My-um...4th, I think, fanfic! And it's Teen Titans this time! I know It starts out with OC's but the regular characters are in there! I just wanted to start it out this way! So...enjoy! Boy I say that every time don't I?


"Midnight! Geez! Where is she?" a girl with green eyes and black hair muttered to herself. She wore a top like Starfire's, but it was red like her pants, witch were like Robins, and she wore tennis shoes that matched her outfit. She wore her black hair in a partial ponytail and was scowling.

"MIDNIGHT! HURRY UP!" she screeched. A girl with green hair and matching green eyes walked over. Her skin was pale and she was wearing a black leotard with a dark green cloak. Her shoes matched her cloak, and so did her shorts witch she wore over her leotard. She had a belt like Raven's and the same pendant as well. Her hair went down to her shoulders, and she did not look happy with the girl who had yelled for her.

"Midnight! Where were you?" The girl demanded. Midnight sighed.

"Come on Fiery, it's not like we have to go right this second!" Fiery groaned.

"Yes we do! We were supposed to meet the others," she glanced at her watch, "um…in…half…an…hour…heh heh…"

"So, you got mad at me for being half an hour early?" Midnight said sarcastically.

"So I made a mistake! Sue me why don't ya!" Midnight smiled.

"Come on, let's go get a snack." Fiery nodded and followed her friend to the kitchen. The same kitchen that their parents had once sat in. The tower had gotten upgrades and the rooms had changed, but, it was still the same old tower. Midnight took out some herbal tea while Fiery ate some Tameranian food that she had made, but no one else would eat it. Suddenly, Midnight's communicator rang. She flipped it open.

"Amp? What's up?" She inquired. On the screen was a boy with blue hair and blue eyes. He had a black sash tied around his head, and wearing a blue t-shirt with black sleeves and a black 'A' in the middle of the shirt. His shorts were black too, and he wore blue tennis shoes with black trim. He also had black gloves.

"Hey, we're gonna be a little late meeting you guys there, so don't worry if we don't show up right away." Amp explained. Midnight nodded.

"Sure, having trouble getting the ship to work?" she asked playfully. Amp blushed.

"Kinda…" he murmured. Midnight smirked.

"We'll see ya later then!" and with that, they both hung up. Fiery smirked.

"He really doesn't like being stranded there with Metallic does he?" she asked sarcastically. Midnight grinned.

"Of course he doesn't! Metallic always makes him feel stupid!" Fiery laughed, then smiled.

"With technology anyway." She agreed. Midnight nodded.

With Amp and Metallic…

Amp sighed as he hung up with Midnight.

"Did ya make a fool of yourself again?" Metallic teased. Amp scowled and ignored him. Metallic had black hair and brown eyes. He had wings on his back and yellow zappers like bumblebee. He wore a black and yellow striped t-shirt, tight black jeans and black tennis shoes.

Metallic smiled and turned back to the T-ship, which he was repairing. (they crashed) A screwdriver tip cam out of his index finger and he began to work on the ship. He looked completely human, but when he was born, he had some difficulties…so, his insides had a lot of electronic organs and special abilities, like tools popping out of his fingers.

"Hey Amp…"


"I'm done!" he grinned. Amp turned to him.

"Great! Come on, we gotta go pick up Fade." He exclaimed. Metallic nodded.

"And then, we go meet Midnight and Fiery for our mission!" Metallic added. The two of them climbed into the T-ship and flew off.

With Fade…

"WERE ARE THOSE IDIOTS!" Fade screeched. Fade had long white hair and blue eyes. She wore a white dress that went down to her knees and had spaghetti straps. Underneath the dress she had long black socks that went up to her knees and white shoes with buckles on them. She took out her communicator and called Metallic.

"Oh, hey Fade." He greeted cheerfully.

"Hi Metallic! I just noticed, WHY AREN'T YOU TWO HERE YET!"

"We had some technical difficulties." He replied nonchalantly. Fade sighed.

"Just…get here as soon as you can, okay?" She groaned. Metallic nodded.

"See ya in a minute Fade." He grinned. Fade rolled her eyes.

"Whatever." She muttered. The two hung up and Fade closed her eyes and shook her head. In a matter of minutes, the T-ship landed by Fade. Amp and Metallic climbed out.

"Finally!" Fade shouted as she ran into the ship, pulling them back in with her.

"Well, we better go meet midnight and Fiery." Amp pointed out as they flew towards the island were the tower was. When they got there, they put the T-ship away and went outside to see Midnight and Fiery already waiting for them.

"Hey guys!" Amp greeted happily.

"Hmm…hey, electric boy, get your but into gear! We gotta go!" Midnight scolded. Amp sweat dropped.

"Nice to see you too." He muttered. Metallic put a hand on his shoulder.

"Once again, you make a fool of yourself." He said playfully. Amp turned to him.

"You're supposed to be my friend." He replied darkly.

"I am! Can't I tease and be your friend?" Amp rolled his eyes.

"Let's go." Fade walked past them.

"Wise choice." She told them angrily. Metallic started up a small machine, which he had been carrying. Amp walked over and set his hands on it. Electricity flowed from his fingertips through the machine, it started to make a buzzing noise. Fade turned to Midnight.

"You're up!" Midnight nodded and pulled up her hood. She floated up and began to meditate.

"Azarath Metrion Zinthos." She chanted. Her eyes glowed and a portal opened. Metallic took out a remote control and entered in a few calculations. The machine that Amp was powering sent out a beam that ran through the portal. The portal seemed to buzz and become disfigured, but it soon stabilized. Fade gathered everyone around the portal.

"On the count of three," she began.

"One," everyone tensed.

"Two," the portal weakened a bit.

"THREE!" Everyone jumped through the portal just as it closed.

In the past…

"Friend Raven! I have just perfected my homemade Glorg! Please, will you sample some?" Starfire asked hopefully.

"Sorry Starfire, I'm not really hungry." Starfire turned to Robin.

"Robin, will you please sample my Tameranian dish?" Before Robin could come up with an excuse, a portal opened and a bunch of kids fell out of it.

"DUDE! Raven brought in some freaky kids!" Beast Boy exclaimed. Raven glared at him.

"I didn't bring them here." She argued.

"I did." They turned to see Midnight. Beast Boy walked over to her.

"Hey, it's a mini Raven, only in green." He commented. Midnight pulled her hood down. They all gasped.

"WOAH! You're totally Raven's twin! You even have that thing on you're forehead! Except…instead of purple…it's green." (referring to her hair and eyes) Midnight rolled her eyes. Fiery flew up to him.

"Beast Boy, right?" Beast Boy nodded. Fiery looked around and pointed to all of them.

"Raven, Cyborg, Starfire and Robin." The titans looked at each other.

"Yeah, but, how did you know?" Robin inquired.

"We're from the future!" the boys yelled in unison. Fade glared at them.

"What? We are!" Metallic insisted. Fade walked over to Robin.

"Robin, leader of the original Teen Titans, correct? Pleasure to meet you." Fade said as she held out her hand. Robin shook it.

"Yeah, um, original Teen Titans?" Fade smiled.

"Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Fade, leader of the Teen Titans from our time." She replied, gesturing to the rest of her team. Amp walked over to Beast Boy and stared at him.

"Guys! This blue haired kid is staring at me!" he said in a scared tone. Amp cocked his head.

"I don't believe it." Amp thought aloud. Beast Boy turned to him.

"Don't believe what?" he inquired. Amp smiled.

"It was nice meeting you." Amp replied before walking away.

"Dude! Where are ya going?" Beast Boy called after him.

"Wait, you kids are from the future?" Raven asked Fade. Fade grinned.

"Yes, but…we're not kids, we're teenagers." She replied.

"What! There's no way you guys are 16!" Cyborg argued.

"Duh! We're 14." Fade replied.

"You are the future Titans, yes? How did you get you're powers and join?" Starfire inquired.

"Well," Amp began, "I was shocked by some radioactive piece of machinery and now I am the RULER of electricity!" he exclaimed happily.

"And I," Fade explained, "was somehow born with my powers, believe it or not." Starfire nodded.

"And the rest of you?" she asked.

"We're your kids!" Midnight exclaimed. The titans stared at their 'future' kids.

"No wonder you look just like Raven!" Beast Boy pointed at Midnight.

"It's rude to point!" Fiery grinned. Midnight hugged Raven.

"Hi mom!" Raven was in shock.

"Um…hi…Midnight, was it?" she asked. Midnight nodded. Beast Boy felt a little upset. Who had Raven married? Did he know him?

"Hey, uh…Midnight?" Beast Boy murmured.

"Yes dad?" Beast Boy felt like falling over. Raven turned to him. Beast Boy waited to hear what she would say.

"If you're going to be my husband, we have to make a compromise with your vegetarian thing." Midnight smiled and walked over to Beast Boy.

"Oh, warning. Do NOT under any circumstances, never ever ever," Beast boy leaned in so he wouldn't miss what Midnight said, "NEVER! In your entire life. Make sure, that you remember your anniversary!" Beast Boy sweat dropped. Starfire flew over to Raven and Beast boy.

"I am most happy for you! Please, are one of you my child?" she asked.

"Me! I am!" Fiery exclaimed. Starfire and Fiery hugged each other to death.

"If you're Starfire's kid, how come you have black hair?" Beast Boy asked.

"From dad! A, duh!" Fiery said as she pointed to Robin.

"EH!" Robin and Starfire almost fell over. Cyborg patted Robin and Beast Boy on the back.

"Well you guys! What wonderful news for you! You should all just get married now and save yourselves the trouble!" Robin and Beast Boy glared at him.

"Hey, what about that kid?" Raven asked, gesturing to Metallic. Metallic simply pointed at Cyborg.

"WHAT! I can't even have kids!" he yelled.

"You'd be surprised…" Metallic trailed off. (seriously, don't ask about the Cyborg having kids thing)

"You very much resemble Bumblebee!" Starfire exclaimed.

"Yeah, my mom." Metallic replied. Amp walked over to Cyborg.

"I don't want to break up this touching reunion but…we came here for something." Fade nodded.

"Amp's right, we have to figure out where he is." She agreed.

"Where…who is?" Robin asked.

"Well, we followed him back in time to prevent him from meddling with whatever it is he's trying to meddle with." Fade explained.

"Whatever who's meddling with?" Robin asked again. Fade turned to him.

"Him…Slade's son."


This story isn't supposed to be angsty, but it will still have some mystery type stuff. least I'll try to make it mystery like, my mysteries suck but oh well. First chapter done!