A/N. Thank you so much for your kind reviews.

Gilraen R Luinwe: I saw a picture of another actor in that pose some time ago, and was absolutely bowled over. He was sooo sexy.

Triptacular: I'm really chuffed that you're reading this for the second time. You must like it!

Ancient History: Are they still cute?


Finally – the result. Will our reluctant hero have to 'face the music', or can he sneak back to his quarters and hide?

A longer chapter to finish the story and it's a bit slashy at the end.

Chapter 7.

Amid moans and groans of frustration, Kelly left the platform and the group, three musicians and a singer from Armoury and Security, prepared to entertain the crowd. They were given a warm welcome as they were known to be very good, but the audience was really far more interested in learning the winner of the competition. The Armadillos performed several songs ending with one that was familiar to everybody, and they were all encouraged to join in.

The eight finalists, meanwhile, had seated themselves round the edge of the small platform, except that is, for one. As soon as the music started, Malcolm snuck round the back and made his way to where Trip was sitting.

"Hey, darlin'," Trip greeted him. "Not that I don't want your company, but you should stay with the others."

"I'm not needed there. I'd much rather be back here with you."

"Suits me. But when they announce the winner, you'll have to run the gauntlet of all those people in front of us to reach the platform."

"If I were the winner, yes. But I won't be, will I? So stop worrying."

"Oh, so who do you think will win?"

"Almack - or maybe Williams."

"Uh huh. Well, you could be right I s'pose. They'd neither of them be my choice, though."

"And who would your choice have been?"

"Well now. It just could be that I voted for a certain dark-haired, grey-eyed lieutenant I happen to be rather fond of. Ring any bells?"

"I really appreciate the faith you have in me, love, but.."

"Will you stop that?"

"Stop what?"

"Doin' yourself down all the time. You know, Mal, sometimes I get so mad when you say things like that. I feel like kicking you from here to the middle o' next week!"

Hoshi, who had been listening to this exchange, hushed them as the music came to an end.

"You're getting rather loud, Trip," she said, "and I don't think you want everyone hearing what you say."

"No. Sorry." Trip lowered his voice. "It's just that I get so frustrated with you, Mal. You've got as much chance of winning as any of them."

"But don't you understand, Trip? I don't want to win!"

The conversation was cut short when Kelly took the platform once more amid cheers and applause.

"Thank you, Armadillos, that was wonderful. Now to get to the main point of the evening..." She was interrupted but lots of whistles and catcalls, and cries of "Get on with it."

"There are eight finalists left. We have three ladies and five men. I wonder which of them is the lucky winner? Just to remind you we have, in no particular order, Jerry MacFarlane, Dave Cunningham, Billy Jo Secorro, Jim Almack, Malcolm Reed, Kathy Williams and Mike Fisher." As she announced each name there was a burst of applause.

Then she made a dramatic gesture to Cutler "Prepare to unveil the winner." Liz Cutler moved to the centre photo and took hold of its covering.

"Ladies and gentlemen. Streets ahead with a massive fifty-one votes is..."

Cutler pulled away the covering to reveal...

"Lieutenant Malcolm Reed."

The hall erupted with cheering, clapping, foot-stamping and wolf-whistles, but Malcolm looked at his picture and blushed right up to his hair line!

"I knew you'd do it, Mal." Trip was over the moon. "I just knew it." He jumped up and down in his excitement, then he hugged Malcolm and danced around with him. Malcolm, though was looking absolutely gobsmacked.

Kelly was looking for Malcolm among the other finalists around the platform and when she couldn't see him started looking about the room.

"Lieutenant?" she called. Then in a sing-song voice she said, "Come out, come out wherever you are."

This got a laugh, and those who were sitting near Trip and Malcolm's table urged Malcolm to his feet and to go forward. He had the daunting task of making his way through the crowds to reach the front. Trip went with him, probably to make sure he didn't suddenly make a detour to the exit. Looking somewhat bemused, he mounted the platform and turned to face Kelly.

"Don't look so nervous, Lieutenant." she told him. "You're among friends here, you know. Well, I think we can safely say that at least fifty-one of us would like to think that we are your friends."

"It's - er - very comforting to know that." Malcolm managed to say. "I suppose I've got to sit on this - um - throne, now?"

"Of course." Kelly gestured to the decorated chair, and Malcolm sat rather carefully, as if expecting it to collapse under him.

Everyone cheered once he was seated, especially Trip, who was looking very proud.

Captain Archer stepped forward.

"Ladies and gentlemen, just a few words, because I know you don't want a lot, to say how pleased we all are that this title has been won by someone who never expected to win. That's because he has no idea of the effect he has on others. Even Porthos is completely bowled over by him. He voted for Mr Reed right from the start."

There was loud cheering at this, but Archer, ignoring Malcolm's blushes, continued.

"I've been listening to what people have been saying this past week. I've heard some of the women saying that even a hint of a smile from Mr Reed is enough to turn their knees to jelly. Several times I heard the comment that Commander Tucker is the luckiest person on Enterprise, while some women have complained that it's not fair that Mr Reed should have no interest in the females on board. I agree that Mr Tucker is a very lucky man, and I sincerely hope that his and Malcolm's relationship goes from strength to strength."

Cheers and applause interrupted him, but he continued...

"I'm glad you all agree with me because now it gives me great pleasure to present Mr Reed with his prize." He turned and gave Malcolm a large bottle of champagne.

Malcolm looked at the label and commented, "That's quite a good one, Sir. Thank you."

"You're more than welcome, Malcolm, and don't forget you also have the dinner for four in the Captain's mess."

"About that, Sir, I'd rather not. Would you mind if I gave it away?"

"It's yours to do with as you please."

"I'd like Vanessa and Travis to have it. They can then each ask a friend along."

"That's very generous of you, Malcolm. From the looks on their faces, they both like that idea. But I don't know why you don't want it"

"I'd much prefer a candlelit dinner for two in my quarters, Sir."

"And I shall see that you get it." Archer was well pleased with the way things had turned out and was happy to give Malcolm what he wanted.

As Archer left the platform, Kelly stepped up.

"Lieutenant, as the sexiest person on board Enterprise you are going to have to pose for photos because everybody will want their own pictures, and I want some for the next issue of the newsletter. So on your feet, please, and strike a pose."

Malcolm hadn't a clue what sort of pose to strike, but people from all over the room were happy to tell him. He dutifully stood or sat as and when he was asked, doing his best to smile, and not scowl. After a while, someone suggested that he remove his shirt and show off his muscles. This was greeted with cries of "Yes, get it off!" Trip being the most vociferous.

Malcolm scowled at Trip and muttered so that only Trip could hear, "I'll get you for this."

Reluctantly he started undoing his shirt buttons. Immediately someone started singing the "stripper" song and soon most people had joined in. Surprisingly, Malcolm went along with it, undoing each button slowly and carefully, moving and swaying in time with the music, gradually removing his shirt to reveal his chest. When he finally flung his shirt across the room the audience went wild. They absolutely loved it. He couldn't have pleased them more if he'd tried.

But he hadn't finished. More photos were taken but this time Malcolm decided on the poses. First he hooked his thumbs into the waistband of his trousers, then he made a show of undoing the button in a very suggestive manner. He was certainly enjoying himself now. Trip decided to get in on the act and leapt up onto the platform to stand behind Malcolm He put his arms around Malcolm so that he could run his hands over his lover's chest, his chin resting on Malcolm's shoulder. Malcolm turned to look at Trip, a smile on his face, pleased to share this time with him.

Trip ran his hands downwards until he could tuck his fingers inside Malcolm's waistband. It made for some very sexy, erotic pictures, and the audience loved it.

Eventually Kelly called a halt to the session, "I think we had better stop before things get a bit out of hand. Could we possibly have the lieutenant's shirt back here, please, so that he can get decent again?" Said shirt was duly returned to Malcolm, who, rather reluctantly it seemed, put it on.

"We've had a fantastic competition which has definitely relieved the boredom of the past few weeks," Kelly said in closing the event. "But after Mr Reed's performance here tonight I, for one, will never look at him in the same way again. But don't worry, Sir, I don't think it's going to undermine your authority.

There's still plenty of food to be eaten and there will be music for dancing, so have fun for the rest of the evening."

Malcolm would like to have left early, but of course there was no chance of that. He was the centre of attention for the next hour or so.

At some point the other photos Kelly had taken of Malcolm had been put on display with his winning photo, and now people crowded round to see them, admiring his 'James Bond' poses and head-and-shoulders shot. And Kelly was actually taking orders for them!

Trip was approached by Lt. Hess.

"Commander, remember when Kelly whispered something to you in Engineering, a few days ago?"

"Yeah." Trip thought he knew what Hess was asking.


"I can tell you now. She said that Malcolm had won both the earlier rounds hands down."

"I thought he might have. And that suggests that some people got no votes at all."

"Yeah, but that's the way it goes. I'm more than happy with the result."

"So am I. Enjoy the rest of the evening, Sir." Hess winked at him and went off to find her friends.

"You know, Trip," said Travis some time later, "I do believe Malcolm's having a whale of a time."

"He is, isn't he? I've never seen him so happy. Who'd have thought something like this would do it for him?"

"Ooh, I just hope it lasts," Hoshi sighed. "Don't let anything burst his bubble."

"I'll do my best to keep his bubble intact." Trip put his hand in his pocket and took out a small box. "Just between the three of us, I got this for Mal, and I intend giving it to him tonight. Providing of course, I get the right answer to my question."

Hoshi was all agog. "What is it? Let's have a look."

Trip opened the box and there nestling in black velvet, was a golden band, with a row of diamonds, twinkling like stars, running through the centre.

"Oh, lovely!" Hoshi exclaimed, "We're going to have a wedding."

"Hey! Hush. I haven't asked him yet."

"Then hurry up and get on with it." Travis told him.

But Trip was in no hurry to end the evening - first he wanted to get Malcolm on the dance floor for a nice slow, smoochy number.


Silence had reigned in Trip's quarters for the last ten minutes. Trip and Malcolm were spooned together in the bunk after a frantic love-making session. They'd had their smoochy dance and more besides, then left as soon as was decently possible. Now they were sated, spent - and half asleep.

Then -



"Marry me?"

"Yes please."

Pause -

"You got me a ring?"

"Naturally. Only the best for the sexiest person on board."

"I love you very much, Trip."

"An' Ah love you, darlin'."

A few minutes later -



"We'd better tell the Cap'n."

"What? Right now?"

"Nah. In the mornin'."

Silence - then the susuration of lips meeting in a passionate kiss.


I hope you enjoyed this. Please let me know if you did, because I have a sequel which I'll post if you want it.