This is dedicated to Chibi18-chan for continually probing me to update this! This is a short one…

DISCLAIMER: I do NOT own Hana-Kimi or Fruits Basket

"Don't worry…. We can just use the phone book," Sano said calmly picking up the phonebook next to the telephone.


Sano stared back at her muttering, "I didn't see it until now. You should have seen it too. Don't blame me."

Mizuki jumped up grabbing the book from him and flipping through the pages frantically.

"Honda…. Honda….. Honda…." Mizuki fingered through the lines skimming the last names.

Sano looked over her shoulder and stuck his finger down on the book right under "Honda".

"Ah! 584-3728!!!" Mizuki murmured as she grabbed a pen and paper and scribbled the number down.

She hoped up swiftly and hit Sano under the chin. Mizuki gasped dropping the phone book as Sano stumbled backwards holding his chin.

"Are you okay????" Mizuki choked out.

"Yeah…." He replied rubbing his chin.

"DON'T STAND THERE THEN! LET'S GO!!!!!!" Mizuki yelled dashing out of the house with the paper in her hands.

Sano stared at her and walked out of the house. Trying to keep up with her was useless. He shut the door and locked it slipping the keys into his pocket. As he started to get ready to trail after Mizuki he heard a quiet sob. He looked back and noticed Akito sitting next to the house crying.

He shrugged and decided not to approach her and ran down the road after Mizuki. All he could see was the little dot that was supposed to be her figure that started to get smaller and smaller. Breathlessly she swung open the hospital door and ran in towards the elevators. She jabbed the up button several times rapidly. The elevator beeped and the metal door slid open. Mizuki got in and hit floor 10. Sano arrived just in time to jump into the elevator before the doors closed.

"Why didn't you wait up for me?" Sano asked in between his breaths.

"You run too slow! We were supposed to be back quickly!"

"You didn't have to go that quick… This is a phone number not the end of the world.

"Well it's the only thing I can do so I should do it as quickly as possible!" Mizuki replied tapping her foot impatiently.

Sano didn't even have time to come up with a response. As soon as the elevator doors opened Mizuki popped out and ran over to the waiting room where everyone was waiting for them. Tiredly she handed the sheet to Hatori. She collapsed into a chair as Sano entered the room.

"You didn't need to overwork yourself, Mizuki-san," Hatori responded with a faint smile.

He held the paper in his hands shaking his head slightly as he walked over to the counter to finish up the paper work.

"I told you…" Sano muttered to Mizuki as he came into the room.

Mizuki rolled her eyes at him as she glanced around the room.

"Nakatsu hasn't returned yet?" she breathed.

"We thought he was with you!" Kagura cried.

"No…. He gave us the key but didn't follow…" Sano replied.

They all looked at each other worriedly. This wasn't good. Before they could say anything more a doctor came into the waiting room. He lowered his mask down from his mouth. He didn't get to get a word in before the Sohmas all crowded around him.

"How is she?" Yuki and Kyo were the first to say anything.

"Relax. She's conscious now. I'll let you all visit two at a time. Don't wear her out. At this state she is still pretty weak and delicate," He answered calmly.

Everyone let out a sigh of relief. She was okay. That was all that mattered. They all took a step back smiling faintly.

"So who are the lucky two that get to visit our flower first?" Shigure asked with a smile.

Everybody peered around at each other waiting for someone to speak up.

"Us!" Kyo and Yuki responded in unison.

They both stood up abruptly relieved yet anxious. Nobody tried to stop the two young rivals as they made their way to her room.

"Tohru!" They both exclaimed sliding her door open and rushing to her sides immediately.

"How are you feeling?"

"Are you okay?"

"Yuki-kun! Kyo-kun!" She smiled at them both.

Tears filled her eyes.

"Hey! Why are you crying??" Kyo exclaimed in a state of panic.

They both dropped down at opposite sides of her bed each clutching one of her hands in theirs. Tohru looked at each of them attempting to blink back her tears.

"Are you okay Honda-san?" Yuki asked looking at her through concerned eyes.

She nodded weakly a faint grin still spread across her face. Tohru tried to sit up straight but ended up wincing and sliding back down on her bed. Both of the boys placed a hand on her shoulders keeping her from trying to move anymore.

"Don't move," Yuki told her gently.

"Yeah! For once I agree with the damn rat. Just rest," Kyo agreed.

"I'm okay… really!" She choked out as she used her arm to wipe away her tears.

The two of them gazed at her not believing her words one bit.

"When will you learn? You don't have to pretend to be okay all the time. We both know you're hurting badly right now so just tell us, got it?" Kyo added.

He looked at her though gentler eyes that showed care for the bedridden girl. Yuki's eyes had a similar look in them. Tohru's brown orbs couldn't help but fill up with tears again.

"Honda-san, don't cry," Yuki murmured wiping away her tears with his forefinger.

"It does hurt Kyo-kun…. Really bad…. But Yuki-kun, I'm crying because I'm so happy!" Tohru responded joyfully.

"Happy?" Yuki and Kyo asked in the same startled voice.

They gave her confused looks, wordlessly asking her to explain.

"At first I thought I wasn't going to make it. It hurt that bad…. I thought I wouldn't have a chance to help save you two and the rest of the zodiac. That made my heart ache," Tohru explained softly.

Yuki and Kyo exchanged guilty looks. The whole time that her life was in danger she couldn't help but feel bad for them. She didn't even realize how much she had already helped to save them. One by one she had changed each of their lives for the better. Yet she didn't even know it.

longer chaps? Review! Comment? Flame? Just say your thoughts:3

Fun fact: I originally typed this in PINK!