Well, here's the sequal, and Terra's back! Oh yes! Now, I'm not a TerraBB shipper, so they won't end up together. I brought Terra back because I thought it opened interesting story ideas, we'll just see how this story goes.


Beast Boy sighed. He was sitting in his room…alone…at night. Everyone else was in bed as well, though he doubted that they were asleep…

The moment Terra had looked at them…he had that sinking feeling that everything was about to come crashing down. They had tried to talk to her…but she had just fainted, she was in the infirmary right now…probably still asleep, she had been asleep for a month. What he didn't understand, was that when he had last seen Terra, she didn't remember anything, and she was just an average schoolgirl…why had she come back? And why…why now? Why not another time? Just when…when they had gone home.

Beast Boy just closed his eyes…engulfed in his thoughts until the very moment he fell asleep.

In the morning, he woke up to the same things he woke up to every morning…and he vaguely wondered if it had all been a dream. But when he walked into the kitchen…he knew it was not…everyone was sitting quietly…no one was talking, not even Starfire, Raven wasn't even there…but then she walked in, looking a bit confused…and curious.

"She woke up." She announced. Everyone stood up quickly and half walked half ran to the infirmary. Beast Boy didn't know how to feel…he was happy that Terra had returned…but unsure as to whether he wanted to face her with…or without her memories. When they finally entered the room, Terra was sitting in bed, in her school uniform…looking scared.

"Um…Terra?" Beast Boy began.

"Why do you always call me that?" she asked quietly.

"What do you want us to call you?" Robin inquired. She paused for a second.

"Nothing…never mind." She replied.

"Did your parents not give you a name?" Starfire asked. She shook her head.

"I…I have foster parents…I woke up in a hospital…the doctors said that someone found me in a cave…I couldn't…I couldn't remember anything…" her voice shook as she spoke, and her hands gripped the blanket, "so some people adopted me…and brought me too a school…I made friends…but…then I met…I met you." She turned…staring straight at Beast Boy.

"I had no idea who you where…but you seemed familiar…everything you said about me…was so strange…but it almost felt…like it was true…just the way you said it…and then…you talked about…someone…someone named…named…Slade. And something hit me…I have...ever since I woke up in that hospital…I've had these dreams…about a man in a mask…and destruction…chaos…when you said his name…I thought of that man…and I was…I was…" she stopped, and looked down.

"Scared." Raven finished for her. Terra looked up at her.

"Terra…that's…that's really my name…isn't it?" she asked quietly. Beast Boy nodded.

"Yeah…it is…"

"Then…why don't I remember!" she yelled, "I want to! I want to know! So why can't I!" she screeched. Beast Boy faintly recalled what had happened when he had first realized that Terra was alive again…he had run into Slade…

Beast Boy looked right at her.

"That's just it…you don't want to remember…" he told her.

"YES! Yes I do!" she yelled.

"Maybe you do…" Raven began, "But Terra…doesn't." The room was silent…

Terra slowly got out of bed…she walked quietly out the door to the living room…everyone followed. The only noise in the world seemed to be their footsteps…

When they got to the living room…Terra sat on the couch…and stared…she watched the sea…her mind completely clear. Everyone could do nothing but watch her…

But Beast Boy…Beast Boy was sad…he felt like he was being torn to pieces…he didn't like to see Terra living only a half life…but…he also didn't want to have to talk to her as she was before…when he liked her…after meeting their kids from the future…he couldn't…he couldn't be with Terra knowing that it wasn't going to work out…and he wouldn't have been able to fight against his own feelings and stay with her to make her smile…because he would have to break it off with her eventually…or Midnight…would disappear.

Terra's eyes began to wander around the room…stopping on something. She stood up quickly…but quietly, and walked over to it. Taking the picture down, she stared at it intently.

"Who…who are they?" she asked. They all froze. They had completely forgotten about the picture! Of course she would notice it! How would they explain this!

"They're…friends." Robin tried to explain.

"Some of them look like you guys…" she replied. The hairs on the back of their neck stood up…something told them…something was about to happen…that would make this even harder to explain.

And as if on cue…

"It wasn't my idea! So you shut up!"

"No way! Besides, at least we got here safely, so you should stop complaining!" they all turned around slowly…recognizing the voices.

"You have the worst timing." Beast Boy said angrily in Amp's face. Amp grabbed him by the collar.



"What is she doing in that thing?" Raven asked, pointing at Midnight. Everyone suddenly noticed the girl, sitting in a giant bubble, looking angry.

"I HATE THIS THING!" she yelled, pounding on the bubble.

"Is she sick or something?" Robin inquired, pointing at her.

"Worse, she's in danger of disappearing off the face of the Earth." Fade began, "Or computer picked up a disturbance in you're time, and we found that Terra had come to find you…that could cause problems…that wasn't supposed to happen, we came back to make sure nothing happens…so Midnight doesn't disappear."

"So…what's with the bubble? And why only Midnight?" Cyborg asked.

"The bubble keeps her from disappearing." Metallic explained.

"And Midnight, because her parents are 'Raven and Beast Boy', Terra, having a previous relationship with Beast Boy, could drive a wedge between them causing you two to be apart, so Midnight would never be born." Amp said. Terra walked over.

"Who are you guys?" she inquired, pointing at the future Titans. Fade sighed.

"Hmm…it seems I've overlooked a specific detail." She muttered.

"Oh well." Fiery said, shrugging. Amp smiled at Beast Boy.

"I can see why you liked her, she's cute." He thought aloud. Fiery smirked.

"Oh, you're dead meat now!" she grinned. Amp raised an eyebrow.

"Why?" he inquired.

"ARGH!" he turned to see Midnight, her eyes on fire.

"Heh heh…" he trailed off, "What?" he asked. Midnight crossed her arms.

"Nothing! Do whatever you want!" she replied. Amp stuck out his tongue.

"I think I will!" he retorted.

"Seriously, who are you?" Terra asked again. Then she glanced down at the picture.

"Are you these guys?" she asked, pointing at the picture. Amp took it from her.

"What idiot didn't take this down when she got here?" he asked, glaring at them. They all sweat dropped. Vibe hit him on the head.

"Don't insult them! This probably came as a shock to them too." He told him. Amp rolled his eyes.

"Yeah yeah, whatever." He muttered. Fiery turned to them.

"He's been kinda grumpy lately, he was only fully healed about…hmm, yeah…about 2 days ago, took him awhile before he could walk." She explained. Starfire flew over and squeezed him half to death.

"Glorious! You are 'better' yes?" she exclaimed.

"Mom…I think you're suffocating him." Fiery told her, smiling. Starfire let go as Amp gasped for breath, he took out his inhaler too…

"What are you talking about? Who are these kids?" Terra asked.

"Oh, the last time this kid was here," Beast Boy began, gesturing to Amp, "he couldn't walk or do much of anything…he got hurt um…somehow…" he trailed off.

"So…who are you?" Terra inquired.

"Well, I'm Fade, this is Metallic, Midnight, Amp, Fiery, and Vibe." She explained, pointing to each of them in turn.

"Why did she call that girl 'mom'?" Terra said curiously, pointing at Fiery. Everyone froze.

"Um…uh-nickname…?" Fiery said slowly.

"Okay…" Terra said in an unconvinced voice.

"What do we do now?" Raven inquired. Terra turned to them.

"Can we…can we try to get my memory back?" she asked. Everyone stopped for a moment. Fade sighed.

"I suppose it's worth a shot." She agreed.

"How the heck are we gonna do that?" she inquired.

"Well, let's start with things that she feels strongly about…her likes, her dislikes…and for this, you have to be 100 PERCENT honest with us Teri, you got that?" Fade asked, pointing towards Terra. Her team sweat dropped. Teri…? What the hell was up with that? Terra nodded.

"Absolutely!" she said, smiling.

"Hey…where did Amp go?" Metallic asked. Everyone looked around, after about a minute, he came walking down the hallway holding a small picture.

"Dude, where'd you get that?" Beast Boy asked, pointing to the picture.

"Your room." He replied nonchalantly.

"Dude! That's like, a total invasion of privacy!" he yelled angrily.

"So? You took a picture out of my room too." He replied. Beast Boy froze.

"Heh heh…" he trailed off. Amp held up the picture, it showed Robin, Starfire, Raven, Beast Boy, Cyborg, and Terra, all in uniform, just hanging out. Terra slowly took the picture.

"This looks…just like me." She said quietly.

"It is you." He replied. She smiled.

"And I was…"

"A Teen Titan." Amp finished for her.

"Wow! That's so…awesome!" she exclaimed. Amp couldn't help but smile too.

"Yeah, it is, isn't it?" he replied. Terra nodded.

"So…where did you come from?" she asked. The future titans exchanged looks.

"Um…" Fiery began, "here…sort of…you know, Jump City, around here…and-"

"They're from the future." Raven cut in. Everyone stared at her. Fade sighed.

"She's right, Terra should probably hear the truth." She agreed, "We're the Teen Titans…from the future." Terra just looked at her.

"Wow…am I…am I dreaming? I mean…this is so much to take in, being a Teen Titan…kids coming from the future…why do you guys look so familiar anyway?" Terra inquired. Everyone froze.

"Um…well…we-" Vibe's attempted explanation was interrupted by Terra's own startling realization.

"You know what! You 3 look a lot like them." She exclaimed, referring to Fiery, Metallic, and Midnight. Her eyes wandered over to Vibe.

"And you…you look a little like…oh, there was a girl…she had this…this pink hair, and…"

"WELL what a nice story but we really must be finding a place to sleep so bye!" Fade yelled quickly. She pushed the others down the hallway, and rolled Midnight to her great displeasure. Terra watched them leave, then she turned back to the Titans. Something told her…that they weren't being completely honest with her. She sighed.

"Well, where will I sleep tonight?" she asked, falsely cheerful. Raven's eyes narrowed.

"Yes, let us find a place for you to slumber." Starfire replied, leading Terra away. Robin glanced at Raven.

"Something wrong?" he inquired. Raven refused to take her eyes off Terra.

"She suspects something…" she trailed off. Beast Boy grinned.

"And you suspect her of being suspecting of…of…what was I saying?" Raven smiled at him.

"Maybe I'm just being suspicious…come on, let's go to bed." Raven suggested. Everyone nodded, and they all headed off to bed, but Terra…she wanted to check something out.

She quietly opened the door, Midnight, Fiery, and Fade where all asleep inside. She walked over to them, she knew that they looked familiar, but she didn't know why. Then, her eyes rested on Midnight, she wasn't in the bubble anymore, but there was a blue shield surrounding her. Terra looked at her…something about this girl…about the way she acted…the way she looked…something about this girl…made her want to cry…

Terra walked out of the room, slowly closing the door. She sighed…that girl…made her feel sad…and she had no idea why…oh well…it was best to just go to bed. She walked into the room where Starfire had told her she would be staying. She remembered it as the room Beast Boy had showed her when he had first found her…he had told her…that the room used to be hers. Sighing, she lay down in bed, and pulled the covers up.

But the minute she closed her eyes…





That man in the mask…only showing one eye…he laughed in her face…

Her eyes shot open. Sitting up, she felt hot…

But something had happened to her…something came to mind…one thought…

Quietly…she whispered.

"My name is Terra."


I was this close to writing "My name is Terra, and I have done terrible things." like she said when she joined Slade and overthrew the Titans, but I figured this would be better. I'm a little freaked out right now...I just saw a little alien dance with a helium voice on the TV. Yes, I am strange, just bare with me...chapter 2 will be up...soon...yeah...heck with it! NYA BLAH BLAH GRONKNISHAN! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! I need a counselor. I need one bad.