I received a challenge...


Hasso, this is for you, the idea was way too good to resist.

Most alchemists thought of The Gate as a stone barrier, blocking one world from another, but really, they would have done a better job, thinking of it was a slightly deranged mother, with over a thousand strange and usually out of their mind children. Because The Gate was very alive… and as such, at times had a sense of humor… and this is basically the result of said humor.

So, one morning, The Gate decided that a certain blonde hair alchemist was getting a little too easy a ride, of course, this couldn't happen. She rather liked Alphonse's body… it made a good coffee table. She set her mocha on it as she considered options. Soon she was down to just two, cover Edward in a sticky, completely invisible coating that attracted rabid geese to chase him continuously, or switch his body with someone else's. And let's face it, sticky goose attractant is expensive.

So body switching it was. She frowned and picked at a ring on Al's back with a fingernail…. She would really have to get coasters soon.