I can't wait for the next chapter _
Tinker16 chapter 1 . 2/16/2008
This story is so cool.

It keeps you on the edge the whole time.

I hope Riku and Sora tell each other how they feel soon.

Can't wait until the next chapter and keep up with the great story!
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