A/N I have finished my AP test, woohoo, so I got out at 11! Lol! And now I will update! Thanks for all the reviews people, and make sure to review this chapter, cuz I'm just two away from getting 100 reviews lol.
Disclaimer: "It is ludicrous to read the microwave directions on the boxes of food you buy, as each one will have a disclaimer: 'THIS WILL VARY WITH YOUR MICROWAVE.' Loosely translated, this means, 'You're on your own, Bernice.'"-Erma Bombeck
"'Awnie, om see what me found." Shannon said grabbing her brother by the hand and pulling him down next to her. He watched puzzled as she crawled forward disappearing under a table. "Om on." She insisted lifting up the table cloth and waving at her brother. Shawn shrugged but followed. "Lookie…" Shannon whispered excitedly lifting up the tablecloth on the other side and pointing to where their 'Auntie' Brenda and 'Uncle' Pete were standing several feet away arguing.
"Me see." Shawn said nodding at his sister. Shannon flashed him a wide dimpled grin and crawled out from under the table and walked over to Brenda and Pete. Shawn followed behind her.
"'Ance." Shannon commanded sternly. Pete raised an eyebrow at his goddaughter.
"With who?"
"Auntie Bren." Shannon responded. Brenda scowled at Pete when he looked at her.
"Would you care to dance?"
"But, Brenda how could you say no to those faces…?" Pete asked gesturing toward Shannon and Shawn who were looking up at Brenda with puppy dog eyes that they could only have learned from Patrick. Brenda could feel her resolve weakening under the identical stares of the kids.
"Fine, once." Brenda conceded.
Patrick and Robin…
"We're finally married." Patrick murmured leaning down to kiss his wife. He let out a laugh as he heard Annie shriek with disapproval.
"Yes we really are." Robin answered as she bent down to disentangle Alex from a curtain.
"Are we really going to leave them with…?" Robin asked glancing over at Brenda and Pete who were in another argument.
"Well, considering their godparents they really are the best choices." Patrick answered.
"Well…yeah…" Robin relented. "But…what if they kill each other…it looks more like they need a baby sitter…not like we should leave them alone with our kids…" Robin remarked watching as Brenda turned red in undisguised anger.
"It'll be fine." Patrick promised pulling Robin away from Alex and Annie and onto the dance floor. Robin grinned at him allowing him to spin her around.
"Just think a little over two years ago I couldn't stand you." Robin commented.
"Now that there, is a cheerful topic of conversation." Patrick responded with a smirk.
"Be serious, Patrick." Robin said although the attempt was halfhearted she found that his teasing rarely bothered her anymore.
"That's your job." Patrick answered grinning at her before glancing over her shoulder to make sure none of the kids were missing. He spotted Annie and Shannie right away they were holding hands and spinning in a circle. He spotted the boys they were on the other side of the room staring avidly at the ceiling. He looked up and found the source of their attention. A spider. Patrick shrugged to himself and looked back at Robin.
"I resent that." Robin responded,
"You resemble that."
"No, I do not; I meant what I said…" Robin said trailing off as Patrick leaned down and kissed her.
"You sure about that?" He murmured giving her his best dimpled smile.
"Yeah." Robin answered.
"Really?" Patrick asked kissing her again.
"No…" Robin muttered trailing off as she looked at her husband. All was right, after all this time everything had worked out for them, and she couldn't have been happier.
Review…or I will hold the sequel hostage…lol…Thanks for all the
reviews people!
Bonanza and AMC Addict
MRS. Nathan Scott
LuVtOdAnCe-lol, hey, Sophia! (My cousie!)