Reviews for Switched
Anime-Freak 100 percent chapter 5 . 6/1/2012
Please review! This story just got interesting. :3 PWEASE?
Savage Deathbite chapter 5 . 5/9/2011
awwwww to cute you MUST continue this it's wonderful good job :D hehe I love the way Greed always gets to the point haha I can't wait for the next chapter :D
strelitzia chapter 1 . 2/7/2011
You know what they shared ? They were both suffering from office ( sexual )harassment XD . I wonder what Kimmy did to get sore throat regularly too XD . As usual , love your fic . Please update soon .
xxdarknessxfallsxx chapter 5 . 3/4/2010
Ad at the bottom of the page: ADOPT A TURTLE. TURTLE SHACK.

I lawl'd.

So, it's been awhile! I could have sworn I had you on alert, but I realized I was mistaken. I will not make that mistake again, and this is awesome! Hilarious and entertaining. :)

Can't wait! I appreciate Roy's stupidity with confusing turtles and rocks!
SkeletonCupcake chapter 5 . 2/20/2010
Yes I have changed my name because i was finally able to come up with a state alchemist this is funny Roy cant tell the difference between a utrle and a rock sad but funny thanks for using my idea by the way. -
Boombaby1918 chapter 5 . 2/12/2010
LOLZ nice! I hope you come up with more!
SkeletonCupcake chapter 4 . 1/22/2010
Well the office turtle could escape and when Ed(kimblee) and roy go looking for it they run into Kimblee(Ed) and Archer and something could happen that cause ed and kimblee to switch this story is epicly AWESOME
QueenOasis chapter 4 . 5/8/2009
Omg this is so good you have to make more! :D This is so good!
ethargh chapter 4 . 1/10/2009
this fic made me LOL.
SilverBlueGrey chapter 4 . 11/24/2008
hmm... what's an office turtle?
Asj Johnson chapter 4 . 11/24/2008
I kind'a like the chapter. (although, it could be partly because I was almost glad it was short, since I should be doing homework... _" I can't seem to concentrate, though, and keep looking for other things to do...)

Hmm... I wonder if Kimblee will give himself away to Greed or not. ...wait a minute. Greed is a person who was upset with Kimblee before... Greed could've forgiven him... Hmm...

These guys need to freak some people out. I think it'd be fun if someone finds out they're acting weird. _ (although, I'm sure there's plenty of fun stuff that can happen from them not letting anyone know, too...)
Asj Johnson chapter 3 . 11/18/2008
How sad. v_v No next chappie that you say I gotta read.

Heh. Everyone's gay in this, aren't they? _" Or otherwise paired off. Pairings take away from stories, in my opinion, unless they're subtle. But, it does make it funny, I suppose. Although, I also think that takes away from stories... but, no, it works with this type of story, because part of the surprise of being in someone else's body is tied in with funny things happening to them.

Anyways, I'd like to read more, if there ever is more. _
Asj Johnson chapter 2 . 11/18/2008
Heh. That was interesting.

Although at the same time, I wish the chapter was much longer... I wanna write a fic like this, now, but I have too many unfinished fics already. _"
Asj Johnson chapter 1 . 11/18/2008
O_o I don't think I like thinking of the gate in that way... although I do seem to find the idea interesting that it would be thinking of Al as a piece of furnature... _"

Anyhow, I was curious, and wondered about what any Kimblee stories would be about, and I saw the summary of this and was like, "That sounds so interesting!" (There's some really interesting Yu-Gi-Oh! switching stories I've read similar to the basic idea. _" ...Actually, I guess body switching would be a theme of a oneshot I'm working on... but it's not between two enemies like this.)

Anyhow, I'm intrigued.
SilverBlueGrey chapter 3 . 11/12/2008
xD funny! update soon! I want to find out what happens! Oh, and I also just came up with idea of Ed and Kimbley switching bodies! :P Weird huh? Is it that unoriginal? Cept, the story I'm writing isn't humour genre at all... hmm...
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