Reviews for Dreams of Rainy Days
Guest chapter 22 . 3/13/2016
Really loved the story until you absolutely rushed the last chapter & ruined it!M nothing more frustrating than someone spending all this time writing a great story then just giving up on it :(
kp1983 chapter 19 . 8/31/2008
you know you changed hermione's parents names. Marsha was her aunt and her father's name was Allen not matthew. just thought you should know
SongbirdSarah chapter 22 . 10/28/2007
hehe, this was sweet, i liked it! great job and keep up the good work on whatever you pursue in the future, haha!

sherrithewriter chapter 22 . 9/11/2007
I really liked your story. I just have one criticism - you kept changing Hermione's parents' names. In one chapter, her father's name was Allen and in the next it was Matthew. Her aunt's name was Marsha in several chapters and I believe her mother's name was Ann and then in the same chapter Allen became Matthew, Ann became Marsha. It was a little confusing. I really did like your story though. It was fun and romantic and a good read. I look forward to reading more of yours.
BrokenSnow.X chapter 5 . 5/1/2007
This was a really good chapter. Based on that song, it rocked!
BrokenSnow.X chapter 1 . 5/1/2007
Hey! I love the first chapter, can't wait to read more!
DarkEros07 chapter 22 . 4/18/2007
good story...didn't like the ending but hey the story was good after all!

dracoshott28 chapter 22 . 3/30/2007

i loved this story and it's so sad it had to end. thanks os much for writing it and im already reading your newest story!

thanks again!
MoneyOnTheFire chapter 22 . 3/29/2007
i love it.

i find it funny about what happened with the cildren of everybody. haha

i will definatly check out your other story, it must be as good as this one.
readbeforeyouwrite chapter 22 . 3/28/2007
Great ending. Very summarizing. I am sad to see this story end but...that's how things roll. It was an amazing story and DEFINATELY one of my favorites! I loved it and can't wait to read more of your stuff! :D
AtomicKittenOnTheLoose chapter 21 . 3/17/2007
please update soon
EmilyLovesYOU chapter 21 . 3/13/2007
ah i loved it! update soon!
dracoshott28 chapter 21 . 3/3/2007
i love it. they are so cute together. please update soon!
Baybeetricia chapter 21 . 2/23/2007

Hurry up and update

Much Love

Gina Olivia chapter 21 . 2/23/2007
Eek! They have to tell Hemione's father first! If they don't, Draco's relationship with him will be SHOT.
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