Darkness, that's all, it didn't hurt, it was rather peaceful. Torment, gone it was unexplainable, he had no real memory of what happened but all he knew was, he was happy.

Our story begins with our Phantom and his last dying memories, sad I know for some yes, but for others we're still parting. Oh by the way, the names Bonejangles and I will be taking over for our lovely Narrator. This takes place after our poor little baby; Corpse Bride had gone to wherever she is now.

Our poor Phantom, or Erik I believe his name is, I think Phantom sound better personally. He was lying on his death bed, a broken man, lost the love of his life in more ways than one. Unfortunately ever since she had died at the age of 53, Mrs. Christene de Chnagy had plagued our world. I'll say it, we hate her, we still do to this day and forbid the day when her idiot— I mean husband joins us too. Mr. Phantom as we have come to call him, came to us one stormy night after hours I might add. I was the first out there to greet the newbe, he was a bit frightened, but who isn't.

" Well who's we have here?" Mrs. Plum said eyeing our Phantom.

"Ah—um well . . . " was all he could stutter out

"Out of zea way, I want to zee him" Paul yelled as he scurried across the bar counter.

"He is good looking" Velma said, she's one of our new tenets.

"Hey haven't I heard of you before?" Mayhew said after taking a swig of his drink.

"Well Mayhew, don't just stand there tell us who it is" one of our younger members said, if you catch my drift.

"Aren't you the Phantom of the Opera?" Mayhew said and took another swig of his drink. The more recent members gasped, they certainly knew who he was.

"Well then, I need a new song" I said from the stage.

"W-who are you?" Mr. Phantom said.

"Oh don't mind Bonejangles, he makes up songs about how everyone dies" Mrs. Plum giggles childishly.

"Yea like Lord Bark-head" Ike, an old member laughed.

"Sing that one Jangles my man" General Bonesapart laughed.

"No" The Phantoms voice shot out; "Do you know a Mrs. De Changy". The whole bar groaned, as I said from that moment she got here we all hated her.

"Why do you want to hear about her?" Mrs. Plum scoffed.

"Christene de Changy had been nothing but trouble ever since she got here" Velma sneered.

"What do you mean?" Mr. Phantom said rather arrogantly and angry.

"Bone-daddy, tell 'im" Paul whistled.

"This is a story of love, hate and that girl we all love to hate" and I began my song.

" Poor little Christy, all on her own.

No one to cherish no one to hold,

Poor little baby, down in the dumps,

(Chorus) Oh yea so sad

She waited for a man to ask for her hand

Then came he truehearted man

Wearin' that mask he so proudly wears

(Chorus) Oh my, oh my some couldn't wait for this girl to die

They all tried to pray

But she wouldn't go away

He taught her to sing

She knew hod to dance

He was in her trance

(Chorus) Oh my, oh my some couldn't wait for this girl to die

They all tried to pray

But she wouldn't go away

Then came along

The flop of all flops

The second in command

Of Miss. Not love but lust

He kept her so close

And she fell in his trap

(Chorus) Oh my, oh my some couldn't wait for this girl to die

They all tried to pray

But she wouldn't go away

They fought for the girl of their dreams

But Mr. Rich and dear won

Like a prize won at a fair

She followed from the one she loved

(Chorus) Oh my, oh my some couldn't wait for this girl to die

They all tried to pray

But she wouldn't go away"

The whole room was silent, and our poor Phantom was truly down in the dumps.

"Awe Hun, you'll forget her soon" Mrs. Plum comforted him.

"Erik?" The voice of demise called from the room in the bar.