A/N: Well my dears, this is the last chapter. I was gone for a bit because I got a bright idea for another story. I wrote the beginning of this chapter some time ago, but now I'm finishing it for all of you. Hope you enjoyed reading my story and I really want to thank all the people that reviewed and read my story. It was my first big project and really taught me a lot so I could be better at writing my next story. Here we go!

The end of the school year came, and Draco and Hermione were married. Hermione didn't like that she had to buy a giant dress for her own wedding day, but figured it was just more memories for the photo album.

The babies came and they were beautiful. Little Zoe looked just like her father. Bright blond hair with blue grey eyes and an attitude fit for a Slytherin. Jacob on the other hand, was definitely Hermione's son. He had her hair, his fathers' eyes, and a ferocious need to learn. That was the bane of his parents for a long while, having to find him the yard or the house exploring.

Just as many would have expected, Zoe was sorted in to Slytherin, and Jacob to Gryfindor. Zoe, once again channeling her father, ruled the school and had every boy wrapped around her little finger. Jacob wasn't lacking in attention either, but preferred to keep his personal life a little lighter.

Hermione and Draco went on to teach at Hogwarts and were so proud the day their children arrived to be sorted. Professor McGonagall stepped down from teaching and just stuck with Deputy Headmistress and Hermione took her place. Draco took Potions, for Snape had finally gotten his wish to teach Defense Against the Dark Arts. The Dark Lord may have been gone, but that didn't mean another wasn't being born, or that it was the only thing for them to fear.

Ginny and Blaise Zambini got married and had many many children of their own, some the same age as Harry and Luna's children. Ron married Fluer's little sister and they lived not far from his parent's house and had seven children so far, and as they had told them before, weren't even close to done.

All worked out for the family of friends, and life couldn't have gone any better. If you ever visit Hogwarts, Hermione Malfoy would be happy to tell you her story.

The End

A/N: If you liked this story, go to my next one called Everything Else Disappears. TennesseeSweatheart has already been, and likes it, so come read it too and tell me what you think! Bye!