A/N: I made an idiot mistake and was recently alerted to it. Apparently chapters six and seven ended up being...well...the same friggin' chapter. I double posted. There really is no excuse for that kind of mistake, but in all honesty, I've been going through a lot of stress lately. Family troubles coupled with working longer hours, and have a lot of nieces and nephews to babysit, so writing time is far and few between. During those blissful moments when I can churn something out, I usually just work on my original fiction, or do research related to it. Sorry, but fanfics are not my highest priority. They never have been.

Again, I'm sorry for those unfortunate enough to read the double post, but I HAVE ammended the mistake. Chapter seven is now CHAPTER SEVEN. The real update has been made. The whole purpose of this authors note is to let you all know that you can go read it.

So no, this is not a chapter eight. I have started working on it though, and imagine my story will be finished in another three or four chapters. No sequel.

Thanks for reading, you guys have been wonderful.